《Apology Not Accepted --|Shockwave x Vehicon Reader |--》Beauty and the Beast


I was confronted by another drone, who seemed hesitant to tell me that Shockwave asked for an audience with me. Most of the vehicons and Seeker drones who knew of my condition had begun to worry over me constantly with the sudden appearence of Shockwave's infatuation of me. All I can do is smile in my own helm, knowing that they believe him to be experimenting on me or the like. But oh how wrong they are. I made my way to his lab doors, and was about to put in my key code, only to be stopped by the sudden appearence of Megatron coming through the lab doors. Quickly looking down, I did my best to look smaller than I was, and much more insignificant then he thought my kind to be. He simply passed by with a huff, and I stumbled into Shockwave's lab, barely able to keep my balance as I fell onto one of his tables with a clang. He came to me in a hurry, helping me up and allowing me to lean on him.

"I am awfully sorry," he apologized, "He came unscheduled."

"Th-that's been happening a lot lately." I stuttered, hating myself for it. I felt my fragile nerves vibrate, and my cooling fans came on in a desperate attempt to keep me from overheating from the sudden fear and anxiety I felt during the encounter.

"Yes," came the monotone reply to my statement, "Though I'm afraid I cannot refuse his entries, no matter the time."

I stayed in his gentle arms for a moment before trying to right myself. I winced at the pain that shot through my side, and noticed the dent in my armor from hitting the table. I groaned, frowning at the surface wound.

"The fact that you often hurt yourself when in my company is illogical."

I chuckled at this, and waited for Shockwave to fix the blemish, soon having it newly shined, though it still hurt when I moved in certain ways.

"So why have I been called up this time?" I finally asked, and the Mad Scientist took a moment to answer.


"I want you to meet the Predacon."

At this I was quite surprised. From what I had heard, the Predacon was quite ruthless when it wanted to be, and often threw Commander Starscream around like some play-toy. I wasn't quit sure of this...

"Starscream should have placed him in his holding cell by now," Shockwave noted, "It will be safe for you."

I could only nod my helm as he finished up with some other side project, my blue optics flickering from this to that, seeing if my studies had payed off as I tested myself and tried to name specific tools. I spotted a saw, a welder, an energon infuser, as well as a specimen jar, currently empty, silver lid displayed haphazardly to the side of it. I noticed that a few of the tools had left over energon on them, still dripping slightly. Afraid to ask what they were used for, I bounced my optics to the next thing, which was on the floor. I grabbed it to see what it was, and tried to figure out what I had just picked up soon realizing it, and dropping the single digit with a short shriek. It fell back to the floor with short clack, and Shockwave looked to what it was that made me so scared.

"W-why is there a drone's digit in y-your lab?" I asked with a shaky servo pointing to the article.

It took a moment for him to answer, but he did.

"An experiment." he turned back to his side project, finishing the clean up.

So he does use drones like me... no wonder the others are so scared for my life...

"Y-you wouldn't... experiment o-on me... would you?" I asked hesitantly, afraid of the answer.

"Of course not," was his surprisingly quick response, "I may seem emotionless, but you have seen a better side of me that no else has had the privilege of seeing." he placed the last of his project away, and turned back to face me, "There would only be one reason why I would experiment on you, and that is if I ever came to the conclusion that you could no longer be trusted."


I nodded a careful, and slow nod at this, now slightly scared. I couldn't help myself. I just was. While I have seen a better side of Shockwave, I'm afraid he'll shield it all over again. I was a mouse just millimeters away from touching the trap set out for me...

I was lost in my own thoughts and failed to notice Shockwave's approach, and jumped slightly at his touch. His antenea twitched, and my startled expression turned to one of a warm smile as I let him caress my cheek plate. I always find his touch so gentle, as if Primus himself were holding me. Then again, I do not have anyone else's touch to compare it to. Out of curiosity I had looked through the medical database, and found that I could be diagnosed with Touch Deprivation, but that would only add to my pile of problems, so I live with the simple moments such as this, though it often leaves me wanting more. All to soon his servo leaves my cheekplate, and he guides me to the holding cells of the Predacon, but he wasn't there...

"This can only mean that Starscream has failed to control it once again." Shockwave almost sounded exhasperated, but it was far to faint to notice in his speech.

Before I could protest he was guiding me to the flight deck, where we found Commander Starscream trying to reign the beast in with a metal rod. I closed my optics tight when I saw him being thrown to the side by the Predacon's massive tail.

"A-are you sure this is safe?" I whispered, half panicked as we drew nearer. The Predacon caught sight of us, and lowered his massive head. Shockwave placed a servo on his brow, and beckoned me to come closer. With a mild reluctance I obeyed, as my coding often forces me to, he took my servo once I was next to him, and pulled me closer, placing my currently trapped appendage atop the beast's head. He hummed a deep note that I could only assume to be a show of his pleasure in my touch, I guess we're somewhat similar in that category.

"You, vehicon," Commander Starscream barked from his spot across the launch pad, "Why are you not wearing your mask?"

I was failing to answer. I never was asked this question because everyone knew why, of whom I was around anyway. I saw his impatience grow as the metal rod clicked in his other servo as he brought it down... once... twice... three times. He sneered at my silence. Luckily, Shockwave understood my position.

"I would believe you would understand what an experiment is when you see one." he stated, and I kinda cringed at his choice in words.

"What kind of experiment requires a maskless femme drone?" he questioned.

"Faceplate recognition," was Shockwave's answer, though he did not elaborate.

After a moment of frustrated rambling, Commander Starscream stomped off, his pedes clicking their annoying rythm that so many of my kind despise. We all know the heel part of his pede was added on, and not natural for his frame, but it's funny to know that he only wears that small piece because he hates the height difference between him and Lord Megatron. The elders of the drones saying that it was quite comical when he first tried to walk in them, and get used to sudden need to relearn his balance.

"So much for not being an experiment," I muttered after awhile, though didn't realize I had said it out loud until Shockwave set a servo on my shoulder plate.

"You do know that was only a ruse, don't you?"

I stuttered for a moment.

"O-of course... I mean... sorry..."

The beast that had stayed under my servo nudged me gently, and I lost my balance slightly, and looked to my side, afraid he might have dented me, or scratched me. Surprisingly I had found no wound, or blemish. I looked to the Predacon, then to Shockwave.

"He senses your condition," he explained, and I nodded, smiling as I stroked his metal brow once more.

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