《Unnatural Disaster || JJK ✔️》Chapter 9: Double Crossed [Edited]


"It's over Min Jun, you fucked up real bad" I remarked nonchalantly, my gaze falling on the figure slumped down in front of me. With a knelt down form reeking of subdued conceit, the man had the audacity to reciprocate my glare, even though he was practically under the shadow of my loaded gun and that pissed me off, but not more than when I saw him try to shoot at Jungkook.

The moment I perceived him raise his weapon at Jungkook, something clicked in me. I felt this wave of rage and was hit by a thriving urge to save him. He was my prey, my possession, and no one had the authority to hurt him but me. I chose to preserve all the rights to his displeasure, his abomination. He was Kim Brute's very first victim, the proof of her new found ruthlessness, so how could I let him be intimidated by someone else?

I pushed Jungkook out of the way and shot Min Jun on his shoulder making him drop his weapon. An afflicted whimper escaped his quavering lips as he held his wounded arm but, the bullet he launched in Jeon's name had to halt somewhere and it ended up scraping my arm drawing some blood out. However, the anger my head rendered was much higher than the pain on my skin and watching the pathetic expression on the traitor's face eased it to some extent. Fear and agony dripped down his sharp gaze as his lips moved in enraged curses. Defeat was written all over his face battling the exaggerated pride in his eyes and somehow it satisfied my sadistic self.

We were rummaging through the burnt building in search of our police prisoner when Taehyung came dashing with a broken surveillance camera in his clutch. The wires were all messed up but the red light was still flickering which meant that the camera had some life left.


"This is the entrance cam, if we can recover the footage.....we'll be able to see who broke the attackers in" Taehyung proclaimed, eventually earning all our attention. Such mass destruction under such tight security was possible if and only if we were betrayed or double crossed. And if that was the case, there was no way I was letting the mole go for free.

"Give me the cam" getting a hold on the almost severed gadget I started roaming my fingers over its rugged edges in search of some crevices and soon I found what I was looking for. I pressed on the small black contraption and immediately a memory chip bounced out of the gap and landed on my open palm. I fished my phone out of my pocket and replaced its memory card with the camera chip. A list of black and white footage lined up the screen immediately but one among them stood out, it showed a group of men in ski masks.

"Play it" the boys gathered around me and I clicked on the clip.

"We gotta wait here until the signal" one of the masked men announced as they surrounded the ware house entrance, all loaded with intricate ammunition, ready to attack. Within seconds, a silhouette walked out of the building and approached the crowd.

"I've drugged the guards, we are ready to attack" he addressed the crowd, his highly familiar voice spawning intense emotions in me, betrayal. The gang followed his order and marched into the building while he turned around there by making his face visible to the lens. It was Min Jun, one of our oldest and most trusted security guards.

"Admit it, you can't kill me" his blood shot eyes bore into mine while an indecorous smirk danced on his dried lips as he licked them wet. "You are not the villain Y/N. You don't even deserve this authority and you never will. You're just a little girl" I knew he chose his words with clever plotting with the sole reason to hurt my pride but I could do better than just acting out on my distaste. At least that's what I worked on after raining my rage on Jungkook last time.


"Oh, I won't kill you. It's your dignity, your hope, your inner peace that I'll slowly wreck. I'll make you beg for your death but guess what, I ain't that generous to give it to you" the words slithered out of my lips with brimming hatred pulling a gasp out of the man's mouth. He glared at me with astounded eyes while I pulled my lips into a sinister grin.

"Am I the villain now?"

With a waving gesture I signaled Yoongi and Hoseok to enter the scene. They immediately approached Min Jun's seated figure. Restraining his hands with metal cuffs, they loaded him in the back of their truck and took off just as we planned. They were bringing him to Incheon where we had another safe house.

Turning around I was now face to face with the one and only Jeon Jungkook.

"Did you think running away would be that easy, Officer Jeon?" I retorted rather calmly while taking predatory steps towards the man who was held down by Jimin and Jin. I anticipated him to scoff at me like last time and curse his defeat but surprisingly, he stayed quiet with his head down low. Was he this much scared of me? Well, unlikely of a cop but I won't mind that...

"Jimin, go back to the warehouse and make arrangements for the survivors. Bring them back to the mansion. We need to make sure of their treatments and recovery. Jin, go along with him" a synchronized assent followed my words, there by leading the two men to take their ride and depart. I then turned to the last man standing.

Taehyung, I want you to hack Min Jun's private accounts and see if you can get any leads on who he's working with"

"I'm on it, but what about him" Taehyung asked with a worried face while pointing at Jungkook.

"Don't worry, I'll handle him. Seems like he needs an upgrade in his hospitality..."

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