《blue ✓》fourteen


disclaimer; this chapter contains drug references.

h a r r y

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Lola backs away from me abruptly, a faint colour rising to her cheeks in embarrassment. I turn my head to see his body motioning closer to myself and the blue eyed girl, his two moron friends following closely behind him. I clench my fists tightly, anger bursting inside me.

Niall clicks his tongue as he narrows his eyes at us on the grass below him, holding a soccer ball under his right arm as his teasing smirk leaves my bones shaking in anger. Lola stands to her feet and cleans the strands of grass from her body, motioning for me to follow with a nod of her head and longing in her eyes.

"We're leaving." She mumbles.

I stand to my feet, my frame tall compared to the three arrogant males that settled merely metres away. I could see the faint bruise still against Niall's left eye even from here, the crooked cut against his nose, and that left finger of his still in the white cast, providing amusement to erupt in me as a cocky grin forms on my lips.

"How's the nose, Horan?" His eyes narrow.

"Harry," Lola begs. "Cmon."

I take a stride forward, ignoring her blue eyes that pleaded with each worry line in her forehead. He still wore his soccer jersey, mud stains over the green and blue material. His two friends zone in on me as I move closer to the blonde haired boy, of course I was outnumbered but they knew I had size and strength over them any day as their harsh stares burned into my skin.

I smirked. "I thought I told you to fuck off."

Niall cocks an eyebrow. "Free country."

"Harry?" Lola quakes. "Let's go."

I disregard her implore, balling my fists until my knuckles turned white and my fingernails dug into my skin. "Don't forgot what I told you, Horan."

His demeanour dims. "Fine," he grits. "But don't you forget what I told you, Styles." Niall shoots me an arrogant smile, glancing to Lola momentarily before he steps backwards, his lackeys mimicking the action as his pale blue eyes watch us.

"Say hi to Louis for me, Lola." Niall announces, causing a resonate of chuckles to echo in the cold air. I can feel the atmosphere grow heavy as Lola hears those words, I puff out a frustrated sigh as the boys walk away, running my fingers through my hair as I turn back to Lola.


Her eyes rested on the ground beneath her, glassy and sore as she sighs. "What was that all about, Harry?" Her head raises with the air, blinking back tears. "What did you tell him?"

I step forward. "Lola, it's nothing to concern yourself with I promise." Her bottom lip is bitten into as my body moves closer and closer, inches separate us and I feel her breath elevate with my presence. My heart thumps as I let my finger slip under her chin, tilting her head to look at me with those bright blue eyes. "Promise." I let my head dance with her breath, reeling in as I ghost my lips over hers before pressing them to her sweet mouth for a short, passionate kiss.

"Harry?" Lola breaths as we pull apart. "Thank you." Her eyes blink back tears as she gazes up at me.

Deep down I knew what she was thankful for, questions certainly floated in my mind but as I looked into her blue soul I realised she was thanking me; for me. When our worlds tangled, we danced with the stars and the moon on a crisp, enchanting night with passion in our hearts. I knew she was thankful for that, for me igniting her universe and painting colours across the grey skies in her misguided life. She thanked me for the brightness in her once dull stars, the colour in her new horizon and the dripping passion in her galaxy that she had forgotten about long ago. She thanked me for igniting her bones and soul, creating this world full of glowing kisses and blue skies.

As we rode away from the park, gliding down the hills and watching the sun fade behind the clouds, we felt alive.

She felt alive – for now at least.


l o l a

I sat in my english class on Monday morning with nothing on my mind but Harry. I lazily doodled in my book instead of doing the work provided by our teacher, my brain too wild to attempt it. I thought of his lips, the curve in them and the way they tasted. I thought of his tanned body and the way it felt to run my fingertips along his stomach. But my thoughts were interrupted by the breathy voice of my best friend next to me.


"Lola? Lola? Looolllaaa? Lola!" Her whispers grew louder and louder until I turned my head, glaring at her.

"What?" I hissed.

"Finally," she sighs. "You really need to get your hearing checked, dude."

"Mona." I roll my eyes. "What do you want?"

Mona scans her eyes around the classroom, once satisfied no one was watching she leaned in closer. "Are we still on for tonight?"


"Cool," she replies. "Did you get the pills from that guy?"

I cringe. "Y-yes."

"Awesome." Mona leans back in her chair and begins to whistle, ignoring the glares from our teacher.

I push my head down to stare at the page below me, watching the lines blur more and more as I continue to gaze upon them. I couldn't help but feel guilt burning up my throat, the image of those blue pills in my bag were haunting and I wanted nothing to do with them at this point. I hated that I was always asked to get drugs for my boyfriend, his lack of interest in my wellbeing made my light dim and somehow even when he kissed my lips this morning and called me those sweet names, I felt more unloved than ever before.

It was around 4:15pm when I arrived home that afternoon, my demeanour dim. My mood seemed to shift from bad to horrible as I walked into the clean, white kitchen of my home. I took a seat at the kitchen counter, the scent of food and spices around the air as I watched my mother prepare dinner, humming a tune as she sliced the vegetables below her.

"Lola, good evening." She chirps.

"Hi, mother."

She continued to hum as I leaned against the cold counter, the smooth top managing to support the burning anger and guilt inside me. I close my eyes to imagine Harry's forest like eyes, letting his universe ignite mine for a brief moment before reality hit me again.

"Be sure to dress nicely tonight for dinner dear." My mother comments, taking a small amount of liquid from the bowl next to her to taste. She hums in agreement before walking to the refrigerator. "Make sure Louis does too." She adds.

I sigh. "Does Louis really have to come?"

My mother gives me a look as she walks back to her cutting station, clicking her tongue in disappointment. "Of course, we have news for you both."

"You mean, you have news."

"Your father is just as involved." She replies. "Now go wash up."

"If this is about that charity ball, I already told you Louis doesn't want to go."

My mother drops her knife loudly, her once bright blue eyes now dimmed in anger. "Lola we have discussed this, you two have just been given a spot in the runway show and I expect you both to be there." As she spoke her voice seemed to grow louder and louder, and I almost see horns grow out of her perfectly straightened brown hair as she throws daggers at me with her dark eyes.

My heart thuds in my chest and my eyes water, I step down from my seat and glare at my devil like mother. "Fine." I mumble.

She let a perfectly structured, phoney smile replace her anger in seconds, dimming her darkness as she begins to chop vegetables again and hum that same tune that made my ears ring in annoyance. I walk away swiftly, heading up the stairs as tears begin to fill my eyes.


Sorry this chapter is a little short and a little lame, I was lacking inspiration but hope you guys like it anyway.

Votes and comments are really appreciated, thanks guys.

Also I'm sorry if updates are slow, I've recently had some health issues with my kitten and it's been pretty bad. I'm hoping he'll come through it but bare with me in the mean time guys. Thank you.

And I wanted to take the time thank pradadevil for being an amazing reader and friend! And you guys should most definitely check out her story "ecstasy and pain" it is absolutely amazing.

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