《The Academy 3》15


I now understood why the rich get everything. They refuse to take no for an answer! The McAllister sisters and Alicia's friends were forcing me to attend her birthday party. I was adamant about not going, but they didn't care. I tried leaving, so they resorted to calling their boyfriends to kidnap me!

I was taken to Astrid's Greek house, against my will, so that they could get me ready for the event. The sisters left, leaving Astrid and Yaz. I really, really didn't want to go. The duo urged me that this was the only way that Alicia would freely speak with me. She had to since she couldn't afford to cause a scene.

I then inquired about her throwing me out the party. They assuaged my concerns by stating that her sisters would just allow me back in. I groaned, but allowed them to pamper me.

Astrid handed me a blue mask, revealing that it was a masquerade. The design was intricate and beautiful, but reminded me of Alicia since blue was her favorite color. Actually, is that why they gave me a blue mask?

When we were dressed, the two lounged around the room. Yaz ended up ordering food while Astrid put on a movie. I inquired if we weren't going to the party anymore, but they told me that Alicia wouldn't be making an appearance any time soon. Alicia wasn't happy with having a party, so she'd be delaying her entrance as long as possible. Yaz was giving it 3 hours while Astrid was giving it a 2 hour delay.

I wondered why she wouldn't be happy about her birthday party. The two turned to me like it was the most obvious thing. Yaz then stated that she's obviously still sad about the break up. She also hated attending parties where I was absent. Since meeting me, she's only completely comfortable when I'm with her. I thought it was cute, but instantly became sad when reality hit. We weren't together and she was engaged.


"Hey!" I turned to Astrid. "Ignore her engagement-"

"Easier said than done, Tridi." Yaz spoke.

"She's just marrying this guy as a way to numb her pain. She doesn't love him! She loves you, but is too stubborn to approach you! That is why you must approach her." Astrid concluded.

"Take her off guard." I turned to Yaz. "Make her not be the one in control." Yaz's eyes were intense.


Damn. I know the McAllisters are extra, but this party takes the cake. It's amazing. Tamsin and her mother did an amazing job. I jumped at the fire breather and the roar of the tigers.

Yaz and Astrid were on either side of me as they led me inside. The bouncer looked at the girls for a split second before allowing us entry. I gasped in awe at the acrobats swinging from the ceiling.

Yaz nudged me. I turned to her, but she just flicked her head. I followed her eyes and saw Alicia and Gemma. Even though they were wearing masks, they still stood out. A man left the two alone. Gemma locked eyes with us and smiled. She snapped her head to Alicia when her sister began speaking to her.

Astrid and Yaz grabbed my biceps and dragged me to the sisters. They pushed me forwards before disappearing into the crowd. I didn't know how to make my presence known, but it turned out I didn't have to. Alicia must've sensed a presence since she turned around. Her eyebrow arched in shock.

The expression that passed over her feature was one filled with shock, annoyance, anger, and some more negative feelings. Her lips formed a thin line as she looked at me. I took a deep breath and blurted out the first thing that came to my mind.

"We need to talk, Alicia."

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