《Bootcamp Profile Guide》What is the Bootcamp Mentorship Program?


The Bootcamp Mentorship Program was started in 2020 by a couple of Wattpad Stars who wanted to help Wattpad writers polish their manuscripts in preparation for the Wattys. and built the program, with the support of other kindhearted users, and word started spreading about the mentorship. At the end of the 2022 Bootcamp season, Sal handed her baton to a former mentee turned mentor turned Bootcamp admin. Welcome AJ!

How does the program work? It's pretty simple, really. We invite Wattpad writers who are passionate about crafting award winning stories to join us during the Bootcamp Mentors season. The season runs and is broken up into two phases; the workshop phase and the mentorship phase. In order to submit your story to a Bootcamp mentor, you must have and it must bebefore our submission window closes. Keep reading for more details.

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The Bootcamp Mentors are made up of Wattpad Creators, Paid Stories writers, Exclusive Wattpad writers, and published authors - all of whom have experience in crafting stories that engage and delight readers. These folks have skill sets spanning every genre, from thriller to humor, and all the chewy goodness in between. A mentor's job, come Bootcamp submission time, is to sift through the stories submitted by Wattys hopefuls and choose the manuscript that resonates with them. For a period of three (3) months (June through August), mentors work with their mentees helping them improve their Wattys story. Mentors are not proofreaders or line editors, but they will tell you what makes a good story and what can be left on the cutting-room floor. When all is said and done, the mentee will have a story worthy of Wattys submission.

If you meet the criteria listed above and you are interested in becoming a mentor, please message us through a PM or leave a comment and we will be in touch.


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Anyone interested in submitting their work to the Wattys can submit said work to a Bootcamp mentor. The only requirement is that your submission by complete, be edited to the best of your ability, and meet the Wattys criteria (see for eligibility). You will also need to write a story summary aka synopsis, a book blurb, and a logline. This means you need to be ahead of the game, because our mentors begin taking submissions the , with the window remaining open until . The mentee list will be released on , and mentees will work on their Wattys submissions with their mentor through . Another fun aspect of being a mentee is the at the end of the program. Mentees will introduce their stories with cover, blurb, logline, and the first 1,000 words, which will live on our profile indefinitely.

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Because we are committed to helping our fellow writers learn and grow in their craft, we hold prior to mentee submissions.These workshops are conductedin throughon (a messaging platform). You can also find helpful advice about the world of writing and best practices for author branding in the and. If your story is not quite finished when the workshops begin, you can still participate in the workshops. If you wish to submit your story to a Bootcamp mentor however, your story must be complete and available on your Wattpad profile before the mentor submission window closes.

Thanks for stopping by to learn about this mentorship program. If you have any questions or would like more information, drop us a message in the comment section or in a PM.

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