《The Academy 3》12


Laurens allowed me to spend as long as I pleased on the boat. When I told him I was feeling better, he smiled and sailed us back to shore. He hopped off the boat and held a hand out for me. I took his outstretched hand as he assisted me off the vessel. He then motioned for the deckhands to pull the boat ashore.

Laurens and I were speaking in Dutch since we didn't want other people listening to our conversation. I was asking him about his family and when he's planning on visiting them. Laurens explained that he was planning on surprising Tamsin with a trip to the Netherlands. She missed his parents and was begging to reunite with them.

I was about to rag Laurens, but something stopped me in my tracks. Laurens ran into me, making us stumble a bit. When he finally caught his balance, he looked in the direction of my eyes. His eyes widened in sadness.

Skye and Nicola were making out. Skye had Nicola pushed against a tree as she explored Nicola's mouth with her tongue. Skye then attached her lips to Nicola's neck. A single tear fell from my eye when I heard Nicola moan. I swiftly turned around. Laurens pressed me against his chest as I cried.

Laurens ended up picking me up and carrying me to his car. He drove me home. He'd sporadically place his hand on my shoulder in an act of comfort. When he dropped me off, he asked if I wanted him to stay or if I wanted him to get someone else. I told him I just wanted to be alone. He was hesitant, but respected my wishes. I did hear him call Tamsin and speak to her very quietly.

My worst nightmare came true. Nicola fell for Skye. She fell for the girl who broke me. The girl who made it difficult for me to love again. Skye truly does get any girl she sets her sights on. Unfortunately for me, she had her eyes set on the girl who owned my heart. And the sad part is that Skye always succeeds. Nicola isn't mine anymore and will never be mine again.

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