《Mistake // Jonah Marais》T W E L V E


"Jonahhh!" I whined in an attempt of getting the brunettes attention. He was currently gazing out the window of the coffee shop we were out at a palm tree. "Jonah, what could possibly be so interesting about that damn thing?"

He turned to me with a small smile. "Do you ever wonder why we as people get judged for being different yet trees don't?" He then continued to laugh at himself, "I know it sounds dumb. But they're living aren't they? We're people, we're living. So why do we get judged for our differences yet trees, or plants and animals in general, who have drastic changes don't?"

"Well, sir Jonah, people typically judge people to hurt their feelings or bully them. Trees don't really have those same feelings."

He shrugged and took a sip of his coffee, "It was just a thoughy." Jonah looked up at me and smiled, "What do you want to do after we finish?"

I returned a smile, "Well, actually, I haven't told anyone about this, but I'm getting really sick of Kentucky. I mean, most of my friends are here in California. So, I want you to come apartment shopping with me. I need to find the perfect .three bedroom apartment so Ali and Ashton can also move out here with me. We've talked about it before, and we have been a lot recently. They're old enough, and their parents are very supportive of both of them following their dreams. I've also found a few places and booked some appointments to check them out. What do you say? Will you come?"

"I know you said you haven't talked to anyone, but have you at least talked to Ali and Ashton about this? I mean it's a pretty big decision to make without them."


"Yeah, I messaged them an hour ago but they haven't gotten back to me yet." Just as I said that, my phone began ringing with a group FaceTime request from my two best friends. I answered it since there was no one else in the quiet cafe but Jonah and I. "Hey guys!"

"Brin, we just saw your message and we say yes!" Ashton cheered as Ali nodded her head with a wide grin on her face.

"Wait, really?! I know it's a really big decision and I don't wanna do anything you both aren't comfortable with."

Ali spoke this time, her eyes lighting up as she did so. "Well we've talked about it before, silly! We also took forever to get back to you because we had to talk to our parents about it."

"I'm glad you both like the idea, though it'll take a lot of time and such, I think it's better to start early! I've already looked at a few places, I'll send you the links and you two tell me your favorite ones."

"Will do," Ashton replied in a joyful tone, "I have to go now, Brin. Love you!"

I chuckled, "Love you too, Ash."

He hung up the call and Ali and I caught up for a bit before her mom called her down stairs to help with lunch. We said our goodbyes and I put my phone away.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? I'm only asking cause it seems very last minute." Jonah took another sip of his drink as he looked at me.

I just shrugged, "Well, one thing you'll learn about me is I'm a very strong-willed - I guess you'll call it - person."

"That's very obvious, madam Brin."


"Ew," I cringed, "Please never, ever, call me that again."

Jonah pouted, "But you call me 'sir Jonah'! You can be the madam to my sir..."

"That doesn't make any sense but it's still a no from me!" I wiped some foam off the top of my coffee and smeared it across his upper lip, causing him and I to both die of laughter at his very cute little mustache.

"We should probably get going." Jonah grabbed my napkin and wiped the foam off his lip before grabbing a lid for my coffee and throwing the napkins away.

Picking up our cups, we left the small shop and began working to our first destination.

"I never asked," Jonah began as we waited to cross the street, "what will your parents say about this? Actually, if I'm being honest, you never talk about them at all. Heck! They've never even appeared in your Instagram nor your YouTube channel! I'd love to meet them, at least hear about them."

I mentally frowned at the thought of my parents, but kept the smile on the outside looking real so he wouldn't question my sudden change in mood. "That, sir Jonah, is a story for another time."



apartment shopping with (ONE) of my best friends;)

view all 449k comments

wait are you and jonah moving in together

↳why would they do that

↳no😂 ali, ashton, and i are all planning on moving to LA sometime soon

the apartments were so cute! ugh i'm so excited

↳same , i cant wait to get out of Kentucky with their bipolar fucking weather

↳i live in kentucky too and literally it was warm all week, then pouring rain friday, freezing tonight, and it's supposed to snow tomorrow. like damn, makeup your mind

↳kentucky fucking sucks, there's nothing to do here

↳the best part? i'll be living with my two main hoes

this is such a cute picture omg

i ship them so much! like is no one gonna talk about their matching bracelets😍

↳we're just friends:) i saw this cute little shop and decided to get jonah and i matching friendship bracelets since it was our first time meeting!

↳lol i'm sure jonah had to buy them because we all know brinley is using him for fame and money

↳lol actually she bought them and our coffee before we went apartment shopping because im an idiot and forgot my wallet


↳aWe ThEy GoT cOfFeE tOgEtHeE i ShIp So FuCkInG mUcH

↳this bitch is always fucking mocking people i can't 💀👀☕️

(a/n) word count; 1040

k i lowkey did the comment section to bash kentucky cause this place literally fucking sucks

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