《The Academy 2》37


"You better start talking." I demanded. "I did not risk Alicia thinking I'm cheating on her for you to play your stupid mind games." I glared at Skye.

"And she packs a loud bark." Skye chuckled. "But where's your bite?" She leaned close to me, causing me to lean back.

"I'm only doing this because you're threatening to expose Ali's sexuality to the media." Skye smiled at my admission. "Now, talk!"

"Oooooh, demanding." Skye smirked. "Alicia and I had an intimate past." Her smirk deepened upon seeing my pissed off face. "Oh, don't be so jealous. I only showed her everything." She gestured with her fingers. "I gave her everything, but she couldn't even give me a smidge. She refused to go public about our relationship. What makes you think she'll go public with you? Hmmm... she refuses to expose you to the media... like she did me." She confessed.

"But, y-you're royal-"

"My family knows and accepts me with open arms. She refused to tell her family and refused to publicize our love! She hid me like she was ashamed! That's why I left!" Skye spoke with fire. "She claims to love you, but refuses to announce your love to the world!"

"We've had many ups and downs, but she's always been fighting by my side. I believe her when she says she loves me." I tried convincing myself more than her.

If I'm being honest, I've wondered if Ali would ever publicize our relationship. I've just been a little insecure to actually ask her about it.

"You're doubting her, aren't you?" Skye scooted closer. "That's okay. I was just as naive." She moved a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I'm still in love with her and not interested in you." I pushed her away.

"I won't lie... I find you incredibly attractive and wouldn't hesitate to bed you." I gasped at her directness. "But, I'm not into drugging or raping girls. You'd have to want me and I wouldn't hesitate to give you the time of your life." Her face had none of its usual playfulness. She was absolutely serious.


"Umm..." I scooted away from her. "Can I go back now?" I stared at the drink in front of me.

Skye finished her drink and agreed to take me back. The ride back was incredibly awkward since no one talked. She pulled up to the dorm. I didn't waste any time in scurrying out the car.

I was about to say something rude to Skye, but she pointed at something behind me. I turned to see Alicia leaning against the building. When her eyes met mine, a fire was lit inside. She looked pissed. Before I could speak, Skye sped off.

I swallowed a deep breath and walked to her. Her arms were crossed and eyes narrowed in anger. I opened my mouth to speak, but she held a finger up to shush me. She then pointed inside, to which I nodded. I could practically feel the heat radiating off her as we walked through the halls.

My hands trembled as I unlocked the door. Rosé looked up with a smile, but it fell upon seeing Alicia. Without a word, she hurried out the room. Alicia loudly shut the door behind her.


"How could you go with her?" Her voice was cold like ice. "Do you understand how embarrassing that was? I'm your girlfriend, yet you freely accepted a date with someone. That hurts." Her calm manner of speaking made me more afraid. It also made me feel even guiltier. "Why would you?"

"She- she-"

"Do you like her or something?" Her voice sounded strained.

"No! No! I-"

"Then why would you accept her invite?" She was furious, but kept her cool. That's one of the many things I admire about her. "Do you not love me anymore?" Her voice was broken.

"No!" Her eyes widened in fear and shock. "Wait! No! That's not what I meant. Yes!" She was now confused. "I love you and not her." Relief washed over her features. "She promised to tell me something if I went with her..." I trailed off.


"Something that you needed especially from her? Not something you could ask me?" She sounded hurt.

"It's complicated like-"

"Yet you had no issue speaking to her about it, but can't speak to me? Why?!" She was now angry. "What is it about her that just gets girls-"

"What are you talking about?!" I was now riled up. "Do you think I'm cheating on you?!" She nodded like it was the most obvious thing. "Oh, that's cold! You'll never trust me, will you?!"

"It's hard with all the thoughts in my head-"

"All the thoughts?! So you never moved on! You still think of me as the cheater, don't you?!" She was trying to calm me down, but I ignored her. "I've been nothing but dedicated to prove my love for you, but you still doubt me and my intentions!"

"No! That's not-"

"You're worried about my intentions, yet have no intention of publicizing our relationship!" Her eyes widened in confusion. "You have people here sign an NDA so that no one can divulge anything you or your sisters do at this school! Yet, you guys can freely divulge everything about other people! Why are you hiding?! You've done it before and are definitely doing it again! What's to stop me from thinking you've changed?!"

"Nicola, you're being emotional-"

"EMOTIONAL?!" Oh, if she wants emotional, then I'll give her emotional. "This relationship is incredibly difficult! I have to deal with your out of touch from reality norms, you're friends who think I'm a gold digger and cheater, your parents who hate my guts since I'm a girl, your sisters-"

"Stop." She pleaded, but I continued.

"They hate me! Everyone in your circle hates that we're together! Why are we together?!"

"Because I love you and you love me." She grabbed my hands, but I yanked them back.

"Maybe love isn't enough." I whispered. "I need time Alicia." I turned my back to her. "I'm sorry. I can't do this." I felt like a coward.

"Nicola, I'm- I'm..." I turned around to see her barely able to contain her rage. "I'm very angry right now and am struggling to control my emotions. I do not want to say something I'll regret. I do love you and it hurts knowing that you sometimes doubt my love for you."

"I'm sorry, Alicia. This isn't going to work out." Alicia was taking deep breaths, but something in her snapped.

"Fine!" She spat. "If that's what you want... don't ever speak..." She took a step closer. "Look..." She walked closer. "Or breath near me again." Her eyes held so much venom. "You are nothing to me or my family anymore. Stay away from me, my family, and my friends. And that is a threat." She whispered the last part. "And you're now on probation with your scholar." She gave me a knowing look.

I gasped in realization. Alicia was the one financing my tuition, room and board, and spending money. With a look of finality, she walked away, stopping at the door. With her back turned, she spoke.

"I'd also watch your back. The McAllisters are known to be more devilish than snakes." She then left me alone.

I sunk to the ground and cried. I think I just made the biggest mistake of my life. Not only did I make an enemy out of the McAllisters, but I just lost the love of my life.


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