《deal [M. ATSUMU]》08 ♪ Park


it was a saturday, meaning there were no classes for today. atsumu had woken up earlier than he planned, which made the thoughts of jogging come to his mind.

he rubbed his eyes then stared at his phone which read he looked at the bunker above him and saw his twin's foot dangling at the side. he heard osamu's snores too, which made him sigh.

atsumu got up from the bottom bunk, yawning before exiting the shared room he had with his brother. "yer up early." his mother greeted him when he arrived at the kitchen.

"i was plannin' to go out for a jog." he replied, grabbing some toast that was on the table.

"why don'tcha bring your brother with you?"

"he's still snorin'. wouldn't wanna wake him up, y'know how cranky he gets." he bites off a part of the bread and sat down at the table with his mother.

after eating, atsumu dressed up in his jersey and some pants before walking out the door in his rubber shoes. as he ran, the leaves crunched up beneath him while the cold breeze hits his uncovered face. atsumu wasn't the type to wake up early, but for some reason he just couldn't get any sleep last night. so instead of forcing himself to go back to sleep, he went out to jog. osamu had complained about his tossing and turning under him so he didn't want to be stuck with his twin who he annoyed any longer.

why he didn't get sleep, he didn't know the main reason. well— maybe he did, but he was in denial. he couldn't stop thinking about you the whole night. his thoughts were all over the place that he was just flat out confused.

while running, a volleyball came dribbling in front of him. he stopped running, catching up to his breath. he picked up the ball, which felt softer than the ball he was used to. maybe it's from a kid, he thought.

"oh hey mister, you found my ball!" a kid with a buzz cut walked up to him, pointing at the ball he was holding.

"oh, this yers?" the little boy nods. "you play volleyball?"


"yup! i'm a spiker!" he motions him hitting the air. "pretty good one myself, if you ask me!" the boy placed both his hands on his hips as if boasting his skills.

"heh? really now?" atsumu smirked, an idea coming into mind. "want me to toss for you?" he asks, spinning the ball around his finger.

"really?!" the boy's eyes sparkled in excitement. "that'd be awesome!"

you on the other hand, were buying coffee at the nearest vending machine. after having three hours of sleep last night, takeru had dragged you along with him to the park to play. you had no choice to go since you made a promise with him yesterday about owning it up to him. you sighed, opening the can of coffee that instantly spreads its strong smell around.

you took a sip to keep you awake and went back to the place where you last saw your brother. he was a big fan of volleyball— since his uncle taught him about it back when you lived in miyagi— so it had been a routine for the little boy to practice every weekend at the park.

"wow! your tosses are perfect!"

"i know right!"

from the distance, you heard takeru talking with another person. you furrowed your brows, wondering who it might be. the person sounded much older after all. you walked towards the voices, only to be met by a certain blonde.

you spat the coffee you were drinking in shock and coughed which caught the attention of both of them. "[L/N]?" atsumu called out when he saw you nearby.

"you know her?" takeru pointed at you.

"yeah, she's my girlfriend."

there was a minute of silence, the only sound coming from the wind blew past the three of you. suddenly, takeru bursts out laughing.

"why would you wanna date her?!" he grabs onto his stomach as he laughed.

"takeru." you balled your fist, an angry and low tone lingering in your voice.

"oh, you know her?" atsumu asked the boy who was wiping the tears away from the corner of his eye.

"yeah, she's my sister!" he replied, finally stopping himself from laughing.


atsumu froze. "wait, you had a brother?" he turned to you.

"that's not the point!" you shout, stomping over to takeru and pinching his ears. "you, little guy, are so gonna get it."

"ow ow ow! nee-chan that hurtsss!" he whined. "and besides i'm not in trouble here, you are!" you stopped pinching him and paused.

"what do you mean?" you ask.

"you never told mom you had a boyfriend!" you only now realized that atsumu introduced himself as your boyfriend to your brother. you glared at the blonde, wondering why he would even do that.

"atsumu, a word." you stated, sending shivers down both of the boys' spine. atsumu nods in agreement, not wanting to piss you off even further.

you grabbed onto his wrist and dragged him far enough where takeru wouldn't hear the conversation. "why would you introduce yourself as my boyfriend?! we aren't even in school!" you hissed, tightening the grip on his wrist.

he flinched in pain, "hey that hur– ow!" you squeezed your grip on him tighter. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry! force of habit!" he apologized. you finally took your hand off him, groaning in annoyance. atsumu held onto his burning wrist and caresses it. "that hurt..."

"i can't tell him we're fake dating! that's only gonna make things worse!" you paced back and forth in front of him, thinking as to what you were going to do next.

"what's the worse that could happen?" atsumu watches you pace.

"my mom." you answered.

"your mom?"

"my mom."

"see you, atsumu-kun!" your brother waved goodbye at atsumu while carrying the volleyball on his other hand. "please toss to me again!"

"sure thing buddy." atsumu pats his head. "see ya takeru, [L/N]."

"why would you call nee-chan by her last name? you're dating her aren't you?" takeru looks at you both in confusion. you stutter, trying to find an answer to his question, but atsumu had already beaten you to it.

"well then, [Y/N]. i'll see you at school." he gave you a wink before walking away. it was a good thing he turned his back at you, or he would've seen the light blush coating your cheeks.

"nee-chan you're blushing."

"shut it."

after almost playing for two hours at the park, takeru was beginning to get tired so you made the decision to go home. atsumu agreed so he could continue his morning jog.

"so, you're gonna introduce him to mom?" takeru asks while trying to twirl the ball on his fingers, which he failed at.

"y-yeah... i guess." you reply. you told atsumu that your mother would be coming home this week and since he already told takeru you were his boyfriend, there was no turning back now.

takeru was a blabber mouth and you knew he couldn't keep it a secret, so you had no choice but to let your mother know. you told atsumu about the possibility that she might pester you into meeting him. surprisingly, he was fine with it and told you that you should let him know when he'll meet her.

you would've thought he would back out by now because heck, anyone would be nervous to meet their significant others' parent, but not atsumu. he stayed calm as if you just told him something normal, like getting some ice cream or something. you thought it was probably because of the amount of girls he's met that it didn't even bother him when knowing their parents.

"she's gonna flip." takeru says.

"gosh, stop making me more nervous than i already am!" you bit your lip and tried to calm your rapid heartbeat down. you knew that once your mother knows about atsumu, she would do everything just to have dinner and talk with him. you knew this from past experience with your only ex boyfriend ever who, unfortunately, turned out to be a major prick.

"he's not like him, i could tell." said takeru, referring to your ex who he once met. you didn't reply to your brother and kept walking in silence until you got home.

i really hope he isn't, you thought.

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