《My True Self - Noaf x fem reader (AlRawabi School for Girls)》Chapter 5 - Coming Out


"Did Dina also send you a text?", Noaf wondered the next day.

Inaya had invited me to stay for the night as Nisma's bed had not been taken and I had happily agreed. Nobody knew about Noaf's and my relationship yet and we were not planning to make it official at school. It would just bring us more unwanted drama.

"Yeah. What do you think she wants us to come over for? Why can't she just call?", I questioned.

Noaf shrugged her shoulders and searched her wardrobe for some clothes.

I could have gotten some of my stuff last night, but we had been too lazy. So we had just decided that I would take some of Noaf's clothes for the night. And luckily she had also found a new toothbrush for me.

Noaf tossed a black jeans and shirt my way.

"You don't need to wear it if you don't want to but I guess it's better than your school uniform", she suggested.

As if I would let the chance to wear Noaf's clothes slip.

When we were both dressed Noaf stared at me for a while.

"What?", I asked insecurely.

"Didn't think that it would be so hot to see you in my clothes", she stated, grabbed her bag and went ahead while leaving me behind with an evident blush.

Thankfully Noaf's dad gave us a lift. So we did not need to walk all the way to Dina's house. That would have taken hours.

For a moment we took in the sight of the big mansion in front of us exchanging a surprised glance before Noaf pressed the door bell at the front gate.

A ringing sound erupted signaling us that the gate was unlocked.

Dina welcomed us at the front door. "What took you so long?"

"So what's so important you can't say over the phone?", Noaf asked back.

"Okay, yeah", she replied and led us into the house.

Inside Noaf and I were impressed another time. Despite going to class with Dina for years I had not known her parents were rich. We could not help but take a look at the spacious rooms filled with expensive looking furniture.

"Guys", Dina ripped us out of our daze.

We continued following her upstairs until we arrived inside a room that could only belong to Dina. It looked pink and fluffy.

"This room is just for you?", Noaf wondered and I could not blame her.

She was sharing a way smaller room with her sister after all and my room was playing in a different league as well.

"Yeah, well. Who else would it be for? Duh", Dina remarked.

"Whatever", Noaf mumbled.

When Dina finally told us why we were here I could not believe my ears. She wanted to persuade Mariam to stay at our school? That would just mean more torture.


"There's another thing we haven't tried yet", I proclaimed.

"And what would that be?", Dina questioned.

"Talking to Layan and Rania?", I assumed.

Noaf scoffed. "Yeah and there's a reason we haven't tried yet. Because it won't work anyway", she assumed.

"How do you know if you haven't tried?", I noted.

"It's too late for that, (f/n). The harm has been too immense", Dina interjected.

"If they knew that we're behind everything that happened to Ruqayyah we would be screwed", Noaf agreed.

"We're screwed anyway ... or at least I am", I considered.

"I won't let them hurt you again. That's exactly why we need to take care of them properly", Noaf declared.

"I see what you're doing there, but I don't want this. I'm out. Hope you won't judge me for that", I stated anxiously.

Noaf pulled me down next to her onto the couch placing her arm around my shoulders. "Don't be silly. We won't force you to do anything you don't want to", she promised and pulled me close.

"Didn't know you were the type for cuddles, Noaf", Dina noted.

"Because I'm not. Don't dare to get too close to me", she warned her 'jokingly'.

"But ...", Dina intended to protest but Noaf interrupted her.

"(f/n) is a different story. Don't question it."

She did not dare to question it. Noaf could be quite intimidating. Honestly it was hot as hell.

Dina and Noaf lied to Mariam about Dina not feeling well leading her to join us. And I did not quite know how but they managed to persuade Mariam to continue despite my attempts to make them recognize that it was wrong.

To my surprise they really did not exclude me though under the condition that I would not sell them out. I was curious. So I agreed. They were planning to strike during the school trip when Layan and Rania wanted to secretly meet their boyfriends.

After talking for a while Noaf started to hack Layan's phone. It was impressive. Actually I had no clue what she was doing.

Dina and I were sitting on the coach, Noaf on the ground in between us and Mariam on the bed. From time to time I fed Noaf some snacks.

"Yes! We have access, ladies!", Noaf announced and we were all excited about that.

Just because I did not want to join their plan did not mean that I would not enjoy seeing them suffer a bit.

"Noaf. How did you even do that?", Dina wondered.

"Bitch please", Noaf shot back.

We spent the rest of the day, which was almost over, with stalking Layan's phone and talking some more.

Noaf and I returned to her home a short while later and we decided that I would stay at her place again.

"Thanks for not pushing me away, although I don't support your plan", I proposed when we were sitting on her bed cuddling a bit.


"Pushing you away would be a punishment for me", she stated with a grin.

Unfortunately we had not realized that the door had opened while we were kissing.

"Oh, so that's where we're now." Inaya's voice made us part so quickly that I almost fell off the bed. Noaf saved me last second.

"Mom ..." Noaf did not quite know what to say. And that was rare.

"(f/n), I told you that you could come by whenever you want to. Just don't forget that you're sleeping in Nisma's bed, not Noaf's", she clarified.

"Wait! You aren't even surprised?", Noaf exclaimed.

"About what? That you're into girls or (f/n)? The latter was obvious and therefore the former as well", she enlightened Noaf. "As long as you keep your clothes on I don't mind. For all I care you can also toss your clothes aside if you both want to, but keep it quiet." With these words she left the room and closed the door behind her.

I was blushing so badly that I felt like my head was going to explode soon.

"That went well? I guess?", I stammered out.

Noaf pulled me closer again and placed her hand on my forehead.

"Looks like she made you sick. Want me to take care of you?", she teased me and pinned me onto her bed before kissing me.

But we left it at that tonight. Odd to remind myself that Noaf and I had just known each other for a few weeks by now. It felt like years.

The next morning Inaya eyed us in a special way.

"Good morning girls. How was your night?", she greeted us.

"Relaxing", Noaf replied. "Decided to go to sleep soon after you left my room", she added.

Inaya nodded and smiled at me. I felt comfortable here. It did not bother me at all that the apartment was small.

"I gotta go home today and pack my stuff for the school trip", I remembered.

"Oh, yeah. Almost forgot about it", Noaf noted. "Do you want me to come over with you?", she offered.

"Please. I'm planning to tell my parents about us today as well. So they won't find out on their own like yours", I declared making Inaya chuckle.

"Not the worst idea", Noaf agreed. "Do you think they'll be fine with it?"

"I dunno. My mom will but I'm not sure about my dad. But if he's against our relationship then it's his problem, not mine", I assured her.

Noaf simply nodded.

Honestly on the way home I became nervous, which turned to anxious. But Noaf holding my hand soothed me.

"Hey, you two. We already missed you", my mom greeted us.

Then her eyes traveled down to our hands.

We both greeted her before I asked her if dad was home. As today was Sunday it was likely that he was home.

Mom led us toward the living room where dad was watching TV.

"Hey, dad. Could you spare us a minute?", I requested.

He greeted us and turned the volume of the TV down. I could tell that especially mom was slightly anxious due to my strange behavior.

"So I just wanted to tell you that Noaf is my girlfriend now", I confessed bluntly.

Mom let out a relieved sigh. "Thank god! I already worried that something bad had happened. Of course you're welcome here, Noaf", she reassured us.

"Thanks, (m/n)", Noaf replied with a soft smile.

My eyes were fixated on my dad who appeared to be overwhelmed.

He stood up from the coach and approached me. Then he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm happy for you and proud. But you took me really off guard", he admitted before hugging me.

"And you really scared me for a minute", I shot back. "Noaf and I were about to go and pack my stuff for the trip", I informed my parents after my dad had let go.

"Sure. Go ahead", mom encouraged us.

As soon as we had closed my door behind us I let myself fall onto my bed.

"I'm feeling so much better now", I mumbled.

"Definitely", Noaf agreed and joined me.

For a while we procrastinated and simply enjoyed laying around together.

"Shouldn't you start packing?", Noaf considered after a while.

"I don't want to. Let's stay like this forever", I half-joked.

"Sounds tempting but won't work out in the long run", she replied with a smile.

Reluctantly I got up and began packing. Noaf helped me to decide which clothes I should take with me and soon later I was finished.

Nisma would return home today. Hence I would not accompany Noaf back to her home, but sleep in my own bed for the night.

"So see you tomorrow", I said goodbye to her at the front door.

"Yeah, can't wait", she replied.

After a short kiss she left. She had insisted to go on her own, but promised me to send me a text as soon as she arrived.

By now I was really looking forward to the school trip. But I could only hope that it would not end up in a disaster like everything that was connected to school. I wished Noaf, Mariam and Dina would just give up on their plan instead of making matters worse.


Hey, it's been a while but I'm still writing of course. Hope you like the new chapter. Please let me know if you like it by voting and writing comments. Especially the comments motivate me to continue writing quicker. Thanks for the support

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