《deal [M. ATSUMU]》18 ♪ Passion


before you knew it class had already ended for you. after what happened earlier at lunch your mind has been in a daze, you couldn't forget the lingering feeling of atsumu's lips on yours. you had no idea why you kissed him back the second time either, but somehow you didn't regret any of it.

"stupid atsumu..." you mumbled angrily as you stomped your feet on the ground. yuki, who was walking beside you the whole time, heard it.

"so... you kissed." she had a playful smirk on her face as she wiggled her brows. yuki wasn't there to witness the scene that happened during lunch but she had heard everyone talking about it.

"unfortunately..." you pout, looking away from the black haired teen. "i wasn't expecting him to do that! i thought he was going to reveal it but..." you paused, suddenly remembering what atsumu told you earlier.

"do it again and expect more than just a kiss."

your face heated up at the thought of it. yuki saw your flustered expression and teased you, "...did something else happen?"

you quickly turn to your friend, denying it almost instantly. "no, nothing..."

"you really are a bad liar."

"i'm not lying!"

"whatever you say [Y/N]-chan!" she laughs, clearly not convinced. it was time to do club activities so you and yuki had to part ways soon since she had swimming practice. you on the other hand had to go to the gym to meet atsumu since you asked him about it yesterday.

"see you tomorrow yuki!"

"see ya!" she waved at you before skipping towards the locker room where she would change into her swimwear.

as you walked towards the gym, you felt slightly nervous on seeing atsumu. your heart couldn't stop racing whenever you remembered the kiss. you thought he only did it because he knew you wouldn't like it, but did you actually?

"i must be going insane..." you muttered, slapping your cheeks lightly to snap out of it.

when you saw the building in front of you, you couldn't help but to gulp. it's fine, atleast i wouldn't be alone with atsumu again, you thought. you slid the door open, the sound of it echoing throughout the whole gym. you spotted no volleyballs scattering the floor, and no one was even playing.

"uh... hello?" you called out to the empty gymnasium. the lights were on so you're assuming someone must be there. you stepped inside as you looked around, trying to find anyone.

suddenly, you felt someone whisper into your ear. "boo."

you shrieked as you stepped back in shock. "what the-" it was the blonde haired teen you were looking for, snickering at your reaction. "why would you do that?"


"whaddya think? to scare you obviously."


"whaddya say?"

"nothing." you looked away from him. "where are the others?"

"coach decided to let everyone rest for today. the followin' weeks gonna be rough since nationals are around the corner." he explained, walking beside you. "so, why d'ya ask to meet me here? are you gonna ask me out on a date?" he smirks, leaning towards you.

"dream on atsumu." you sighed. you grab the camera from your bag to show it to him. "i need you to help me for my club activity."

he raised a brow at you. "how?"

"i just need you to do some random serves and tosses while i photograph you doing it." you said.

"am i that good lookin' that i had to be yer model?"

"maybe." you paused, realizing what you just said. "i mean- it has something to do with the theme of it."


"it's true!"

"alright, what's the theme then?"

"passion." you state, remembering what honoka told you. when you walked passed the gym yesterday and saw them playing, you couldn't help but think about it. "volleyball is your passion, so i thought it'd be the perfect idea to use you as a subject." you prepared your camera, setting it to the right focus before starting.

meanwhile, atsumu couldn't say a thing. he was happy you thought of him when the theme was passion, he never would've expected it from you either. "yer... yer saying that i'm good at volley?"

"of course, i think anyone can see that atsumu." you chuckled. "not only that but you seem to be having fun at it too. i think that's the most important part."

atsumu felt his heart skip a beat. someone actually appreciated him for the first time in a long time without trying the need to impress him. he knew for some reason that what you said was genuine.

"yeah. yeah, yer absolutely right [Y/N]."

you stopped looking at your camera and shifted your gaze towards him. "did you just... call me by my first name without actually sounding like a jerk?"

"what, d'ya get used to princess already?" he teased, trying to forget the feeling he felt earlier.

"nevermind, you're still a jerk."

you both set up for the shoot soon after. atsumu did some simple tosses and serves while you photographed him doing it. of course, his snarky comments couldn't be avoided so you had to playfully punch him afterwards. about 30 minutes later, you looked through the photos you took while atsumu peeked beside you.

"so, thoughts?" he asked. you hummed as you scanned the tiny screen in your camera.


"found one!" you exclaimed, clicking one photo in particular. it was a picture of him in a tossing position, the expression on his face was clear. the light sweat on his forehead glistened while his iconic smirk was present as he tossed the ball.

"that's... a really good shot." atsumu widened his eyes when he saw the photo you took. "i look hot in it. ow-!" you nudged the side of his hips.

"all thanks to me." you winked, turning back to him while he groans in pain.

he pouts at you as he rolled his eyes. "i know yer just gonna use it as yer wallpaper."

"i will absolutely not."

"whatever ya say. i'm gonna change first, then we should head home." he said, walking away from you. you looked outside and now noticing that the sun was already setting.

"sure, i'll be waiting here." you sat on the corner of the room while looking through the photos once more. you couldn't help but to admire how he looked like while playing, every shot you took looked incredible.

"i wonder if the rest of the team would let me take their photos one day..." you thought. suddenly, you remembered how a certain setter never stopled bugging you about taking his photos. you had photoshoots with him so frequently that you began to get annoyed by the teen because he would never stop pestering you.

"[Y/N]-chan please take more photos with me! i want to flex it to iwa-chan!"


"please? i'll treat you dinner!

"wonder what he's up to now." you smiled to yourself as you remember the memories you had in miyagi. unfortunately for you, not all of them were happy memories.

"get the fuck away from me." another voice voice echoed through your head. you started to shake your head in hopes of snapping out of it. "god, just forget about it [Y/N]." you told yourself.

you realized that atsumu took a little too long changing. it had been around 20 minutes now since he left so you started to worry. you stood up from the floor, making your way towards the locker room.

you paced back and forth in front of the door, wondering if you should go in to check. you knocked three times and called out to him. "oi what's taking you so long?"

there was no response. you knocked again, but still there was nothing. you sighed and grabbed onto the doorknob, twisting it so it would open. surprisingly, it wasn't locked. you took a peek inside but only saw a few lockers surrounding two benches at the middle.

"where the fuck did he go?" you mumble, looking around the room.

behind you, you heard footsteps approaching followed by the sound of someone whistling.

"what are you doing here?" atsumu, who just emerged from a door you didn't see earlier, asked. he wasn't wearing any shirt on but a towel was wrapped around his shoulders.

"you were taking too-"

"is anyone there?" a new voice called out from behind you.

"shit." in a rush, atsumu quickly walks up to you and grabs your hand, pulling you towards him. "come here." he opens a spacious locker beside you and pushes you in, him following behind soon after.

you were crammed inside the locker with the only light source coming from the tiny hole at the top. "what the hell why would you- mmph!" he covered your mouth with his hand, muffling your voice.

"shut yer trap! he's gonna hear us! if he catches you in a boy's locker room yer dead!" he whispered. you two were so close that your body pressed together. you saw the small droplets of water from his hair and the smell of shampoo.

"you took a shower?!" you took his hand away from your lips.

"yeah why d'ya think i took that long?!"

"oh i don't know i thought you slipped and fell or-"

you stopped your rambling when you heard the door opening. the footsteps grew louder, "anyone here?"

atsumu brought his fingers to your lips, signalling for you to keep quiet. you gulped, nodding slowly. your heart pounded at the sudden realization of how close you two were, and how he was basically topless beside you. you tried to distract yourself by looking away from him in order to conceal any thoughts.

soon, you heard the old man groan in annoyance before slamming the door shut. you heaved in a sigh of relief when you realized it was over. atsumu stares at you, noticing the pink coat on your cheeks.

"oi." he said.

"what." you replied, still not looking at him.

"look at me."



"because!" you shut your eyes. "you already know why."

he smirks, "i really don't. tell me." he brought his fingers on your chin, tilting it so that you could finally face his direction. "open yer eyes."


he couldn't deny how adorable you looked at the moment. he was so close to you that he noticed every detail in your face and how flawless they all were. he couldn't lie, he suddenly felt the need to kiss you this very moment.

"hey. can i kiss ya?"

here is the artist for the fanart above

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