《The Academy 3》1


I'm not sure how long I spent on the floor. I called Rue and Logan so that I could speak with someone. They immediately greeted with energetic hellos. One look at me got them wondering if I had gotten run over by a car.

I told them what happened. My friends were sympathetic for both Alicia and me. They understood my worries and insecurities. Logan suggested that I should just date someone in my economic bracket. Rue was wondering if he was trying to hint something towards me, but he shut her down by stating he had a girlfriend. I sighed at that, causing him to apologize.

"I miss her and it's not even been an hour." I sighed. "She hates me."

"I'm sure she doesn't." Logan assured me.

"She threatened me if I ever speak to her, her family, or friends ever again." I heard Rue mutter something about that being harsh. "Oh, and she's also my scholar. You know... the person paying my tuition and stuff." My friends' mouths dropped open. "Yeah, so she threatened me with that as well." I rolled my eyes.

"What are you going to do? Get your girl back?" Logan paused. "Do you even want her back?"

"I love her, but we're just from two different worlds." I sighed. "Everything is just so hard. Should relationships be this hard?!" I looked at the sympathetic eyes of my friends. "She also thinks I was cheating on her." I muttered.

"Wait! What?!" My friends yelled.

"She's never truly gotten over me kissing Willa back." I sighed.

"She does know that Willa seduced you because Tamsin had threatened her, right?" I averted my eyes from Rue. "Right?!" I sighed and shook my head no. "Why didn't you tell her?!"


"Because I don't want to cause a rift between her and her sister. They're family at the end of the day." I sniffled.

"I wish we were there to console you." Logan's eyes were downcast.

"And her ex has been threatening me to hang out with her or she'd release a statement about Alicia's sexuality. She also suggested Alicia had no intention of ever publicly announcing our relationship. So what does that mean? Would she always hide the relationship and marry a guy or- I don't know." I started crying.

I don't know what time it was, but I decided to head to bed. Well, I more like cried myself to sleep. I had to stop myself from reaching out to Alicia. I missed her and wanted her, but I'm the one who ended it. This is all my fault.


The next day was a drag. I didn't see Alicia at all, but her family and friends didn't act weird around me. Even Tamsin was nice to me. I thought the muffin she got me could be poisonous, but I took a deep breath and ate it. Tamsin happily told me that she picked up baking and was curious about my opinion on her treats.

"Heyo!" Astrid and Yaz approached me. "What's up?" Astrid and Yaz sat on either side of me.

"N-nothing." I stuttered out. Astrid then went on a tangent about clothes in the Prada collection that she liked. She thought the design would be better in a different color, so she was debating whether to ask the designer to change the color. Yaz noticed my reserved state and inquired about it.

"Are you alright?" Yaz's question got Astrid to stop speaking.

"Y-Yea." I internally cursed myself for stuttering. "Didn't Alicia mention something... I don't know... like weird or..."


"Why? Should she have?" Astrid was confused. Okay, so Alicia didn't tell anyone about our breakup. That's weird.

"Why'd you call her Alicia? You always call her Ali." Yaz didn't get her question answered since the bell rang.

I shot up and bolted to my class. I groaned when I realized this was the class I shared with Zara. I couldn't ignore her and sit with my friends since we had to work on a project. I awkwardly sat next to her, causing her brow to shoot up.

"What's wrong with you, weirdo?" She placed our outline in the middle. "You're acting stiff and awkward."

"Nothing! Just... where's Alicia?"

"Alicia? You always refer to her as Ali." She mumbled. "Anyways, dad called her out to Prague for business. She then has meetings in Germany and Russia, I believe." She then spared a glance at me. "Why are you being weirder than you normally are? It's creeping me out." She muttered.

"Sorry, I just had a bad day yesterday and last night and not the best morning-"

"I didn't ask about your day. Jeez, I'm regretting inquiring anything about you." She groaned and forced me to work in silence. "Did you have a tiff with my sister or something?" I looked at her, causing her to expand. "She came home really angry yesterday so..."

"I guess you could call it that." I vaguely replied. I thought it was Ali's place to tell them that we weren't together anymore.

"Well, don't worry." She gave me a sympathetic pat. "You guys will be fine. She loves you with all her heart." I felt guilty receiving Zara's empathy.

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