《The Half Lord {Severus Snape x Reader}》The visit


You went home after the beach more sunburnt then ever before, but happy.

As soon as you walked in, Lupin rushed over to you.

"Where were you? Why are you so sunburnt? Is that sand on your feet?" He continued on with similar questions until you silenced him and told him that you forgot to put sunscreen on at the beach.

"I'm fine, Moony. Just a bit red, it'll go away soon. Now I need to get the sand and salt water off of me."

Remus excused you to go take a shower and he sat back down on the couch as you left.

The week after Severus had dyed your hair blue, it had worn down and faded away. Although every once in a while you would catch a glance at a blue strand of hair.

Turning the knob for warm water, you took off your bathing suit and got in the shower, instantly yelping in pain from the heat on your sunburn. You quickly turned the knob for cold.

~once you got out~

With a wave of your wand, your hair dried and there was no longer water dripping down your shoulders.

"Hey, (f/n). I think someone is at the door." You heard Lupin call.

Jogging out to the door barefoot you opened it and to your surprise, it was Dumbledore.

"Albus, what a surprise to have you show up to St. Raven. Please do come in." You stepped aside to let the headmaster in but he waved you off.

"I came here because I need to tell you something very important, (f/n)."

"Oh, um. Then in that case, do you want to take a walk?"

"That would be nice, yes."

Not bothering with shoes, you stepped out of your home barefooted and started to walk beside Dumbledore.


"What did you need to tell me, sir?" You asked after several minutes.

"It's about Severus. He's never been this upbeat ever since he became friends with Lily."

"I remember Lily. Lily Evans, right?"

"Yes, but ever since she was killed by you-know-who, Severus had never been truly happy. Today he enjoyed himself- he may not have shown it- but he did. You make him happy, (f/n), I'm not sure why, or how. But you do."

"I noticed he isn't as uptight around me as he is around other people."

"If I were to take a guess, I'd say that he may or may not be developing a liking towards you."

"Well, he is my friend, and you're not friends with someone you don't like."

"Not friend like, I mean love.... Like."

You stopped in your tracks.

"So you think he may........ Have a crush?"

"And he doesn't know about it yet, but he'll figure it out eventually." Albus turned to you. "Since you've known him so long it may break him if he loses you like he did Lily."

"You know who I am, shoot me down, I won't fall. If I do I'll rise again."

"You can't do that forever you know. Your time will end eventually, just like everyone else's."

"I know. But I'm here for now."

"That is all I wanted to tell you, but before I go, I want to give you a fair warning: he may be rough around the edges, but he can't stay that way forever."

Before you could respond, Dumbledore apparated away with a glint in his eye.

"Rough around the edges? What is that supposed to imply?" You asked yourself.

You heard some leaves rustling and turned to see Severus step out of the brush.


"How long have you been there, Severus?"

"I'm trying to find my house. Dumbledore got me lost in the dreaded forest."

Looking around, you realized that you ended up by the lake you always used to fish at when you were younger.

"The lake..."

"What do you mean 'the lake'?" Snape asked.

"This is where I used to fish all the time when I was younger. This very lake."

Sitting down by the edge where you always used to fish, Severus soon joined you and you looked up at the moon.

It wasn't quite full but in a day or two you knew it would be gorgeous.

"The moon looks beautiful tonight. Doesn't it Severus?"

"Yes, indeed." Your friend looked at you and you turned your head to face him. You looked into his eyes, black like the night but comforting like burning stars in the galaxy. The moon reflected in his eyes in a way that made them shine.

"The reason I went out to the beach today was to celebrate my birthday, June 3rd, 1878, now look at me, 1989, still got it."

"Today is your birthday, (f/n)? You never told me..,"

"Yeah, I suppose I should've, eh? Even though I'm older then dirt."

"Don't say that, you're young to everyone around you."

"You can say that, you're only 29 Se-"

You were interrupted by Severus planting his lips on yours and forming into a kiss. Being shocked at first, you froze until you realized what was happening, then you relaxed and put your arms around him, deepening the kiss.

The both of you eventually backed out for breath and stared into each other's eyes.

"Happy birthday, (f/n)."

You blushed and smiled at your friend and gave him a hug, holding him for several minutes.

"I would've gotten you a gift if I had known-"

"It's fine, Severus. Just you being here is enough. And today has been fun."

You eventually led Severus out of the forest and made sure he got back to his house on Spinners End, taking his broom over and you apparating back to your house.

"How much did Dumbledore have to say? You were out there for quite a long time."

"Oh, not much, I just got lost on my way back." You walked over into the kithen and on the counter was a (f/f) cake with (f/f) icing on top with the words 'Happy Birthday (f/n)!' Written in chocolate icing.

"Surprise!" Remus exclaimed as he popped up from the other side of the bar- counter thing. "Did you think I'd forget it was your birthday today, (f/n)?"

He brought out a premade dinner from what seemed like nowhere and set it down on the counter,

"This is amazing, Moony! Thank you so much!" You ran to the other side and gave him a hug.

After you let go, he pulled out a chair for you and the both of you ate your birthday meal and cake.

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