《airplane! hyunho ✔️》31



do you think i am a bad person?


what do you mean?

you are not a bad person

are you ok?

but i am a bad friend

i did something bad

well said

but i think i'm a really bad friend

i hurt him...

now he probably doesn't want to talk to me anymore

that's why he's with him

he doesn't want to be my friend anymore

i fucked up because i was jealous

i never deserved him

im a bad person, jisung

what are you talking about

i lied to him

i just wanted him for myself

and now i probably lost him forever

i'm a really bad friend

what are you talking about?

felix are you ok?

do you wanna come over?

no, it's late...

im coming over, ok?

you are at home right?

do you still wanna be my friend even if i'm a bad person?

yes, felix, im still your friend

you arent a bad person

you are at home?


ok, im coming

don't worry

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