《Apology Not Accepted --|Shockwave x Vehicon Reader |--》Robes of Wonder


Working in the labs really isn't all bad. For once I feel truly useful, and it's fun to mess with the Autobot Medic. He wants to do most of the work but I near exhaust myself anyways just to make him angry, and I claim to do it out of fear that I'd be punished for not working as much as lord Megatron might want. The stupid mech still believes the previous leader is alive, and I can only hide a small smirk, knowing that I am one half of a complete leader. Speaking of Shockwave, I could hear his heavy pedesteps coming down the outside halls. Ratchet must have heard them too because he began to busy himself with something, only to turn abruptly toward me and hand me a tool just as the door opened with a short hiss.

"The Synth-En project has furthered," Shockwave noted, red optic flickering toward the computer.

"Yes," Ratchet glared, "but I'm afraid you won't be seeing any more progress from me."

The fool. At this rate he won't ever see his precious team again.

"An illogical assumption," Shockwave stated, "You have no choice in the matter."

"You can't kill me, so I do have a choice," the bot argued, "I'll continue, but only if (Y/D) has a proper rest."

I had guessed he would make such a request, and rolled my optics from behind him, fidgeting with the tool I knew to be just a simple magnifying glass, adapted to act as a laser and infrared camera as well. He gave it to me so that it looked like I was busy.

"That means no experimenting," Ratchet said before Shockwave could make his statement, who was silent for a moment before giving a curt nod.


"Fine then, come... Vehicon..."

I hurried over, giving Ratchet a sorry smile as I was gently pushed out the door, another vehicon going to watch as well as help the Autobot medic, though Knockout was still in there., but he had left into another room when Shockwave came.

"I do not like treating you as if you are lower than I."

"I know, but it is necessary for this mission. It won't work otherwise."

He stopped me from continuing to what I thought was our destination; the throne room, but we redirected to our lab and berthroom. Confused but trusting, I let him lead, watching as he entered the code to open the doors, then taking my servo gently into his though I hissed somewhat at the deep scratches still festering from an earlier injury. He let go, only to direct to the medical berth in the middle of the lab.

"Is this necessary?" I sighed, "These are only scratches, really."

But my scientist paid no mind as he began to repair the damage done, only to continue further as he brought a buffer and some polish.

"You have been neglecting yourself," he stated bluntly, "You do not have your usual shine."

"Said the one who hasn't refueled since yesterday morning," I retorted, taking the polish and throwing it to the side of the berth, "I'm fine."







Through this our helms came slowly closer until my derma hit the side of his optic in a gentle kiss.

"I'll rest, if you rest with me."

"I will need to alert Soundwave of the development."

"You can do that just by comming him," I said.

"An obvious choice of action."


My blue optics roamed as they memorized each and every possible detail of his singular optic, though I had already committed these details to memory. I let myself smile, sliding away from him.

"Then hop to it my scientist."

Not even a minute later he was done with informing Soundwave of the sudden development, and back to insisting I be polished, but again I refused.

"It's not a necessity."

"Perhaps, but why should a queen look like her subjects?"

I'm not sure I like that title, but what can one do when it's the only title that accurately describes my role? After putting it that way, I gave in, and reached for the buffer, only for it to be pulled away from me.

"I will do it."

"Shockwave I--"

"You are more exhausted then you show," he interrupted, "You have been working since yesterday, and have not stopped."

I hadn't even realized it, but he was right. I was so engrossed in the work that I hadn't even noticed Ratchet doze off into a short recharge earlier in the night.

"It's about time you gave yourself a break."

"What about you?" I questioned, but Shockwave had already begun to polish the delicate armor that had been scratched, marred and beaten so many times. His touch was gentle, and I'll admit to leaning into it from time to time, and soon he had me lay on the berth, faceplate down, so he could polish my back plates as well. And then he stopped, but I was half in recharge so I took no notice, until two sharp clicks and a dull pain just below my shoulder plates appeared, making me twitch. Looking up, I saw Shockwave walk away, as if to admire me, and I looked behind.

I saw that I was now covered by a thin, shear covering, mainly a light, dusty blue, but faint patterns of purple lines adorned it. Sitting up I watched as the cape glittered in the false light from above, like it was encrusted with millions of fine diamonds.

"Thin colored steel," Shockwave explained, "sewn in diamond wire to keep it from tearing, and other fine metals to thin to see without a microscope."

I stood, watching as the garment fell like water to the floor, glittering and flowing, reaching down to envelope my pedes. It hung by powerful magnets at my shoulder plates, complimenting my form.

"How did you..."

"Many nights without recharge," he admitted.

"Shockwave it's beautiful."

I hugged him, mindful of the new addition, and gave him a small kiss on the side of his optic.

"As is the femme wearing it."

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