《Unnatural Disaster || JJK ✔️》Chapter 8: Escape Plan [Edited]


{Flashback is in italics}

Beads of sweat rolled down my face as I sprinted through the deserted streets under the darkest night. My feet bounced against the hard concrete and my tired toes curled up inside my boots. Blows of frigid wind hitting my skin gave me goosebumps yet I kept on running into the gloomy obscurity. I didn't know where I was headed to but the horror of being stuck at the warehouse for a day more pushed me enough to dash into the unknown.

I was lying on the bed trying to weave an escape plan when suddenly the entire building shuddered with a thunderous eruption. The windows quivered as loud gunshots rang through the cold corridors. I could feel a trace of terror flickering in my heart at the unexpected event. Miss Kim didn't seem desperate enough to kill me this early and even if that was the case, she could have just walked in and shot me instead of creating a havoc and destroying her own safe house. So that could only mean that the warehouse was under attack.

An open fire without of a prior warning clearly showed that it wasn't the police force to the rescue. They wouldn't risk people's lives like that. Now the enemy of an enemy is supposed to be a friend but since this was clearly another mafia or some sort of underworld gang, I wasn't taking my chances. So my first instinct was to bolt the door from inside, it would buy me some time. I then started searching for anything that I could use for protection.

I grabbed the dark bed sheet and wrapped it around my frame to blend my body into the darkness. I then walked into the washroom in order to find any type of strong object to tackle an opponent with but all I found was a bottle of shampoo and a soap bar. Well, I had no other option. So I took my lathery weapon and prepared myself for any possible emergency.


However, as I was about to conceal myself somewhere in the room, the metal door in front of me blasted open and I was face to face with a man in a black ski mask. The instantaneous eye contact connected us both with an intimidating tension but the high pitched click of his recoiling gun was enough to break me out of it. I froze at my stature as I could see him slowly lifting the gun up to my face. The sharp glint in his eyes screamed evil and I closed mine, ready to embrace my fate. And indeed, my fate intervened when the faint sound of a desolated trigger met my ears. The gun was empty.


Relief washed through my veins and I used his bafflement to grab the nuzzle and take the lead. All it took me was a harsh pull to snatch the gun out of his clutch. My next move was to tackle him with a hard punch and take his mask off. A sharp fiendish visage met my eyes and he had the typical gangster look. His eyes dripped with ego and hatred but I had the perfect way to extinguish his fire. I took the shampoo and poured the content directly on his eyes. The man slumped down on the floor with an agonized roar while wiping the soap off of his lids.

Seeing my plan work a smirk voluntary lined up on my lips. I slid the mask on and leaving the guy in his own misery I sneaked out of the room. I made my way downstairs and the veil helped me blend in. I held the empty gun in my clutch just for the show and as I was gliding close by the rugged walls my arm touched an uncanny surface. A wooden plank well blended along a brick wall!


Checking my surrounding for privacy I stroke the plank as hard as possible there by breaking it into pieces. I was surprised to see a dark tunnel behind the broken wall. Without much hesitation I stepped into the burrow and within minutes, I was standing in an open garden. The tunnel lead me through a dark empty dumpster and crawling out of it I found myself free.

After running for what felt like hours I was glad to finally land on a civilized looking street. Although the place was nearly empty, few open shops and a row of flickering street lamps made the place feel safer. However, I had no idea where the hell I was.

"Excuse me Sir, can you tell me which way is the Seoul city?"

I was standing at a cross road trying to decipher which way to take by asking the shopkeepers when a black sedan ran past me and stopped at the opposite end of the road. I scrunched my eyebrows at the appearance of the uncanny vehicle. The door slid open and a figure jumped out and all it took me was a single glance at the man's face to churn my blood up. It was the same man I tacked earlier, probably hungry for revenge.

Once again he lifted a gun, presumably loaded this time, ready to take his shot. For a brief moment I froze at my spot and I was unable to judge the depth of the situation but that was until a sudden jolt shoved me out of the way making me fall on the side walk. Almost immediately two simultaneous gun shots rang close to my ears giving me goosebumps. I waited for an excruciating pain to erupt somewhere in my body but nothing happened. So I turned around and I was quite astounded with the view,

Miss Brute was standing tall in front of me with her weapon held high...

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