《The Academy 2》36


The day I wasn't looking forward to finally arrived. I think I was the only one who was nervous since everyone else couldn't wait for my sit down with Yasmine. I was waiting in the private section of the equestrian event. Gemma was to be performing in a little bit.

Chico was super excited to watch her. Ryder had left since he had a formula 1 race, meaning that Zara would be leaving right after Gemma performed. Laurens was sailing his life away, so Tamsin would also be leaving after Gemma rode her horsey. Chico and Zara got up to get some food, leaving Tamsin and I.

I saw Yasmine look around until her eyes fell on me. She talked to the security who immediately let her inside. I rolled my eyes as she sat next to me. I wish I invited Astrid as a buffer.

"If you're repulsed by my presence, you shouldn't have asked me to come." Yasmine calmly stated.

"More like Gemma pushed for you to be here so that you and Ali can clear the air." Tamsin stood up. "I'll leave the two of you." She climbed over us to exit the stands.

"I owe you and Nicola an apology-"

"That's the thing, Yasmine. You say these nasty stuff and think that an apology will smooth it over. It's beyond frustrating that you can't accept my relationship." I calmly spoke. The reason Gem wanted us to speak in public was that she knew neither Yasmine nor I would raise our voices. We are always poise in public.

"I know and I'm sorry. I'm so used to being blunt with you that I sometimes get carried away and don't realize that my words can truly hurt." She breathed out.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you're so against my relationship because it's with another woman." I rose a brow.


"Ali, are we really doing this?" I nodded at her. "You know I don't understand... homosexuality." She lowered her voice. "But I accept you the way you are. I've never had an issue with you hooking up with girls. I promise you I'd act the same way if it was a guy." That got a chuckle out of me. "I'm just terrified she's going to hurt you again." Yasmine became vulnerable. "I especially don't trust Skye around her. That girl is nothing but trouble and-"

"I understand, but I need you to support me, not fight a battle that I didn't even ask you to." She nodded at me. "You really hurt her." Yasmine looked down in shame. "She was actually the one who pushed me not to end my relationship with you." Yasmine looked up with a face full of confusion. "I know. She didn't want me throwing away my friendship with you." I began clapping as Gemma rode out.

"Are you not at least a tiny bit worried about her hanging out with Skye?" Yasmine clapped when Gemma's horse jumped over an obstacle.

"I trust her." I replied without hesitation. "I'm only worried that Skye will somehow hurt her." I clapped again as Gemma's horse jumped over another obstacle.

"I see the two of you are talking." We looked up to see Tamsin stepping over us. "So I assume you two are back to being friends." Tamsin looked at us expectantly. Yaz and I shared a look and slowly nodded. It was going to take sometime, but I was positive that we'd be okay. "Cool. Now, Gem is about to be in first place, just like I expected." Yaz and I rolled our eyes before shifting our focus back to Gemma.



Nic was ecstatic when I told her that Yaz and I talked it out. She did become nervous when I told her Yaz wanted to apologize. I reassured Nic that I'd be by her side.

We were lounging in one of the hammocks when Yaz approached us. I saw Astrid standing off, allowing us some privacy. Yaz lowered her head before connecting her eyes with Nicola.

"I apologize. I was out of line. I was just scared that you were going to hurt my friend again and I panicked. It doesn't excuse the treatment you've endured from me. I hope that we can start anew and be friends?" She asked hopefully.

Nic, being Nic, gave her a hug and told her all was forgiven. Nic then began apologizing to her about the turmoil she put me through. If I recall correctly, neither of us were innocent back then. I was just as much to blame as her. I was about to cut in, but a demon wormed its way into our conversation (and no, I don't mean Tamsin;)

"How are you, cutie?" Skye locked eyes with Nic.

"Doing better if you leave her the hell alone." Yasmine stood protectively in front of my girlfriend.

"Loosen up, Yasmine." She pushed Yaz to the side. "I'm talking with someone." She shot Nic a 1000 Watt smile. "Ready for our date?" Nic then looked at me for help.

"Bold of you to ask out my girlfriend in front of me." I stood from the hammock. "You really have no shame, do you?" I arched a brow.

"None because I know her answer." She held her hand out to Nic.

"And the answer is no." Nic clung to my arm. "I'm not yours!"

"And here I thought you'd want to find out some interesting stuff." She smirked. I felt Nic become rigged. What's Skye talking about? "So like I said... are you ready for our date, Nic?" I tensed as she referred to Nic with such familiarity.

Yaz and I were shocked when Nic took Skye's outstretched hand. I looked at Nic, but she sent me a reassuring smile. Astrid ran up to us when Skye and Nic left. Her head swiveled between me and Yaz, awaiting an answer. All Yaz and I could do was look at her with confusion. I looked at Yaz, but she put her hands up. She wasn't getting into this.

"Why'd she willingly go on a date with her?! And in front of you! What the hell is happening?!" Astrid yelled.

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