《Fate Has Other Plans》Chapter 60


As I'm sitting in the great room. I hear a knock on the door. Ace is not home , and the body guards aren't allowed to open the door for anyone .

I stand and walk to the door.

When I open I see Jason.

"Hi, come in. " I say to him .

I walk him straight into the lovely kitchen , loving the new house by the way.

"Any beverage you'd like to have?" I ask him.

"Coffee is okay." He says .

He pulls a chair from behind the island table and I heat some water .

"What's up, why are you here." I ask him. He smile a 'that was expected' smile .

"I want to speak about the future of our business ." He says .

I begin getting scared . What does he mean by that , is something wrong. Are we still showing losses?

"Look I want to start off by apologising. I know that in life , I've done you so wrong . I know that.

You deserve an explanation for what I've done. But I just think that it's because I'm just selfish and I never get satisfied.

You didn't deserve that Cassiey . You deserved so much more . And you still do. I'm so sorry." He starts .

"Jason , I'm not angry anymore . I dont have time for grudges. " I reply smiling. I push the cup to him , and move mine to my lips .

"I'm more than grateful for that . And that you let me live a luxurious life. Even when I didnt deserve it.

You had the right to take away the house , but you didnt. You are the sole capital contributor for Smith Industries, you could've sued it away from me.

I'm more than grateful . But..." he begins .

He pulls out a brown envelope, my heart starts beating outloud. What if the company has collapsed due to the big risk that we took with the Hawaiian project ?

"A year ago , I invested my life savings in a company in Paris. It is just like the one we run , just isn't as successful as we are .

The company doesnt just buy property and sell or rent it. It also has mines in Africa.

The company is still showing losses , which is why I decided to intervene. In hopes that I can bring it back up." He says .

"Oh , that's great Jason . I'm super proud of you . And I hope you do extra well . Dont mess up though ." I warn him.

"Listen till the end please." He says , too softly for how I'm used to.


"Okay." Now its peeked my interest again .

"Cassiey , I see you and Ace. And my heart breaks everytime , knowing that I wasted so much of your time and energy .

I feel like I shouldn't be here at all. In two months , I'll be officially taking over the company is Paris .

I've taken the big decision to move there , permanently. I'm done being a nuisance in you and Ace's life. So yes , that's the news ." He says .

"I'm excited for you Jason . You get to open up a new chapter of your life. I just pray that you dont mess up again ." I say to him.

He picks up the envelop and my heart beats fast again .

"I've also decided to resign from Smith Industries. I'm handing over my shares of the company to Ace .

I trust and believe that you two can hold the fort and even build it higher. You are a great team .

You can change the name of the company if you choose, you now have full owner ship on you family.

I hope that one day we can look back at everything and laugh . I know that will be later rather than sooner. But I just hope." He says .

"Oh , I dont know that to say . But I'm proud of you Jason . For finally stopping to think with your dick. Really proud." I say to him .

"Why are you so nice to me? I thought when you were released youd come back for revenge ." He says, shifting the topic.

"Jason , I took therapy. And I learned a lot. I was taught that you're never really over something until you let it go .

I had to let go of the fact that I made you who you are because I too benefitted . I had to let go of the fact that you cheated , because it happen , what next?

What I'm trying to say is that holding on to the past would've only held me back.

I want to be happy and to have fun . And holding on to the grudge would've only held me back from being fully happy with Ace ." I say honestly .

"I'm sorry about bringing Kayla into our lives. Had I not cheated , none of the bad things would've happened in your life .

But on the bright side , you're happy now . And you have the life that you deserve . I'm not going to lie that it was my intention, but I'm glad things turned out this way.

And now look , the life we always dreamed out back at high school is here .


You're married, happy , expecting a child . You are a strong woman. You have raised a beautiful and successful company. You did it all . And I'm proud of you .

I never saw myself here . But its fate right? Sucks to say that your mom was right about me." He says chuckling . I join him.

"She was . But one thing she was wrong about was that you'd never change .

Here you are , taking your life back in your hands and just going the right way . " I say to him .

"Remember how she couldn't say my name?" He says .

We both burst out in laughter.

"She always called me Jacob , and I think it was just to spite me." He says laughing. I join him .

"I agree ." I say to him .

He brings up more funny stories from the past and it just has us laughing . It feels good to be on good terms with him .

I'm just tired of fighting.

"I hear happiness . Add me." Ace says as he walks in.

"Hey baby." I say to him .

"Hey Jelly Bean . Hi Jason. " he greets kissing my cheek .

"Hey man." Jason says smiling .

"Jason here came as a bearer of good news today . Tell him." I say , feeling very excited .

"I'm actually resigning and moving to Paris . I've invested some money in a company there and it's going to need my full attention.

I'm handing over my shares to you . I know that you can be ten times the boss that I was there . Here are the documents." He says pushing the envelope over to Ace.

"Wow , man . That's big. Congratulations. " he says to him.

"Congratulations to you too . The new boss of Smith- nope , Bernett Industries. " He says .

I do like the sound of that .

"We should celebrate. I'll make us some dinner . " I say . They both nod and mumble agreements.

"Okay, move your happiness to the great room . I want to get busy ." I say to them .

Ace knows the drill , I want no one in my kitchen when I cook .

"Oh by the way , you guys have a beautiful home." He complements looking around.

Ace thanks him .

And they walk over to the great room to watch television.

As they're watching a football game , I hear them grunt and yelling alot. Boys .

I make a swift macaroni and cheese with some meatballs . It's easy, quick and goes well for celebrating.

The food is home made . So the boys are going to enjoy it .

I feel a pain on the left side of my tummy. The baby must me excited .

I fix up the dinner table. And I watch the boys hanging out .

Who would've have thought . I would've never guessed this one . Had I betted my money on this , I'd have lost big time.

As I'm walking back to the kitchen to get the food , I feel another pain. That's not normal .

I put the food on the table and call the boys .

"Oh , Cassiey . The food smells awesome . Cant believe you made this so fast ." Jason says .

"And it looks good too ." Ace says .

I nod . Another pain hits as I begin walking to the kitchen to get sauces . I hold the spot.

"Baby , are you okay?" Ace asks .

When I look up , the both of them are looking at me , concern lacing their faces .

I nod . I pick up the sauce and head back to the great room . A bit slower not to trigger the dull aches .

The loose dress I'm wearing today allows me to stretch my legs apart the way the doctor recommended .

"Oh , and let's not forget the champagne. We are celebrating right?" I say to them.

"You're not drinking ." Ace says eyeing me with concern when I put my hand on my tummy again.

I nod at them and head to the cellar I discovered two days into the house . There are so many rooms Ace hadn't shown me , like the fact that there is an indoor cinema room and a formal lounge .

When I get back to the dinning room , my movements are even slower than before because of the pain that just hit me a second ago in the cellar . That one was more painful than the dull aches I had earlier .

"Baby you're leaking. " Ace says when I enter the dinning.

I look down and notice that I've peed myself .

When I look back , I see a trail of it .

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks again .

No this is downright not normal .

"Ace , how far are we with the pregnancy?" I ask him .

"What?" He asks in confusion .

"How far are we with the goddamned pregnancy. " I ask feeling frustrated.

He opens his phone and scrolls by quickly.

"Thirty seven weeks. Why?" He asks .

"The baby is coming ." I say to him. Feeling myself release more water .

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