《One Bloody Waltz | Vampire!BTS x Reader》XI 🌹
My eyes opened, but instead of being in the comfort of my room, or Jin's room –Where I had fallen asleep- I was somewhere I couldn't recall, I knew I had seen this place before but I couldn't put my hand on it, especially as the sunlight blinded my eyesight. Where was I?
What was this place?
Setting a hand on my eyes as a shield, my eyes roamed around, trying to figure out where I was when I spotted a familiar fountain and turned-off fairy lights, it looked to me like it was a garden; the garden of the mansion I had been staying at. Question is; how had I ended up here?
I lowered my stare to my clothes, noting that I was still wearing the same clothing as last night, the scenery seemed far too real to be a dream, so I didn't really think about it, everything, from the splendid greenery to the greatness of the waterfalls, it seemed too realistic, too perfect, almost as if something was off.
My legs started moving, my curiosity getting the best of me. After all, I had to figure out how I had ended up here. I walked towards the door that would lead me back into the large mansion, noticing it was fully open. I didn't question it, I just entered, surprised to hear laughs and yelps coming from the kitchen. Excuse me; surprised to hear feminine laughs and yelps from the kitchen.
I let my legs lead me, and they led me to the source of those foreign noises that had never ever before filled this mansion's wall. Once I walked in, I was surprised by the sight. Yoongi, who was holding various music sheets, was sitting down with a female I had most definitely seen before, with Jin cooking in the background, a smile gracing both brother's expressions, and the girl's as well. They looked the same, but quite different, they looked far less classy and more casual, younger, happier. It was odd, was I stuck in some type of past dimension? I was completely lost. Even so, all questions left my confused brain as I saw her.
My mind raced back to where I had seen those baby doll lips and doe eyes and it hit me; the painting in the basement, the painting in the bell tower, it was most definitely her.
With a perfectly breathtaking complexion, a slim figure and a breathtaking smile, the messiness of her clothing and the outrageous state of her hair didn't even lessen her abstract beauty, the way her hair stood out and her clothes were dirtied made me pay more attention to her completely sublime face; to say she was beautiful would be an injustice to her unlimited charm.
The two boys that I was living with seemed entranced by her as I was, Yoongi eyed her with such interest and refined care, and Jin's eyes were filled with complete amazement at her, as she listened attentively to Yoongi's explanations concerning those music sheets. The looks in their eyes made me so uneasy, it was incomprehensible. Why would I be feeling this way? I felt as if I had a bird's egg nestled in my neck, it was such an unlikable feeling. To me, at that moment, it looked like they were inclined to her beauty, a beauty I didn't possess.
Not only her beauty, but her infinite grace, I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel full-on attracted to her, after all, her grace was utterly overwhelming, especially as she moved off from the stool to make her way out of the room, a rushed went through my being as she passed by me, not even taking care in my shaking figure, that's when it occurred to me that they couldn't really see me, or else they would've said so.
I could've sworn my eyes started to water, but I had no idea why, this troublesome feeling was nagging at my every nerve and it made me sickened, partially because I couldn't tell why I was feeling it and partially because I knew I was lying to myself, pretending not to know what was the reason behind it. I quickly dried my eyes and decided to follow her, since Yoongi and Jin weren't talking about anything, just smiling like two dorks.
Two dorks in love, that is.
I ran, following her skipping, practically flying, figure as she moved on from hall to hall, corridor to corridor, room to room. Was she perhaps, looking for someone? It seemed like my assumptions were right since she abruptly stopped when she spotted Jimin, a Jimin I couldn't quite recall. He looked quite childish, with his chubby cheeks and his natural brown hair, his eyes full of hope, but something about him hadn't changed, his adorable smile.
Seeing him smile, the young woman I was following gave him an awe-worthy smile, it was simply attractive, this woman was making butterflies flutter in my stomach but murdering my self-esteem all at once, it was so... aggravating. I wished to scream. She ran his way and I followed behind, stopping as she set her hands on her hips, giving him a sickeningly sweet pout. I could see it in Jimin's large eyes, he begged to kiss that pout, it was so noticeable.
"Jimin-ah! You've been ignoring me all week!" She declared, her voice was honey coated- Actually, scratch that, her voice was pure honey.
The younger male blushed, offering her a sad frown. "Mianhae, Noona. I've been busy with studying, Eomma says I still have a long way to go if I want to be the heir." He spoke, his hand meeting his hair as he pushed it back, earning a whine from the smaller girl.
"Jimin-ah! Don't tire yourself out! I don't want my future husband to be all tired when we marry!" She declared loudly and I swear, my eyes popped right out of their sockets.
Marry? Marriage? Husband? Heir? Marriage? Marriage?!
Jimin blushed, his cheeks heavily dusted with his embarrassment in color form. I choked on a little bit on my spit, unable to hear or believe what I just heard, or what followed.
"N-Noona... Don't say absurd things, you're g-going to marry J-Jin-hyung!" He declared and my choke just got chokier. I felt my breath leave my lungs, what were they talking about? If they were married then wher-
"Oh come on! You know I will never marry that boring guy! He's so serious and mother-like! I would never marry him! I'd hire him as a chef instead!" She spoke loudly and my eyebrows furrowed, what on earth?
"W-What about Yoongi-hyung, huh?" He questioned and she chuckled.
"He's so... stupid! All the time in his music sheets! He never cares about anything but his music, he never goes out either! He's even more boring than his brother! And to top it off, he's so dumb! He never studies! Not like you, Jimin-ah! Music is so useless!" She exclaimed and I felt my choke coming back once more. What?
This girl, this wide eyes and laughing girl who I'd just seen, a few moments ago so immersed in the idea of music was now saying that art was useless? I felt slightly betrayed, and I didn't want to know what Yoongi would've felt like if he heard her words, her unconsciously mean words.
I was hoping for a 'Just kidding' or a 'That's a joke! Duh!' following her harsh statements but nothing. This girl was the true meaning of foxiness. I hadn't expected her two-faced personality; I guess you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover, in this case, the cover was a honey coated cake slice, one with a bad taste, what a price.
Just a moment before, I felt like a mere speck of dust at the sole of her dirtied shoes, and now I felt genuinely shocked by her behavior. But perhaps, perhaps it was an act, I decided to simply keep listening on the conversation; maybe there was more to the story. I had been in such a trance though, I didn't catch the rest of the discussion, I simply caught the young woman kissing Jimin's cheek and his utter embarrassment before she skipped away once more; and I followed her so, my legs moving on their own.
Next step, she went into what seemed like a large study, and I followed her into it, sliding my body right through the small gap before she closed the door. There was a stern looking man, his dark hair messy, falling carelessly on his glass shielded eyes, they were lowered onto a number of papers and his tired complexion made me realize almost instantly who he was; he was the man who was standing with the serious woman I'd seen in the portrait, back in the basement. The serious woman I assumed was Yoongi and Jin's mother, which meant this had to be their father.
My eyes squinted slightly as I focused on him and how the girl seemed so comfortable around him, giggling as she took place behind him, wrapping her arms around his neck before she kissed his cheek and I swallowed; you have got to be kidding me. I started thinking about how he was carelessly cheating on his wife when I chose to get away from that route, perhaps she was simply close to him, and viewed him as a fatherly figure of some so-
Nope, nope, nope. You do not kiss your father on the neck, nope, and he does not lick your earlobe, nope.
I'd seen too much for today and I wished that I could just get away from whatever crazy place I was in; who was this girl? What kind of mess had she caused?!
I couldn't help but 'Yuck' as she and the much older man shared a passionate embrace, after all, despite her womanly looks, she didn't look older than twenty years old, and he looked to be forty of age, at the very least.
I couldn't look anymore, turning my head as they practically ate each other, it was... grotesque, and I honestly couldn't help but feel pity towards the woman that Yoongi and Jin called mother, she was... ruthless, from what I've acknowledged the night preceding this one, but she had every right to be, especially if her husband was treating her this way, her behavior was somewhat, understandable.
"Yah, jagiya, we shouldn't do this, we should stop... You'll be marrying my sons." The man spoke, amused and she chuckled, giving him a sad look as she played with his tie.
"Most likely, Taejoon-ssi, we should stop. Your wife must be so... angry that you have a mistress, she still loves me though," The young girl declared as she stood up from the desk, roaming around the room.
"She says I'd be the perfect daughter-in-law, she even bargains that when you two reconcile, she'll get pregnant again and if she gives birth to a daughter, she'll name it like I." She added and I listened intently, my mind catching every word, trying to match it with the words from Min Il-ri. Something clicked when I heard her last words, was she...
Troian? Troian Andrea?
I woke up.
My eyes fluttered open as I jolted upwards, sitting up instantly as sweat rolled down my neck. I felt... exhausted.
Talk about just getting up from a long needed sleep.
My head ached, so much, I felt it throbbing against my skull, the way it never had before, my legs ached as well, as if I had been running a thousand miles, my limbs felt utterly numb. I felt so disoriented, much like I had when I first came here, my chest heaved upwards and downwards with sickeningly uneven breaths, my lungs grasped at any bits of oxygen they could find, I was a mess.
I wasn't sure if I was even sleeping for the past half hour, that dream I had just seemed too real. I took a look at my surroundings, expecting to find a sleeping Jin by my side, but nope, oh no.
I was laying down on the cold wooden ground, standing up quickly, I looked around, my (E/C) eyes examining the room when I spotted the familiar desk, the numerous portraits, and the dead flowers, they had been alive when I... dreamed of this room.
I gasped a bit as I realized it was the same exact one from my dream, it wasn't shocking, since my dream had occurred in this mansion, but it was slightly worrying, after all, I had never been inside this room, not even once, how did I get here? And was that really a dream? It seemed... far too real.
I held my throbbing head as I walked towards the large wooden door, opening it before I shut it, deciding to just head into my room when I heard my name being shouted, I questioned it before I recognized the worried voice that belonged to none other than Jin.
I followed my hearing, finally stumbling across Jin in the large hallway that led to the bathroom.
"(Y/N)-ah!" He seemed quite worried, rushing towards me before he pulled me into his arms, it was quite unnecessary for him to do so but I simply assumed he had been worried over me considering I was kidnapped mere hours before, I understood his worry.
"I'm sorry Jin, I had to... go on a stroll." I chose to lie, why? I had no idea. I simply felt like I shouldn't tell him the truth, I couldn't argue my choice, since I just followed my gut instinct, which told me to lie.
"You don't have to explain yourself," He stated as he parted from the embrace he had me in, holding my shoulders firmly as he did.
"Just please, inform me, I was worried sick." He exclaimed and I couldn't help but swallow; did he know about that Troian girl and his father? Did he know that she had been involved with both him and the man he called 'Papa'? The thought made me gag.
I shook the thoughts away as I broke eye contact, not bearing to hold it. Even if he knew the truth, I didn't deem it possible for me to talk to him about the subject, if he had been comfortable with me, he would've mentioned it himself, but perhaps I should just ask.
I looked up at him as he pushed my hair behind my ear and I flinched, backing away slightly, from him, from his touch, from his affection.
"Jin... Who is Troian?" I asked and he seemed remotely shocked by my question, it looked like he was about to have a heart attack; if he knew the nature of her relations with his father, I wouldn't blame him.
"So mother spoke to you about her?" He asked and I was unsure, should I tell him about my dream? I decided not.
"Yes, she told me about her, Jin. I'm quite interested in knowing more, though." I demanded and he let out a sigh, pushing his brown hair back before his thumb grazed his lower lip, his succulent lower lip. Mind out of the gutter.
"When I kissed you yesterday, I genuinely hoped we'd wake up and I'd find you asleep next to me, and I'd make you breakfast and I'd bring it to you, and I'd feed it to you, like the princess you are," He started and my lips parted, expressing my pure awe before my cheeks reddened and I lowered my gaze, my hands finding each other as I twiddled with my thumbs. Jin chuckled.
"But I guess reality is different than our hopes, even so, I'm not going to give up that breakfast, so you're coming with me to the kitchen." He stated, pinching my cheek and I offered him a sorry smile.
"Hm?" I asked.
"Smile bigger." He demanded and I offered him the biggest smile I could muster, my eyes shutting in the process, I was happy to hear his chuckle before he grabbed my hand.
Once in the kitchen, he stated on how this breakfast would be more like a lunch than breakfast, it was half past noon after all and I didn't blame him. He gave me a few tasks, and I did them with the most enthusiasm, impatient to hear things about this Troian girl.
Once my plate was ready and set, I sat down by the breakfast bar, looking at all the yummy foods that he had prepared me. Unlike the dinners I had been having here, he made me a full on Korean lunch, which I . It was the best thing I had ever tasted.
"This is very good, Jin!" I exclaimed as I chewed and he poked my cheek.
"Yah! Don't eat with a full mouth." He spoke, his mouth even fuller than mine!
"Says the guy who's shoving a whole gimbap into his mouth!" I declared and he threw a napkin at me, making me yelp in shock. I threw a piece of meat at him and he skillfully caught it with his chopsticks.
"Don't play with food."
I huffed and went on with eating before I raised my eyebrows.
"Aren't you going to tell me about Troian?" I asked, making him choke a bit on his water.
"Sorry." I apologized and he shook his head. "No need for apologies."
"I don't know how to start." He admitted, chuckling amusingly but it was very forced, I could tell.
"Troian Andrea Belabed, born in the third of July of 1939 in the south district, South Korea hadn't been established just yet. We were still under the Japanese rule, even so, we were a fairly respected family. Troian was an orphan, her parents had been killed due to their treason, and that's how we came to find her. I recall that she was nine years old, Jungkook was only one at that time." Jin narrated, his hands moving in soft gestures as he explained and I had been so into the story I had completely forgotten about the now cold food that was set in front of us.
"She was quite... foreign to us, the only girls we'd ever seen were the maids we had around, so when she showed up, we had no idea how to deal with her. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook were quite young, so they didn't care about her much, when she first came here that is, and since she had no fate, the priest of the church decided it best for her to just be our sacrificial bride."
"Wait, so you guys were vampires since birth?" I questioned, cutting him off and he nodded.
"Yes, our mothers, minus Hoseok and Jungkook's mother, and fathers were all night creatures. Our fathers, my father and two uncles, generated from quite the powerful vampiristic bloodline." He explained, setting his chin on the back of his hand and I crooked up a brow in confusion.
"Vampires don't grow old though, right? How come you guys grew? And how did your fathers grow?" I asked once more, feeding my curiosity.
"Technically, you grow older, and you mature physically, at one point though, you stop, you stop growing, that is unless you change your dietary habits, in other words, you stop drinking human blood and settle for animal blood, much like my father and uncle Min-kyu –Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung's father- and you grow normally. That's why our fathers and mothers looked, well, older." He clarified and I nodded my head.
"So you guys don't drink animal blood? Do you feed off of humans?"
"Well, we feed off of the brides the church sent us, and off of blood bags we get from the local hospital. Sometimes, when our voyages to the hospital start being too suspicious though, we settle for animal blood, but just temporarily." He stated and I swallowed, making him laugh.
"Don't worry, we can't really feed off of you."
I rose a brow, "Why not? Jimin and Taehyung have." I stated before looking down at my plate and he let out a breath.
"Well, we could, but we'd rather not... You're a bit more important. Unlike some other brides, you're related to something important, someone important." I was about to ask whom, when he set his index to my lips, shushing me. "Enough questions for today."
"But you didn't finish about Troian! And you didn't even tell me what you put on my legs to heal them!" I argued, crossing my arms and he clicked his tongue.
"Too bad huh, I'll tell you a little each day. As for the second matter, it's my secret, I can't risk telling you and running away because of it." He stated, standing up and clearing the breakfast bar, which I helped doing.
"I think we're way past me running away, after all, don't you think I would've left already?" I asked and he shrugged. "I've met enough women to know that you are far more cunning than us, men, so I won't risk it."
"We are not cunning! We're simply smarter." I stated and he chuckled. "Yeah, that too."
I huffed and threw a napkin at him. "You wash."
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