《Unnatural Disaster || JJK ✔️》Chapter 25: (Not so) Happy Tales [Edited]


One year ago...

A single drop rolled down her already wet cheeks tracing the same path as the previous infinite ones. Quavering lips let out incessant sobs, face reddened with despair and her heart finely fragmented into millions of pieces.

All it took was a blink of an eye for her entire world to turn upside down and the person who she loved with her dear heart, who was one of the very few that cared about her was now lying lifeless on her lap.

How did that happen? What exactly happened anyway?

"Y/N-ah.....come home.....fast" was all the person said from the other side of the line before hanging up.

The eighteen year old girl was sat at her desk inside her dorm, going through the text books of her senior year when the sudden call hit her cell. She received the call only to find the shaken voice of Yoongi. He sounded anxious and that was enough for the girl to leave everything and drive back home as fast as she could.

"Appa!!" Y/N screamed barging inside the master bedroom of her house, the Kim Mansion. Tears invaded her eyes like a wild tempest as her gaze landed on the weak figure resting on the bed.

The said figure lifted his shaky fingers in a fragile attempt to call his daughter closer and the latter obliged. Y/N ran to the bed engulfing her father in a tight hug. Her tears knew no limit now as she poured a river on her dear father's chest.

"App-ah, don't go" a warm hand landed on her head, caressing her soft black strands ever so gently. It was her mother's hand. Both the females sat by the sides of Myung-Dae as he struggled to take his last few breaths. The man was only in his late forty's and he was already on his death bed.

An oxygen mask sat on his nose helping him with his unsteady respiration while machines connected to his body displayed his heart rate and blood pressure on the echo-cardiogram. The retarding count on the screen only increased the one in Y/N's chest and probably did the same for the rest present in the room as well.


"D-don't cry my dear, I don't wann-a......see you like th-his" Myung-Dae let out with broken phrases, asking his daughter to not cry but Y/N could only wail even louder. What else could she have done? The man she grew up to love and respect so much was leaving her forever.

She remembered how her father cried more than her when she broke her leg after falling from her bicycle at age six...

She remembered how she and her father cooked her mother a hot bowl of chicken soup when she fell ill...

She remembered how the three of them along with Yoongi played hide and seek inside the huge manor, annoying the heck out of the maids and servants...

And she remembered how hysterically her father cried in the arms of her mother when she left for boarding school...

Well, now he was the one leaving and she knew he wasn't gonna come back and now she was the one crying hysterically.

"Yoongi....s-son?" Myung-Dae called making the boy rush to his side. Yoongi, all along, had been standing at the corner of the room, silently crying his heart out. Even though he had no biological connection with this family but what can a bunch of DNA do when these were the people that gave you all the love and care you ever wanted.

The way Myung-Dae trained him like a proud father, the way Mrs. Kim fed him like a caring mother, the way Y/N made him laugh like a dear little sister made them more of a family than his real blood bonds ever were. And now he had to witness the departure of one very significant member of that family.

"Yoongi.....Y/N" Myung-Dae spoke up with his hands feebly placed on both of his children's cheeks. "I made m-my will.....I am leaving the......business, the property......everything under your n-names. Both of you will.....get equal share in everything I-I have. So take.....care of it. I know you nev-ver wanted this.....Y/N, so I'm no-t asking you to.....follow my footsteps. All I had is now.......yours, it always was. So use it and fulfil your dreams. You too Yoongi. Always remember, what ever you d-do, I'll be proud"


It took all the stamina he had to utter all those words and now he had nothing left.

It had been as long as three months since Myung-Dae was suffering. The man who was most of the time at the peak of his health abruptly fell sick one day. It was just a mild fever and a little indigestion so the family just shrugged it off, treating him with some basic bio-chemicals. And as anticipated, he started getting better but thunder struck the house when he fell sick again after two weeks. This time it was not just a mild fever. Myung-Dae's temperature rose up to a scale of 39 degrees and vomiting after every meal became an obligation. With that he started getting asthma attacks and fainted every now and then.

Yoongi and Mrs. Kim grew worried day by day and as much as they wanted to inform Y/N, Myung-Dae didn't let them bother his little daughter. The girl was already struggling with her school stuffs.

Sang-Ook, Myung-Dae's assistant, got him the best doctors money could buy but nothing worked. The said man have had a huge fight with Myung-Dae just a few days ago and left the mansion in rage but after getting the news of his boss' declining health, he couldn't stay away. Sure he was angry at the leader, they had a decent squabble regarding some personal matter but Myung Dae was his friend first and he couldn't stay away, not at this situation. Sang-Ook tried his best, travelling overseas for Myung-Dae's medicines but as fate would have it, the man's health kept on deteriorating leading him to where he was now.

With warm tears trekking down his wrinkled cheeks and disappearing against his pillow, Myung-Dae heaved a last deep breath before closing his eyes forever. He had rested in peace.

However, the rest of the manor was far away from that.....peace.

"Nooo, please appa, don't leave me, please come back, APPA" Y/N broke down completely and so did the other two. The monotonous beep of the machine filled the house with gloom and misery. Yoongi fell on his knees beside his father's bed crying a river at the man's feet while Mrs. Kim hugged the lifeless body of her beloved husband, staining his white robe with a puddle of tears. But apart from the three, each and every presence in the mansion, the maids, the servants, the guards, everyone kept wiping their wet eyes.

It was a grave loss indeed.


"Yoongi, I have something to tell you" a husky voice echoed through the phone as Yoongi kept the device on loudspeaker.

"What is it?" the boy asked with a curious tone. Both Yoongi and Y/N were seated in her room, dressed in complete black as the siblings had just returned from their father's funeral. It was Yoongi, and Y/N's distant cousin SeokJin who took care of all the rituals, Y/N was too broken to utter even a single word. She just sat their, sitting on her bed, hugging her knees and staring at nothing.

"The report from Mr. Kim's tests just came. It clearly states here that Mr. Kim had been drugged with small dozes of hemlock over a long period of time. That was the reason for his sufferings and eventual death. I'm sorry man but someone must have intentionally poisoned your father. I-"

The call hung up as Yoongi dropped the phone. With wide eyes and mouth agape he looked up to see Y/N staring right back at him.

"Appa was p-poisoned?" the girl who had refrained from even heaving a noisy sigh finally spoke. She looked down in agony, waves of anguish crashing against her heart as she took time to process everything.


Yoongi couldn't reply as he was utterly confused himself. However he still parted his lips in an attempt to let something out when the door to the room flew open revealing a panting SeokJin.

"Come fast...A-aunty Kim had a heart attack..."

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