《Apology Not Accepted --|Shockwave x Vehicon Reader |--》Surrounded by my Enemy


I woke up to find my wounds healed, but I was still restrained. I felt trapped. I wanted to go back to Shockwave, back to what these Autobots would describe as the very Pits of Kaon. I heard no one for the longest time, I felt lonely. Even in the ranks of the vehicon drones, I didn't feel lonely, there was always some sort of company I coud talk to, or at least know they were there. As I thoughtof what I counted as my home, I realized just how bored I was becoming. Looking to one side, I saw the open hanger door, then I looked to my other side, and found numerous medical tools. I decided to test myself.

Energon enfuser... though slightly battered.


... Torch ...


I saw several other things, but my memory was failing me, and I realized just how much more I had to learn, though these are more aimed for repair, while I've merely been studying the experimental sciences, not medical sciences, though it may help in the long run.

My thoughts were interrupted by the closing of a door, but it sounded far to small to be an Autobot making their entrance. I strained my neck cables to look behind me somewhat, seeing the tiny form of what I can only assume to be a human. Being on the Nemesis and Darkmount for most of my onlining I had never seen one before... they really are puny and squishy...

"I see our sleeping beauty has awaken," the dark skinned, human mech stated, though I don't know what he meant... "Anything to say 'Con?"

I stayed as silent as my superior, Soundwave, simply staring at this primitive life form.

"Nothing huh?" he leaned on the railing, "You were rather vocal earlier today, if I remember correctly, you screamed for a certain mad Scientist, interrupted a long needed nap too," he grumbled.


I looked away from him. I had forgotten about that...

"Uh-huh," apparently I had confirmed something with this movement, "Look, Ratchet already contacted him, the team's probably speaking to him in some hidden location or something."

I refused to look at him. Are they showing me mercy? Why? I have done nothing for their cause, and have kept to myself, though I have revealed a long kept secret among the vehicon ranks. They now know of the femme ranks that are often disguised. I hope my carrier can forgive me of this mistake.

"Is that the vehicon?"

A new voice, a human mech's, maybe about in his teenage years.

"That's the vehicon Ratchet torched right?!"

Femme... maybe a bit younger then the human mech.

"Miko, that's not very nice... especially after hearing her earlier," a more timid human, younger than the rest.

Taking my chances I looked back to the platform, seeing the group of four, each a bit shorter then the other. The smallest one was looking at me through the middle of the railing, being far to short to look above it. I found it... cute.

"Aw, look she's smiling!" The femme, whom I assumed is Miko stated, and I felt my smile fade, earning a pout in return.

What am I to them? Some sort of Zoo animal meant to be caged? I'm not some spectical to be stared at and mocked, or whatever they plan to do.

I heard them dissipate when I did nothing more, and I found myself quite lonely once again. I waited until the loud thrumbs of a groundbridge met my audio, and I lifted my helm to see better, noting that the first to come was the Autobot medic. He looked to me, and seemed relieved that I was awake, then moved out of the way for Ultra Magnus, the Autobot Scout, and Arcee, who ignored me as they passed by to work on other things. The medic made his way towards me, and I simply stared at him, my expression blank.


"I am... sorry," he seemed to struggle with these words, "You will be returned to your sparkmate in due time."

"He's... Shockwave is... is not my sparkmate..." I mumbled, earning the medic's attention. I had hoped he did not hear, but I was wrong.

"If he is not your sparkmate, then an Amica Endura?" I could tell he was quite curious about the relationship we had, obviously only accustomed to the horror stories of his experiments and constant emotionless state. To be honest, I wasn't sure what we were. It was more then a friend, but less then a sparkmate... We have not shown our sparks to each other, but if I ask... perhaps an Amica Endura is the closest we would become...

"I... p-perhaps?" I mumbled, not revealing anything except for my own uncertainty.

It was quiet once again, and I found myself bored with nothing to do but wait.

"C-can I get off of the-"

"Absolutely not."

The sudden appearence of their current leader, Ultra Magnus, startled me, and I tried to shrink down, but the barrier the berth created denied me that feeling of safety.

"P-please... the restraints hurt immensely."

"You are a threat to us," he stated, giving no further explanation, though he really didn't need one. I'm a Decepticon.

"Sir, Shockwave did order for her to be unharmed." The medic stated, and their leader sighed, then looked back to me as a held a pleading gaze. I knew it showed a weakness, but the restraints hurt very badly, being far too tight for my frame to withstand without caving in on itself.

"Fine, but I'm placing her under your close supervision," he told the Autobot medic, and I vented a sigh of relief once the restraints disappeared.

"Thank you sir," I bowed, and this seemed to please him as he walked away with a curt nod.

I stayed close to the medic Ratchet, of course I did not bother his work, much like I stayed away from Shockwave's work unless he asked for help, which turned out to be more often then this medic did. He was working on some sort of mechanical experiment, and I noticed his need for a specific tool that he did not have, luckily, I keep spares of tools in my subspace, most being tools that Shockwave often brakes.

"I believe you need this," I offered the tool, it's twisted nature allowing for it to fit in odd spaces.

"Uh... yes... I do actually," he stated, and took it with hesitance, continuing his work as I looked over his shoulder plating. Of course, being as curious as I am when it comes to experimentive sciences, I tried to figure things out in my own processor.

"A-are you trying to get the pistons to work properly?"

"Uh..." I realized his hesitance to explain, and I backed away, apologizing, "No... no it's... fine. But-uh... yes," he answered, though this time I merely nodded.

He worked on this device for a while longer, until a message came through of which I was all to happy to see. Shockwave had sent coordinates for us to meet him, and he wants me unharmed.

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