《ginger & brunette {an Elmax ff}》Chapter 7 - Nana?


Eleven's POV:

I slowly open my eyes. The first thing I see, is Max' red hair. Oh right! She's here! I'm immediately happy. I yawn and sit up in my bed. I look at my bedside table, where my clock is standing. It shows me "8.39am". What should I do? Should I let Max sleep or should I wake her up? Meh.. I let her sleep.

I think I'm going to dress up. I go to my closet, as quiet as possible and open it.

Max' POV:

I hear something creak and open my eyes. Wait where am I again? Oh- yeah, at El's.

My eyes slide to the left. There's Eleven and she probably just closed the door of her closet. She has a brown-purple shirt and white jeans in her hands. Wait no fuck- now she's pulling of her pajama!!! Ouf. Oop- there we go - I see her boobies. Woah mama. Wait- what- no. Give her some privacy, for fucks sake, Max. Her body is so pure and perfect shaped...

I try not to explode and close my eyes. After a while I decide to get a sneak peek and slightly open my eyes. Ah phew, she's dressed. Now I can pretend, that I just woke up.

After I dressed up, we go downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning you two! How did you sleep?", Joyce greets us. That's so nice of her to ask. "W-We slept great", I answer her. El nods in agreement. "That's amazing to hear. Well why don't you sit with us and have breakfast", Joyce smiles. We go over to the table. I sit beside Eleven and we start to eat. El immediately grabs the Eggos. I look amused at her. "Eggos are da best", she explains with her mouth full. I laugh. "Lemme try", I say, grab an Eggo and take a bite. "Woah these aren't too bad", I smirk. I put some maple syrup on the waffle and finish it. Delicious.

When we finish breakfast, we brush our teeth and pack my things, because I already got to go. I don't really want to, but I have to. "Thanks for all this fun", I say, as we are downstairs. "Anytime", El smiles. For a moment we just stand there and don't know what to do or say. I decide to hug her. One last moment cherry-blossom-smell and I rush out.

There's our small house. Billy is home, I already hear his stupid music from outside. I pick up my skateboard and unlock the door. As soon as I enter, the smell of sweat swells towards me. He's working out. Again. "Max? Is that you again?!", he shouts as 'greeting'. "YES YOU FUCKER", I shout back. Fuck that slipped. He's going to be so mad. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!", he yells and I hear his steps coming towards me. Shit. He's going to hit me again. There he comes. He's all sweating and red in his face. "Would you repeat what you just said", he says, in his ironically calm tone. "I said yes you fucker", I answer him. "That's not how you talk to me Maxine. You know what happens, when you disrespect me", he tells, with his shitty, evil smirk. He slaps me. It hurts, but I just close my eyes. "If you tell Susan or Neil, I'm going to kill you", he adds. I nod and go up to my room. I put my backpack on my bed and look at my reflection in the mirror. My cheek got really red and its bleeding a little bit. What a nice and warm welcoming. Just wow.


I go to the bathroom and put cold water on it. It's cool. I wipe the little bit of blood away and go back to my room.

Eleven's POV:

It's finally weekend again. School is so boring; but with Max is everything better. I have finally someone to talk to during break. It's so much nicer to talk to another girl, than always talking to boys.

The doorbell rings and snaps me out of my thoughts. I get up and rush downstairs, shouting that it's for me. That's Mike.

I open the door. There he is. "Hey", I say and hug him."Hey El", he says, takes my hand and follows me upstairs. Before we go into my room, he stops. I look confused at him. "Is Will there?", he asks. He always asks that. "Yea", I answer him. "Can I- uh?", Mike asks, pointing at the door. "Yeah sure whatever I'm waiting in my room okay?", I tell him. "I'll be quick", he promises and I go to my room.

Mike's POV:

I knock at his door. "Uh come in?", Will says. I open the door and enter. "Oh? H-Hey Mike", Will stutters. I smile (because I can't stop it). "Hey Will", I greet him. "So uh I just wanted to say hi and all... uh so uhm how are you doing?", I ask. Will nervously smiles. "But we met yesterday Mike, we talked all day", he chuckles. Shit, right... "Well okay that's true", I laugh. "You can sit if you want", he offers. "Yeah sure", I say.

We start to talk about arcade games, D&D and other will-mike-stuff.

A while later, or so I think, the door opens. There's standing an annoyed Eleven. "Okay Mike I've been waiting for over an hour, are you visiting me or your Willy boo boo bear?", she says. Will and me exchange surprised looks. Will's blushing a bit. "Since when do you have this attitude?", I say outraged. She rolls her eyes. My first time seeing this. "Are you coming or not", she adds and looks at me. "Y-Yeah", I mumble. "See you later man", I voice to Will and stand up. Me and El go to her room, I close the door and we sit on her bed. "Sorry. Didn't mean to be so annoyed", she says. I rise my eyebrows and nod. I really do not understand girls. Or El. But I need to apologize too. "It's okay El, I'm sorry too. I forgot the time", I apologize and take her hand. "Should we put on some music?", I propose. "Yeah sure", she smiles.


After we made out a couple of times, we're just sitting now, talking and vibing to the music.

Eleven's POV:

It's already dark outside. Me and Mike are making out for the like 1000th time. We don't hear the steps coming towards my room and we're frightened as the door bursts open. My lips slip away from Mike's and I turn around. There's Hopper. My eyes wide and I slam the door with my powers. "EL OPEN THIS DOOR!", Hopper shouts from the outside. Me and Mike exchange a look, grab some comics and sit away from each other. Hopper jolts intensively on the doorknob. "OPEN THE-" I let go. He almost falls on the floor of my room. He looks really weird at us and we stare back.

"What's wrong?", Mike asks. Hopper looks like he want to scream at us, but he doesn't. "Let this door open for minimum 3 damn inches, you understand me?", he grumbles. We nod half-hearted and he leaves the door open for about three inches. Me and Mike start to laugh so hard.

About half an hour later(we still make out), Hopper returns.

"Get away from eachother", he states. "Jeez", I mumble. Hopper takes my desk chair, puts it infront of my bed and takes place on it. "So uh ... I want to talk with you", he starts. "Oh oh- I think we're in trouble", Mike smirks. Hopper's face isn't looking very delightful. He's a bit red in his face. Mike leans towards me. "His face is gonna explode after this speech, don't ya think", he whispers. I chuckle and Hop's face is turning into an "I-really-want-to-kill-this-boy"- look and Mike is grinning from ear to ear. "You know what? It's about your grandma. Your mom called and she's very sick. I should be driving you home now.", the chief says. Mike's grin is gone. "Come on get away from my girl and follow me outside", he adds. "Uh okay..", Mike mumbles, with a very concerned look on his face. Hopper goes outside the room, not putting the chair back. "Well guess I got to go, right?", Mike says and kisses me one last, quick time. "I'M WAITING", Hopper shouts from the outside and I say goodbye to Mike and wish the best health for his grandma. Weird.

Next day I wake up from the sunshine. It's shining through the window and it's bathing my room in a sweet honey-yellow tone. It's giving me a summer-vibe. So my thoughts lead to ... Max. Max? What?... Oh I know why. She smells like summer. I miss the smell. Or even her. But we just saw us yesterday in school...?

Wait what's the time- it's 9.40am. Mike is supposed to come at 9.30? Maybe he went into Will's room again. I get up, yawn and pull on the same clothes as yesterday, too lazy to pick any new. I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth. As soon as I'm done, I go to Will's room and knock.

"Will? Can I come in?"

"Yeah fine"

I enter his room. Mike's not there.

"Did Mike come already?"

"Uh no.. why?"

"He's supposed to come at 9.30 and it's already 9.50"

"Oh.. well he's never even late, right?"

Will asks with a concerned face.


"I'll call him"

I add and go downstairs.

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