《Perhaps is Love (TinCan)》🌷 (9)
Can had been thinking about it throughout the week. In that week Tin only separated from Can to attend class, the other part of the time was always with Can. Can felt strange, still prevailed in him the fear of being more than friends, but something in his heart told him that he had to take a risk but it would happen again the last time. Pete had told him how Tin had had a hard time after Can asked him to be friends, Can not want to make Tin feel bad again.
On the other hand Tee had not given up, he was always going to meet Can and on more than one occasion he participated in verbal fights with Tin for Can's attention.
It was a day in which Can was in the football field for his training that the desperation reached his body and as the quiet person he was began to make jumps all over the place.
-What the hell is wrong with my brother? .- Ley asked her friend Chompoo, as always both girls were watching football training.
-I think P'Can has a lot of energy today, Ley.- Chompoo answered smiling.
-It's the fault of that guy Tee, he always gives my stupid brother a lot of candy.- Ley responded with a frown.- How lucky is Can, with how ugly he is and a boy handsome as Tee courting him.
-P'Can is not ugly.- Chompoo answered.- I say he is not handsome as P 'Ae but he is not ugly at all.- Chompoo assured.
Ley just looked at her friend in disbelief.
A bench above Pete and Tin could hear the conversation of Lemon and her friend, so they turned their eyes to Can.
-I would stop you from wanting to kill people, but at this moment I am in the same position as you.- Pete commented to Tin from nothing.
-That guy Tee touches my nerves.- Tin replied looking at Can who was still jumping across the field.
-P'Typeeeee.- Can called to the eldest.
- What happened Can? .- the older asked.
-How much more should I expect for Tin to ask me to be his boyfriend? .- a hyperactive Can asked.
-He has not touched the subject again? - Type asked, Can denied.
-He just kisses me and does strange things in my neck, the other day ... - Can not finish because Type covered his mouth.
-I don't need to know that, Ai'Can.- a grimace of disgust adorned the face of Type.- It is not necessary that you wait for him to ask you, why do not you ask him? .- Type suggested.
-P'Typeeee, I have no experience in this, I've never done it before, how could I? .- Can asked dropping into the grass.
"There's always a first time for everything." Type said smiling and ruffled Can's hair.
-You would help me? - Can asked to his P '
-Sure Can, we're a team.- Type replied smiling and Can smiled back, I'd have to think about something soon.
-Can that guy Tee is out again, it's something creepy.- Ley called his brother.
What Tee felt about Can little by little had turned into an obsession, he had become a true Can stalker.
-Ley, I have some fear.- Can told his sister while clinging to his arm.
-And if we call P'Tin? .- Ley suggested, at this point of life Ley (with much pain) had realized that the heart of his P'Tin did not belong to his perfect P'Pete but to his ugly brother. At first she did a tantrum but after five minutes later, realizing that she would have BL action in his own house was the happiest person in the world. One day she helped Tin to spend the night in Can's room, without a doubt Ley became a good ally of Tin.
-Don't! .- Can exclaimed. - If Tin finds out he will be very crazy. Let him get tired and leave.
-and if he never leaves? .- Ley asked scared and Can just turned to see her with the same expression.
-I've got a PLAAAAAN! .- was what Can came screaming to the locker room of the soccer team.
-Oiii Can, why are you screaming? .- Techno complained.
-Ou, P 'after thinking so much I finally have a plan and you complain? You hurt me. "Can said while touching the part where his heart was.
Type denied smiling and approached his Nong.
-Ai'Can tell us, what's your plan? - Type asked, putting an arm around Can's shoulders.
Can smiled and asked with a hand gesture that the rest of his team will come up to form a circle and start talking in secret.
-ARE YOU CRAZY? I REFUSE TO PARTICIPATE IN THAT.- Ae said crossing his arms angry.
-But Ai 'Ae.- and Can made one of his pouts to which no one can resist.
-Only because you're my friend Ai'Can has nothing to do with that boy, ugh I don't know how you like it.- Ae still spoke angry.- It's a social suicide that you want to do Can.- Ae continued.
-I don't think so, it sounds romantic.- Techno commented and several of the team seconded his opinion.
-Then it will be in the end, what if we lose? - Type asked.
-We can't lose.- Can replied, frowning.- I didn't really think about that, I was so happy planning it that I didn't think about losing, we can't lose, guys we will not lose.- Can spoke very fast.- My love life It's in your hands.
-Do you mean that there is no plan B? .- This time it was P 'Champ's turn to speak, Can only denied with a smile.
-I can't believe.- Ae responded by covering his face with one of his hands.- We even have to win for that Ai 'Asshole- Can smiled at him as an apology.
-Ai'Tin will be there anyway Can, he never loses a game of yours.- It was what Pete answered one day when, Can, Ae and Pete was eating.
"Anyway, Pete, I must make sure." Can responded nervously.
-Everything will be fine, Can.- were the words of encouragement that Can received from the always sweet Pete.
The preparations were on the right track, Tin didn't even suspect anything, which was pretty weird, but not as weird as the fact that Tee had not shown up in a full week.
Can not give much importance, perhaps the boy had tired of being aware of him.
The final match would be on Saturday and it was already Thursday, as every day since the planning of the project that Pond called "Can stop being a virgin" and ChaAim corrected (not before giving a blow to the head to her boyfriend) began. for Saturday Night love !, Can's friends, his sister and Can himself were with the preparations, obviously Pete was out there with Ae distracting the prince of the ice, and only missing a couple of things, Can said to his friends that he could take care of the rest so there were no problems and they could retire, after all he was still going to take a shower, Ley told him she would wait for Can in the stands. All the other boys said goodbye and left.
Once Can's friends left not long after he finished with the final details, he felt his emotion on the skin, combined with a huge uncertainty, what if Tin said no, suddenly Can He felt suffocated, Tin would say no, how could he face it later, many uncertainties suddenly attacked his conscience.
Can was so immersed in his thoughts that the notification of a new message on his cell phone made him jump a little.
-Shit! my poor heart.- Can unlocked the screen of his cell phone and continued to read the content of the text, a small smile formed on his lips as he read those lines, it was a message from Tin saying that he had missed him and wished him a good night, suddenly all the fear can had felt was forgotten.
Without giving an answer to Tin, Can began to take off the shirt and continued with the pants, his hands were in the elastic of his boxers about to begin to lower them when a pair arms around his waist, alarmed Can jumped into place and the moment of turning his face was filled with horror to meet with Tee.
-Tee, what are you doing? Leave me! .- Can uncomfortably began to remove in his arms, trying to break free.
-Do you know how long I can wait to find you alone, Can? - Tee asked in Can's ear, causing him to stir again uncomfortably.- Much! A long time, I followed you everywhere, you were always with your sister, with the stupid of your friends or the despicable of Medathan.
Tee ran his hands down Can's bare chest.
"let me go." Can stirred until he managed to get rid of Tee's grip, turned and gave a clenched fist on Tee's cheekbone. "What's wrong with you?" Can yelled at Tee.
-I love you! You have to be mine.- Tee shouted back and tried to take Can one more time.
-No Tee! That's not the way things are. - Can spoke once more and held Tee by the shoulders." You're not like that, Tee, calm down.
-You do not know me, Can.- Tee spoke. -And if you don't want to be with me for good, it'll be bad.- Then a new fist came to Tee's face.
-Not by the good or the bad. -Can responded already angry.
Tee did not waste much time and as much as he liked Can returned the blow to his cheek, very close to the lip, breaking it at once.
Can touched the blood and then looked with displeasure at Tee, Tee did not waste time and directed a new blow to the stomach of Can, Can cried out of pain but that did not stop him from continuing to hit Tee, they threw themselves to the floor, in a quick movement Tee stood on Can's body tilted his face and abruptly clasped his lips against Can's, kissed him so wildly that he even bit the little Can's lips to the point of making them bleed, Can obviously resisted such an attack, moving his face in search of liberation, however the fact of having on top of his body to Tee did not help much, the boy was heavy.
-Hey Can! we find Ley at the food stand and she told us you were here, you need help ... - Ae didn't finish to completing that question when the scene in front of him made his blood hot, before the astonished look of Pete who came with him, walked quickly to Tee and Can and separated the first from the poor boy.
-Ai 'Ae.- Can whined and it was the only thing Ae needed to hit Tee's face.
Pete anguished approached Can and wrapped him in his arms, the poor boy was beaten and bleeding from the mouth.
Tee returned the punch to Ae and they started fighting.
-Ai 'Pete, we must separate them.- Can spoke anguished.
Pete supported that, because he knew that Tee belonged to a powerful family, if he wanted he could get his boyfriend in trouble and Pete did not want that. Can and Pete approached both boys and tried to separate them until this was possible.
- I don't want you to come back to Can, understood? - Ae spoke in the most angry tone he had, the only time Pete had seen Ae like this was when Trump attacked him.
- You don't give me orders.- Tee answered, turned around and hugged Can.- Please listen to me.- Tee asked, Can looked doubtfully at Tee and then looked at Ae this one denied immediately.
-I'll talk to him.- Can answered looking for his clothes to continue to put on while Ae looked at him incredulously.
-We'll wait for you outside.- Pete answered with a smile, taking his boyfriend from there.
-Ai 'Pete, we have to tell Tin.- Pete looked at his boyfriend with surprise, he had never got along with his best friend.- Don't look at me like that, I trust more in that bastard than Tee, I'm sure that Tin will want to know.
-Ai' tin not only want to know, he will kill Tee, but you're right, we must call him, anyway Can is very beaten and you also, look at this.- Pete worried touched the eyebrow of his boyfriend.
"Call him." Ae answered and Pete nodded.
Tin had just finished bathing when his cell phone started ringing at the table where his computer was located, as soon as he saw that the call was from Pete, he answered instantly.
- Pete? .- Tin asked nothing else answered the call.
-Ai'Tin you have to come to the university, but you have to come calmly and promise me that you will not do crazy.- Pete spoke worriedly.
Tin's frown puckered at Pete's words, that did not sound right, something inside stirred uncomfortably.
-In what part of the university are you? .- Tin asked Pete.- I'm already going there.
-In the locker room of the football field.- Pete answered unsure.
Tin heard the answer of his friend ended the call and quickly left his apartment, luckily the new place where he lived was not far from the university so once he got there and parked his car he went at a rapid pace towards the place where Pete had told him.
When Tin reached the locker room he watched the faces of Pete and Ae, the latter was beaten, Tin felt only a little pain for him.
-What happened? .- Tin asked Pete however he didn't answer and looked at his boyfriend. Ae frowned and looked at Tin.
-Tin.- Ae called him.- We came here to help Can with something but when we came this stupid boy was on top of him kissing him, he was forcing Can to kisses! He hit it! The two are very beaten, we think that Can was able to defend him, but they are there, Tee is really crazy, he hugged him and asked him to speak, but we are afraid that he will do something to him and I know that we hate each other but you're a better person than that jerk, Can is my best friend. "Ae spoke looking very hard at Tin.
Tin's hands turned fists and he started walking inside the locker room, he was angry, he was furious, however he was grateful that Pete and Ae had arrived in time to stop the stupid Tee.
-Can ... Sorry.- Tee was sitting on the floor, with his back leaning on one of the lockers.
-Which of all things is that "I'm sorry"? .- Can asked making a pout with his lips .- I don't know why IC guys like to steal kisses .- Can added .- But it's okay, I forgive you, just don't do it again I like Tin.- Can said in a very low tone, but audible enough for Tee.
-Is that so? .- Tee asked. - What does Tin have that I don't have? We both have money, I appear in magazines! I was the face of the year in a famous magazine, you know?
Can denied before that.- No, I don't know ... because I don't read magazines.
Tee let out a sigh and denied smiling a little.
-I can't believe you're like that.- Tee answered.
-honestly I don't know what I like about Tin, I only know that when I'm with him I feel a sensation in my stomach that I had never experienced before, at first I thought I was hungry, but then my heart would accelerate when I was near or he kisses me , it's weird the way love works and I've never been in love before, I think love is sweet when you try it for the first time, at first I thought that he was an asshole, He kept staring at myself and judging because i'm poor, I guess we both had different opinions from each other, but as time passed and we became close he showed me that he was not a bad person and that on the contrary he would never say it openly but only sought to protect his friend.
, which is not very different from what I wanted to do too. When I started to feel jealous I didn't like it and I tried to run away from that, because Nong'Tee jealousy is horrible! .- Can assured while moving by the shoulders to Tee.
-You Tell me, every time I saw you near him I wanted to kick him.- Tee answered smiling, there was no more malice in his speech, the pure and innocent feelings of Can had touched his heart. I ask you to forgive me once more for everything Can.- Tee took his right hand to can's hair and tousled them without blurring his smile.
Can responded by denying while smiling in the same way.
-I want to take care of Tin, I decided a long time ago.- Can answered with confidence.
"Tin is a lucky guy." Tee said to Can while he sighed.
Behind a locker Tin was leaning listening to the conversation between the two boys, at first he wanted to go in and hit Tee in the face, but Can's words talking about his feelings touched him.
-Cantaloupe.- Tin called him once he was where the other boys were sitting.
-Oiii, Tin! I told you not to call me that. "Can responded by throwing a tantrum.
Tin approached him and helped him stand on the ground, then also offered his hand to Tee to do the same, only when the moment he stood up, Tin struck a direct punch on his face.
-That's for hitting my Can, and this.- he gave another blow on the other cheek.- For kissing my Can.- Tin grabbed Can's hand and took him out of the place, but not before turning his face and dedicate one of his coldest looks to Tee.- I don't want to see you again. - Without saying more, both left the place.
Pete and Ae were outside waiting for them when the pair left, the four went to where Ley was and after picking her up without giving her many details of what happened so as not to worry, they left for their homes.
Tin left ley at Can's house and asked him to spend the night in his apartment, so he asked permission from Can's mother and she gladly gave him clothes so that his son could change.
Once in Tin's apartment, he suggested that Can take a bath, after all he hadn't the opportunity to do so in the changing rooms of the university.
That action didn't take long to be fulfilled by the little Cantaloupe.
Whe Can opened the bathroom door, once he finished bathing, Tin's arms cornered him on the wall.
-Tin ?, What's wrong? .- Can asked scared, Tin looked quite serious and didn't respond. - Tin?
Tin let out a sigh and placed his forehead against Can's.
-I'm upset.- Tin admitted closing his eyes.- I'm jealous, you're mine.- he growled.
Can smiled very dimly.
-What can I do to make you happy? .- Can asked while placing his arms around the neck of the tallest; before the question Tin separated from Can surprised and then passed his thumb down Can's lower lip .
-Hey! Kiss Monster, eh.- in can's mouth formed a pout.- But it's okay.- Without wasting a lot of time Can touched Tin's lips with a a tender and innocent kiss that lasted at least a few seconds, because it was Tin himself who finished it.
"I can't." Tin spoke with a frown.
-Eh? .- Can asked with doubt.
-I like you very much, I like you more than anything else in the world.- Tin held Can's face between his hands and then joined his lips to can's lips in a more demanding kiss.- I want to erase any trace that the lips of that Trash have left in you. "Tin spoke as he nibbled and licked Can's lips, for Can's part he corresponded more than happy and let himself be loved by tin.
That night after curing the blows of Can, Tin and Can slept embraced.
That night Tin also did strange things again in Can's neck, also in his chest and possibly in his thighs.
(🌷) Thanks for read!
(🌷) Next Update (maybe Next week maybe this weekend) Is the end of this history. 🤧
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