《Ink Splatters》Mickwald (part 3: Summer Vacation)



"what was that?" willy asked as we lined up in alphabetical order. "it may be the song again," suicide mouse said. the song "happy" played again as we all started dancing along with the lyrics. mickwald ran inside mr. diet's classroom to dance along. "mickwald, what are you doing here?" i asked. "i'm here to hear the goddang song i've ever listened," mickwald said as he smoked with his cigarette. "stop it," mr. diet said. "get out of my classroom if you're gonna smoke a cigarette." mickwald ran out of the classroom singing, "come along if you feel if that's what you wanna do." after the song, another song started playing. there was rock music all around the school. the specials teachers and the principals ran inside the school. they were beginning to wish all the 9th graders, 10th graders, 11th graders, and 12th graders a happy summer. they were hooting around the block. they went to the 10th grade hallway and they all started cheering out loud. "WHATSSUP 11TH GRADERS?" the library teacher asked. "BYE GUYS HAVE A GREAT SUMMER WEEKEND," the gymnasium teacher said. "BYE GUYS," the principal and assistant principal said.

"WE'LL SEE YOU AGAIN NEXT YEAR 11TH GRADERS," the art teacher said. we all cheered loudly. "HAVE A GREAT NEW SCHOOL YEAR," the music teacher said. we all cheered more louder. then, ms. lord and ms. hoe came inside my teacher's classroom holding the sign that said "GOODBYE 10TH GRADERS!" ms. lord said, "I'M SO PROUD OF YOU GUYS." and ms. hoe said, "HAVE A GREAT SUMMER VACATION." we all waved and all shouted, "BYE TEACHERS AND STAFF!"

there was the beep again and the principal said, "GOODBYE GUYS AND HAVE A GREAT SUMMER! LET'S GO OFF FOR THE BUSES' GOODBYE." we all ran out of our classrooms and started hooting. there was the principal, the music teacher, the gymnasium teacher, and the art teacher. the song "the champion" was playing over the mic. there we saw is the sign that said "GOODBYE!" as i went inside my bus, ivy was sitting beside me. the buses started moving and then there was fireworks in the air and there was all the 10th grade teachers and the staff of 123 slaughter me street high school. we all started saying, "GOODBYE GUYS!" all the teachers and staff started cheering and blowing their party horns. the students were hooting so loud, and even the bus riders were cheering out at them. their windows were up and we saw sprinklers falling from the air. "GOODBYE EVERYONE!" the greeter said. "GOODBYE MR. DIET!" there was more fireworks and sprinklers from the air and all the teachers said, "YAY!!!!!" after that when we said goodbye to all the teachers, there was a countdown again. the staff shouted,











one..." then all the students shouted, "WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!" the principal said, "WE MADE IT WE MADE IT GOODBYE GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH SEE YOU NEXT TIME MY WONDERFUL PRINCIPAL'S KIDS!" we all said, "BYE!!!!!!!" sprinklers bursted out of nowhere. and soon the buses all lefted the high school as we closed the windows. i was sad to say goodbye to mr. diet because he's a great 10th grade teacher of me. "are you okay, wollof?" ivy asked. "yes..." i said. "you'll see them again next year, i promise," the waiter said. as the bus stopped at my house, i quickly ran off it.

"hey mom," i said. "how was school?" my mother asked. "good," i said. my mother was so proud of me because i graduate 10th grade. i thought that mickwald isn't graduating 10th grade because he did something bad for himself and his classmates. he smoked, he slapped his classmates in the face, and he always hits his teacher's face. i really did not like the way he act like a 10th grader. he always smokes with a cigarette.

i went into my bedroom to draw some memories about my 10th grade teacher. ivy went inside my bedroom and asked, "what are you drawing?" i said, "i'm drawing some memories about mr. diet because he's a great teacher of me."

"i really miss him..." ivy said. "but i'm sure i'll get an 12th grade teacher." i said, "i want a new 11th grade teacher, so i want the 9th graders and 10th graders to wish to do their very best." i drewed pictures of all the 9th graders and 10th graders. 9th grade is now going to 10th grade, and 10th grade is going to 11th grade. but all the 12th graders are going to college. and like 8th grade, they are going to 9th grade. i'm going to 11th grade this year because 11th grade is gonna be the best year ever.

since school is out for 10 weeks, that means summer vacation, right? well i have to continue.


on the third day of june, we went to 123 slaughter me street park. ivy was on the swingset while i was on the slide. the greeter was sitting beside me when i looked back at her. "how is your summer break going?" she asked. "good," i said. "i'm going to the beach at the noon at 1:00 PM," the greeter said. "do you remember the thoughts of mickwald that loves to smoke his cigarette?"

"no," i said. "i haven't seen him smoking his cigarette in a park." the greeter said, "what is the deal? no one like mickwald smokes with his or her cigarette." then i said, "okay... so um... when are you going to the beach?" the greeter responded, "1 o'clock."

she left the slide set and let ivy out of the way so she can swing it. when i got on the swingset, i surely did hope that no mickwald gets behind me. "what are you guys doing now?" the waiter asked. "playing on the swingset," the greeter said. "fungus had been such a hard player over here at the slide playset." the waiter asked, "fungus?"

"waiter, it's not like mickwald, it's just mickwald," i said. "okay..." the waiter said. he looked back and finally saw mickwald smoking with his cigarette. "guys i saw mickwald," he said. "oh no," the greeter said. "dang you guys, you are completely stupid." mickwald said. "no one puts the heck out on you." my mother walked behind him. "mom," i said. "i saw mickwald smoking with his cigarette and i think he is about to spray ink all over the slide playset."

"what is he doing?" my mother asked. "smoking," i responded. my mother holded mickwald's ear and mckwald had dropped his cigarette on the floor. "hey put me down, stupid," he said. "what are you doing, stupid?" my mother slapped him in the face. "don't you ever say another word to me ever again." she said. she finally dropped mickwald down. "oww..." mickwald whimpered. "i got hurt by stupid."

soon, mickwald's mother ran close to him. she quickly spanked his buttcheeks with a hairbrush. "stop it, you stupid stupidy stupider," mickwald said. "don't you call me stupid," mickwald's mother said. "i hate you," mickwald said. "i don't care if you hate me or not NOW BE QUIET," mickwald's mother demanded. mickwald spitted his tongue out at his mom in the face. "YOU SPITTED?" mickwald's mother asked. "I DUNNO MOMMY I HATE THE GODDANG LIMITED PLAYGROUND IT TEACHES LIKE STUPID!" mickwald said. "BE QUIET! NOW!!" my mother demanded. "I HATE Y'ALL GUYS I HATE YA!" mickwald said more louder. "uh-oh..." i said. i quickly covered my eyes until mickwald was completely spanked. i uncovered my eyes and saw that mickwald's buttcheeks were hurting so badly and i thoughted that he needed a band-aid.

"MOMMY DON'T CALL ME THE GODDANG STUPID NAME AGAIN!" mickwald said. "I DON'T CARE IF I SAY IT AGAIN!!!!!!" mickwald's mother demanded. "I'M NOT YOUR GRAMMY OR ANYTHING LIKE STUPID! let's go home." mickwald started screaming and screaming and screaming and screaming. he screamed so much that his mother slapped him in the face.

"mickwald's gone..." i said. "well, i guess that isn't too much of a kind," the greeter said. the waiter thinks this was bad because mickwald is so mean. later when mickwald's family droved home, mickwald was in his bedroom all alone.

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