《Dick Grayson one-shots》You All Have Your Own Beds PT. 2



Sorry my updating schedule was thrown off. School is busy. I will try and update at least once a month, but I don't know how well that will end. No, I'm not dead.

@markiplierfan25part2 requested a second part and I'm delivering because they had some awesome ideas!


Dick and Wally were staying over at the Manor for the night. The boyfriends had spent the day working on a case, which was the reason they were there.

Dick had also spent some much needed bonding time with his brothers and sister, except for Jason because he'd been in star city working on who knows what with the outlaws. Tim had been working the case with them, but passed out from sheer exhaustion since he hadn't slept in 2 weeks, Babs had been running comms and such for them on patrol, Cass had been training with Steph and Duke had been talking to Damian about Titus. Duke and Steph didn't stay the night, but the rest of the siblings did.

It was about 4 in the morning and the two men were snuggled up in bed and beginning to fall asleep after patrol.

Wally was half-asleep and Dick already snoring softly when a harsh shove to Dick's shoulder woke both men up. Damian stood next to the bed wearing his PJ's, a long sleeved green shirt and short gym shorts, and he was glaring daggers at Wally.

"Grayson. I was unable to sleep, can I join you?" Dick smiled softly and nodded, moving closer to Wally so Damian could climb onto the bed and snuggle up to his big brother. "Speak of this and I will tear out your innards and strangle you with them."


Wally gulped and looked at his boyfriend with wide eyes. Dick just sleepily muttered, "OK Dami," before falling back to sleep. Wally decided to follow his lead and began drifting off.

Wally was almost asleep when Tim's tearful voice reached his ears and he looked at his boyfriends younger brother, "Can I sleep in here, please? I had a bad dream."

Wally noticed Tim had tear streaming down his face and shifted so the 15-year-old could climb between Wally and his boyfriend so Tim could cuddle with his brother. Tim looked so much younger than 15 at that moment. Wally decided he could finally get some sleep only to be woken again by a small figure climbing over him and forcefully shaking Dicks shoulder. both Boyfriends opened their eyes and saw Cass sitting on the bed frantically signing that she had a bad dream and wanted to sleep here. of course they couldn't say no, so they all shifted so Cass was laying between Wally and Tim. Tim rolled over and practically clung to his sister like a teddy bear and she immediately relaxed.

Steph got to the Manor at about 8 am because she wanted to have someone to hang out with, but found them all asleep and decided to join them by curling up at the end of the bed like a cat. When Duke arrived at the Manor Steph invited him to join the cuddle pile but he settled for siting in the beanbag chair in the corner of the room and reading .

Alfred found the children sprawled out on the bed that morning. It was quite a sight, Cass took up the majority of the bed, spread out like a starfish. Damian was snuggled into Dicks side and they lay on the edge of the kings size bed, Tim curled up in a ball between Cass and Dick as he hogged all the blankets. Wally laying on the other edge of the bed, leg and arm both hanging off as gravity threatened to pull him onto the floor, Steph curled up like a kitten near Cass's foot at the end of the bed and Duke seated in a beanbag chair reading.


Alfred promptly took a picture before allowing them to continue their slumber, but not before sending the picture to Bruce (and Stephanie because he knew she would want to use it against the others, if she hadn't taken any pictures herself...she already had some)

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