《The Academy 3》7


I groaned for the umpteenth time today. Another of Alicia's friends knocked my books out of my hands. They've mainly been targeting Leon and I. I'd attribute it to homophobia if it weren't for that wicked gleam in Alicia's eyes everytime she'd catch them. It was almost as if she were encouraging them.

Hillary, Natalie, and Bentley passed by me. Hillary and Bentley "accidentally " spilled their coffee on me. They both laughed at me. Natalie was pretending to find their actions amusing, but sent me an apologetic look when the two were distracted. Natalie made an excuse about having to see a professor, motioning for the others to continue walking. When they disappeared around the corner, Natalie squatted next to me.

"Sorry about that." She took a tissue to dab at my clothes. "Perhaps, we should go to the bathroom to get you cleaned up." She didn't wait for my reply since she picked up my stuff and led me to the bathroom.

We were silent as I tried to fix my appearance. Natalie was wiping my books clean while I tried to dab at the already forming stain. My white shirt had a large brown stain on it. Natalie took off her blazer and offered it to me. I smiled in gratitude and took it. She went back to dabbing my bag.

"Why are you helping me?" She stopped moving at my question. "They're your friends and-"

"They may be my friends, but it doesn't mean I have to agree with them, their actions, or how..." She was becoming frustrated. "Or how them and Ali are becoming so close and nasty together!" My brow lifted in surprise. "Yeah, Ali was a bitch before, but now she's terrifying. I'm terrified to even be her friend. I know Yaz and Astrid are petrified of her and if they're scared... what reasons do I have not to be?!" She looked panicky. "Astrid and Yaz have always been a source of reason for Alicia, but now their words mean nothing to her!"



"She became a monster after the two of you broke up. I don't know what happened and I don't want to know since Hillary and Bentley would squeeze it out of me. All I'm saying is that she's a completely different person now. It's scary. She's meaner now than she was ever before." Natalie picked her stuff up. "I have to go since my class starts soon, but I'm sorry again that they did this to you." She gestured at my top. "And I'm also sorry about the bullying you're enduring." She gave me a hug before walking out.

Well, that was weird. I exited the bathroom and was making my way to class when an evil form blocked my path. I groaned at Skye. She smirked before linking our arms together. The bell rang, causing students to exit the classrooms.

Skye was leading me to God knows where, when Alicia and her friends approached us. Alicia stiffened at the physical touch between Skye and I. Her friends were trying to say something to her, but she was trying to compose herself. I knew she wanted to break down and cry, but her experience at controlling her emotions won. Her demeanor hardened as she glared at Skye. When her eyes passed over me, it was filled with agony, betrayal, and brokenness.

I wanted to reach out to her, but Skye pulled me away. I turned around to see the hateful look Alicia was sending us. I tried to pull myself free from Skye, but she had an ironclad grip. I groaned as she led me to the hedge maze. Ugh!

I tried prying my arm free from her grip, but she just led me further into the maze. I gave up since I had no clue how to exit this maze. Skye finally let go when we reached the middle, where the fountain and several benches were. She sat down and motioned for me to sit next to her. I groaned, but complied since I really needed her to get me out of here.


"How have you been, beautiful?"

"Annoyed! Pissed! Hu-"

"But, weren't you the one who broke up with her?" She inquired with a smirk.

"Yes, but-"

"For probable means I conclude." I rolled my eyes at Skye. "I heard what she did and it's unforgivable." I raised a brow at that. "Reject her family's scholarship and I'll cover everything and reinstate your full benefits... with some additional perks." She wiggled her brow.

"No thanks. The moment I do that, she'll think I'm sleeping with you and that's the last thing I want anyone to think." I crossed my arms.

"Couldn't people have that thought when the two of you were dating?" I was offended at her question. "There should be no difference if I give you the money or if she does. At least, you wouldn't have to write me a weekly gratitude letter... I heard she was thinking about upping it to twice a week." I groaned at that.

"What do you even want?! You're the reason I had doubts about her!"

"I gave you the story that she desperately tried to hide from you. I opened your eyes." Our eyes locked. "I didn't do anything, but remove your blinders. As for what I want... I want you." I scoffed at her. "I've been open and honest about my intentions from the beginning. I want you. I want to go on a date that you willingly agree to." She took my hands. "I want to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Not the way that Alicia has hidden you from the world." Her striking blue eyes captured mine. "What do you say?" I didn't notice how close she had gotten. Her lips were so close to mine.

"Sorry to interrupt." I pushed Skye away at the sudden intrusion.

I turned and my mouth fell open at the person standing before me. Even Skye was in shock. The well tailored suit adjusted to his every movement.

"Ahh, Princess Francesca, I hope I'm not inconveniencing you, but I was hoping to speak with Miss Tonkin... I'd love to finally find out more about your father's company."

I was dumbstruck as to how I should respond. I never thought I'd speak with him ever again. I took a deep breath before replying.

"Of course, Mr. McAllister."

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