《The Half Lord {Severus Snape x Reader}》Ilvermourny


It was the next morning and you were packing your many sets of clothing as well as magical items with sentimental value when there was a knock at the door.

"It's open." You said as you entered your office to see Dumbledore walk in.

"I see you've been packing, (f/n)."

"Yes, sir. Just making sure I have everything I need."

"Is there anyone you would like to say goodbye to?"

You paused and looked at the headmaster. You couldn't think of anyone, you were still ignoring Severus....


"Yes, actually. I need to get something from a friend of mine before I go. Wasn't this mission supposed to be secret?"

"Yes, but there may be an exception." (*cough* Severus *cough* trustshimwitheverythingbuthorcruxes *cough*)

"I'll be back.....actually, never mind, I've got things to pack and organise."

Asher can keep the camera, give 'im a laugh or two, you thought.

You grabbed your stash of emergency money from under your mattress, tossing it on your travelling cloak that lay on top.

"You will not need that, (f/n)."

Entering your office once more, you went to ask why when Dumbledore handed you a sack with what appeared to be American wizarding money.

"Thanks, headmaster. I think I'm ready."

"Good, we'll be Apparating there, but first we need to leave the grounds."

"Alright, sir. If you don't mind I'd like to fly on my broom down to the gates, just for a last little joy ride before I leave."

"Of course, I'll see you at the gates."

You took off down the empty halls, broom and trunk in hands, once you made it to the courtyard you hopped on your broom and took off.

It was the best feeling in the world- even though you had your trunk with you- but nevertheless it was brilliant.


You swooped down to the Quidditch pitch and flew through one of the hoops towards the Black Lake.

Almost as if on command, the giant squid raised a tentacle out of the water as if he were waving and put it back in.

You dove under the branch of a tree next to the lake and made your way to the gates- Dumbledore already waiting there for you.

"Are you ready to apparate?" Dumbledore asked, arm out to take yours.

"Yes, sir." You took his outstretched arm and exited the gates, staring into the woods.

The second before you apparated you locked eyes with a familiar pair of onyx ones, the next moment, they were gone.

You looked and you were standing in front of a castle much like Hogwarts- minus the lake and the elaborate staircases.

"Walk up to the castle and go to the headmasters office. I hope to be hearing from you soon." Dumbledore said before Dissaperating.

So, you did as you were instructed. You hurried up the steps to the castle entrance, pulling the collar of your traveling cloak closer to you. You eventually found your way to the headmasters office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." A male voice called from inside.

You opened the door and entered the cheery office, closing the door behind you.

"You're (f/n) aren't you?" The man sitting behind the desk asked.

"Yeah, that's me."

"How old are you again?"

"12....may I ask your name, sir?"

"Oh, yes. My name is Alec Boot, I'm one of the grandchildren of the original founders. How about we get you sorted, eh?"

Now that Alec had stood up you could see his features better. He had pale blue eyes and red hair just like Asher, he grinned at you and led you to the entrance hall.


"Alright, stand there in the middle." Alec pointed to a shape in the centre of the floor and you did as he told.

As you looked around the room, you noticed the four statues representing the houses- Pukwudgie, Wampus, Thunderbird, and Horned Serpent. Your eyes took notice to the Wampus and it roared loud and clear- you'd been chosen.

"Congratulations, (f/n)! Now, I'll lead you to your dorm and you'll find that your robes are already there...you are a bit.....taller..then I thought you'd be but, no matter."

The both of you walked through the corridors until you reached what was clearly the Wampus dorms.

"Good luck, (f/n). Here's your schedule for classes tomorrow, you don't have to go today." Alec handed you the schedule and headed back to his office with a wave.

Man, he was much different than Dumbledore. A lot cheerier.

You entered the dorm and were surprised as to how nice it was. There was a fireplace in the far corner along with some of the most comfortable couches you'd ever laid eyes on. And you knew a thing or two about sleeping on couches. There was a tapestry hanging above the mantel of a Wampus in the woods. Other than the stairs to the rooms, everything there was either cranberry or navy in colour- way different than your usual house colours (even though everyone wears the same colours here).

Tired of carrying your trunk, you ascended the steps to the girls dorm and entered one that didn't have any other occupants. You set your trunk next to an empty bed and saw the set of robes Alec had told you about. You picked them up and held them to your chest- way too short.

So, naturally you pull out your wand and use a spell to make the navy and cranberry robes to grow a size or two- seeing as you didn't have any other sets. You slid your trunk under your new bed and sat on the edge of it.

~Meanwhile at Hogwarts~

"You let her go where?" Severus asked, a tone of surprise in his voice.

"Ilvermourny, Severus." replied Dumbledore.

"All the way in North America!?"

"Yes, Severus. You would think that with all your questioning of her whereabouts you didn't want her to leave."

The younger of the two paused and started to pace the headmasters office.


"You've come to care for the girl, haven't you, Severus."


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