《Um...I ruined a Mafia fanfiction? KTH》Highpoxia


Within a minute of Yoongi's disappearance, a loud scream was heard, sounding across the paddock. I quickly whipped my head towards the mansion, only to get blown back with the sound of a loud boom as something exploded inside. There was distant screaming from high class women and men yelling for help as a constant sound of bullets being fired filled the air.

I felt kind of helpless, considering the fact that I wasn't really apart of the mission. All I could do was wait for them to come running back to the helicopter – hopefully unharmed. I wondered whether they had taken Jackson out yet. If they had, did that mean the plot had ended? When did the plot end?

In the original story, the plot ended with Y/N and Taehyung having an argument, (about things that didn't even make sense,) and Y/N ran away from Taehyung and ended up getting caught by Big Pap's men. Of course, as the trope goes, Taehyung saved Y/N from Big Pap's men and they talked out their problems there, amongst the men Taehyung had killed. Then, they kissed. And that was it. Plot done and dusted.

Oh, and then there was an epilogue where Taehyung and Y/N had a kid. Yeah, the kid of Mr Anger issues and little Miss dumb as fuck. What great genes. The sorriness I felt for that child was immeasurable.

"Y/N! Get in the Chopper!" A voice roused me out of my pondering. As I looked towards the mansion from where the voice was coming, I could see all 6 silhouettes of the members alive and out of the building, one of them limping as he held another's arm.

Who is that? I worried to myself, concerned it was one of the guys I actually liked. As they neared, I began to make out the limping figure, his blonde hair sticking to his forehead and his dreamy brown eyes looking tired and scared.

Oh, it's just Taehyung. I heaved a sigh of relief. Good thing it wasn't anyone else.

As far as I could see, there was a large bullet hole in his leg. I would be empathetic if it wasn't Taehyung, but I was glad it was him. Less worry and stress if something happens to him. I was starting to get attached to everyone else. I didn't know how long I was going to be there for, but I didn't want any of them dying on me.

He however, well...meh.

Namjoon was the first to rush towards me from the group, panting as he stopped beside me. The others were close now. "Boss has been shot in the leg." He explained in a hurry, "We need to get him into the chopper, immediately."


"We could always just leave him here." I suggested, suddenly causing six pairs of eyes filled with different emotions to stare at me. I looked between them all, kinda sad no one agreed. "Or not, I guess." I muttered lowly.

Everyone went back to what they were doing, most clambering into the helicopter while the others helped Taehyung and shot at Jackson's men who were now running towards the helicopter while shooting their own bullets at us. It wasn't long before those bullets were piercing the metal of the helicopter's doors.

Namjoon, who was shooting, turned to me. "Y/N, get in, now!" He shouted, quickly looking between his gun and me as he shot off rounds of bullets at Jackson's men. I quickly followed his order, hoisting myself unto the step of the helicopter and then inside the pilot cab. He followed soon after, shooting through a small opening he had left in the door.

"Y/N! Hurry up and get it in the air!" Jin shouted at me as he placed a rag – that had appeared out of nowhere- on Taehyung's injured leg. Taehyung groaned in pain as the blood soaked into the cloth. Everyone else was now staring at me, eyes widened and bodies curled up beside their seats, urging me to get the helicopter to work. Jackson's men were now close enough that several bullets were denting the vehicle.

"Yoongi, help!" I whispered to myself, trying to remember how he started the helicopter. If we didn't die from being shot, we were going to crash. Death was inevitable when I was involved.

"Y/N!" Namjoon yelled, his head whipping towards me, "What are you doing?! We need to go!"

"I-I!" I stuttered as I looked between the men in the helicopter and the men outside. I could see the fearful looks on some of the members' faces, whilst others looked at me with disappointment. It kind of hurt to see.

In a sudden urge to be courageous – caused by the looks I was getting, I tried to recall all the things Yoongi had told me. As bullets now pierced through some of the windows, I was pressing all the buttons I could remember Yoongi talking about. Somehow, as if from a miracle, the helicopter had managed to fly into the air. And I don't mean steadily. I mean, straight up. Like one of those tall, drop rides at the theme parks.

Jungkook screamed in the background while some of the other's screeched at me, asking what the hell I was doing as the helicopter continued to fly upwards at a frightening speed. How the hell do I move it around again? I had managed to do it with Yoongi not a few hours before. Surely, I thought, I would have been able to remember.


Obviously, I didn't though. As the helicopter ascended into the sky, I felt hopeless. I turned to the crew with a frown. "Does anyone know a Min Yoongi and where he could possibly live?" Maybe I could literally 'drop by' his house and ask for help. Unfortunately though, instead of answering like I thought they would, the members gaped at me as if I was a psycho. I sure felt like one. Why the hell did I even agree to this?

Flying helicopters, getting with an obnoxious man, karate, supposed seducing, sharpshooting...I couldn't do any of that. Maybe I just wasn't cut out to be a Y/N like I thought I could be back when I was reading the fanfiction.

With a small onset of tears in my eyes, I turned to the crew. "I just want you all to know that I loved you all - minus Taehyung - and I have a confession to make." My voice cracked up with emotion, although it felt a little comedic in the circumstances. The helicopter felt like it was becoming a spaceship. The men looked at me like I was insane. Oh well, not like they would remember anyway.

"I am not Y/N." I choked down on a throat full of tears.

"That's great but can you just steer this damn thing?!" Jimin screamed from his spot on the seats in the back, his fingers clawing into the leather.

I used a hand to wave him away. "Not now, Jimin, I have more to say."

I continued sounding a little intoxicated, "My name is Briar and this is a fanfiction that I jumped into for some unknown reason. I don't know how to pilot a helicopter, and I don't know how to do sharpshooting and seducing and whatever else. I'm just a boring, unemployed girl." I looked between the display of faces which looked more frightened than sad. "You see, it was all actually Yoongi-"

I stopped because for some reason I had lost my train of thought, and it felt like I could barely breathe. "Guys, can you still breathe? Because I'm having trouble." I mentioned to the crew, noticing that some were turning purple and panting.

"Ah, I see. I'm not the only one." I announced, my voice choking as breathing got harder to do.

There was a sudden eruption of laughs from Jungkook, his voice wheezing with each giggle. The others looked like they were not mentally present. "Jungkook, this is not a laughing matter." My coarse voice ground out. Yet before I knew it, my mind was a blank slate again, and I was laughing with him.

My last moments in that helicopter were the sounds of irrational laughing from the members and I. We were so hypoxic that nothing made sense – it was almost silly.

I love you Min – guy I forgot the name of. Wait do I actually love him? I love fried chicken. What was I thinking about again? Everything went black.


Hola, what did you think?

What was the funniest bit?

Who is your favourite character?

(Also I know, a little self promotion, but just as a sneak peek, I'm making another book called 'Welcome to Australia' which is going to be a short comedy book. I thought, I always have my stories set in America - where I've never lived before and don't really understand much about, why not have a short comedy about Australia because, well, I know Australian culture and stuff. If you think I can write my other stories comedically, this story is going to be utter comedic chaos.

Rough summary:

Rich American businessman, Kim Seokjin, ends up getting kicked off his own plane when it gets hijacked, leaving him in the middle of Cape York, in Queensland. There he meets Frankie, a young woman, her unintelligent alcoholic father, her junk food loving mechanic brother, some other old guy with an accent they picked up, and a malicious ugly dog named Princess.

Under the deal that Seokjin will pay her a large sum for taking him to the airport in the nearest big city, Frankie brings him along in her bus full of people for a ride jam packed with fun, jokes, satire, steve irwin (just kidding,) and Australian stereotypes.

Come and enjoy the ride, Australian or not.

Yeah, so theres my free marketing. Not sure if anyone is interested, but do tell me if you think the idea is good. Also, if you're new and liking the book, I promise I have tons of other books for you to check out that are wayyyy better than this lol. Whether you like horror or comedy or romance or thriller or mystery or apocalypse or clowns or sci fi, I have a book on it. Please do check them out tho :-/

Anyway byyyeeee

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