《Brunette》Part 54


It's been a week since we got here.

I called the other girls and told them if they wanted to see us they had to get tested.

Now they're here.

"So none of you have been in public since you got tested?"I ask.

All of them nod.

"You told us what we had to do to see you and so we did it,"


"Auntie Mila I missed you,"Electra says and climbs onto Camilas lap.

"I missed you too Violet,"

"What about me?"Gia asks.

"I missed you Gia,"Lauren J. says picking her up.

"What about me? No one missed me?"Dinah asks.

"Dinah they probably don't even remember. You all left a year after they were born other than Camila, Lauren, and Sabrina,"

A silence takes over all of us.

"Why is it so awkward between us?"

"Because we haven't seen each other in years. Things changed,"

"I don't like that,"

"I don't think any of us do,"

"Mommy what's happening?"Electra asks.

"Nothing baby. Nothings happening,"

"Can't we just act like we never left?"

"Yeah I guess,"

"I have film today,"I groan.

"Do a vlog or something,"Lauren says leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I guess I could,"

"Mommy I want ice cream,"Electra says.

"We'll get ice cream then,"I say.

"Later, you haven't eaten anything yet,"Lauren says.

All day yesterday we went shopping, got the girls ice cream, came back and watched movies.

"Lo, how different do you think our lives would be without the twins?"I ask looking at the sleeping kids on the bed on the other side of the room.

"I think everything would be different. Why?"She asks.

"I don't know,"

She runs her fingers through my hair.


I grab my phone off of my nightstand and Lauren kisses my head.

"I'm hungry,"I mumble.

"Babe it's literally six am. You can wait,"She says.

"This is the perfect time to make food. Cause everyone's asleep, and they won't wake up until like ten. So we don't have to cook for them, until we're hungry again,"

"That's smart,"

"Yeah so come on,"

We already brushed our teeth and everything.

"What do you even want to eat?"Lauren asks as we walk into the kitchen.

"See I didn't think it would get this far. I honestly thought you'd tell me to fall back asleep and hold me there. I have no idea,"I say.

"How about pancakes?"She asks walking to the cabinets.


She grabs the pancake mix and turns to face me.



"Do you want anymore kids in the future?"She asks.

"Why are you asking?"

"I just want to know. Like are the twins gonna be the only kids?"

"Lauren why are you asking me this right now?"

"I just want to know,"

"Honestly I don't think so. I don't want anymore,"

"Why not?"She asks placing the mix on the counter.

"I only wanted one to begin with, then we had twins. Two is enough,"

"In the future? Where we actually have control over getting pregnant?"

"Lauren I love you, I love the girls. I'm just done. I don't want any more kids,"

"Wait you wanted one?"

"Yeah, one,"

"You told me multiple times that you wanted more than one kid,"

"You wanted that. I just told you what you wanted to hear,"

"No more?"

"No Lauren. No more kids. It's changed my life to much already,"I say and start walking to the living room.


"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"She asks following.

"I was supposed to go to college, get a job, move here with the girls. Instead I got stuck with changing diapers, feeding two kids, missing out on life,"

"Missing out on life?"

"Lauren I don't regret having the girls. All I'm saying is I missed out on so much,"

"The thought of you regretting having the girls, didn't even cross my mind. Why the hell are we arguing?"

"You brought it up,"

"Why didn't you tell me before the wedding?"She asks.

"Would it have changed anything?"

"I want a big family, more than two kids! I thought you wanted that! I thought we were on the same page! I want a wife who wants that!"


"Don't, you lied to me. You've been lying to me for years,"

"I'm sorry,"

"Sorry doesn't fix this. Make yourself breakfast and wake the girls up. I'm going on a run,"She says walk to the door to put her shoes on.

She walks out and I sit on the couch.

"Hey I heard yelling,"Sabrina says walking into the room.

"Sorry if we woke you up,"I say.

"What wrong?"She asks sitting next to me.

"Nothing. I just fucked up again,"

"That didn't seem like nothing,"

"Can we not talking about this right now?"

"Yeah, do you want me to wake the twins up?"She asks.

"No let them sleep,"

"But didn't Lauren say-"

"She isn't here right now. If they're asleep leave them. She's not the only one that calls the things,"

After about 20 minutes Lauren walks in.

"Where are the girls?"She asks looking at me and Sabrina.


"I told you to wake them up!"

"I didn't want to. If they're tired let them sleep,"

"I told you to wake them up. Go wake them up,"

"No, they're my kids,"

"They're mine too,"

"Actually they aren't related to you in any way at all. They came from me and your ex boyfriend,"

"What the hell did you just say!?"

Sabrina gets up.

"I can't help you,"She walks upstairs.

"They're our kids!"

"They're my kids Lauren,"

"Why did I marry you?"

"Because we love each other,"

"It doesn't seem that way right now,"

"Come on Lauren. It was one comment,"

"Yeah and that one comment hurt. I know they aren't related to me! You don't have to remind me! I see them everyday! I love them! Both of them! But every time I look at them I see him! I'm okay with that as long as they're safe. It sucks that we can't have our own children!"

"Lauren they are safe, they're happy, they're healthy, but they're still my kids,"

"When are we gonna tell them that I'm not their mom?"

"When they're old enough to understand this,"

"The things I learned today. You're not the woman I married. I love her not you,"She walks upstairs and I hear the door slam shut.

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