《The Academy 2》35


Tamsin decided that she and Gemma would do their dates on the same day while Zara and Ali would have the next day. Tamsin started out the day with a hot air balloon ride in the morning. She wanted us to watch the sunrise while eating breakfast. Her idea would've gone smoothly if Ryder and I hadn't spotted the blimp.

Ryder and I locked eyes before darting off. I don't think the rest of them noticed since they were listening to the operator. Ryder took my hand and we snuck into the Goodyear blimp, pretending to be apart of the group. We were so consumed with looking around the interior, that we didn't notice the door shutting and the blimp rising in the air.

I shook Ryder's arm and motioned at the ground becoming farther and farther away. His eyes nearly bulged out. We tried to find the operator, but the blimp was already moving by the time we found him. Ryder and I did rock, paper, scissors for who had to text their girlfriend. He lost and reluctantly texted Zara.

Zara laced some colorful words over text. She tried calling him the same time Ali rang my phone. We were too scared to answer, so we said there wasn't any service up here, only wifi. Ali was just as angry as Zara, but controlled her emotions a tad better.

Ryder ended up bribing the operator to extend the trip since he wasn't rushing to see his angry girlfriend. I asked if the operator could drop us off at a different location, but he said no. Ryder and I gave puppy dog eyes, but he still denied us.

By the time we arrived back on the ground, Tamsin was yelling at us. How is she always so riled up? Well then, we did kinda sabotage her date. Our girlfriends were pissed that we stood them up (they had to fifth and sixth wheel Tamsin and Gemma's date), but were happy that Tamsin was now behind in the competition. Gemma excitedly clapped and stated that it was her turn.


Gemma took us to an orchard park. Before we began, she gave Ryder and I a stern lecture on not wandering off. We meekly nodded, causing her to break out into a grin.

Each couple picked up a basket to begin picking the fruits. Ali and I walked hand in hand as we picked strawberries and blueberries. I saw Ryder struggling to pick up the largest pumpkin Zara could find. She smirked as he struggled to stand up. Gemma was on Chico's back as he ran up and down the columns. Tamsin and Laurens were sitting on a bench. Laurens would occasionally feed Tamsin blueberries.

After Gemma had her fill of piggyback racing Zara and Ryder, she led us to a tractor. She announced we'd be going on a hayride. We sat in the back as the tractor pulled the cart. It was so much fun to be cuddled up to Ali as the tractor wheeled us around. Everyone was enjoying the relaxing date.

The next day was the total opposite. Instead of a relaxing day, Zara and Ali wanted something more intense. Zara started the day off by taking us indoor skydiving. Tamsin complained about how her hair would get messy. It was hysterical seeing the instructor struggle to get Laurens in the air. I ended up being able to do flips in the air. Gemma and I went together and would push the other. She ended up standing on my stomach at some point.

It was going to be Ali's turn, but Chico and Ryder saw a racing sign. They looked at Ali, who nodded. But, it wasn't go carts. It was a racetrack where you could drive your sports cars. Tamsin rolled her eyes, but swiped her card, allowing us to rent the Ferraris. We were each paired with an expert who whizzed us around the track.

I screamed the entire time that the guy went over a hundred. He wasn't stopping and passed 200mph! I so thought I was going to die. I almost kissed the ground when he stopped the car. The driver and the sisters were laughing at me. Chico, Zara, and Ryder went with drivers who would race them around the track.


We watched and saw that the car with Zara won. Chico came in last, with Ryder coming in second. I'm sure Ryder was itching to be behind the wheel since he was a formula 1 driver. Tamsin actually had a great time, which was surprising.

When we finished, Ali took us to her date idea. I was looking forward to this one the most. Tamsin's mouth dropped when we pulled up to a paintball place. She then complained about getting paint in her hair. We all ignored her and piled into the place. Tamsin and Laurens would be on our team while we battled the twins.

The instructor was trying to explain the game of capture the flag, but Zara got too excited. She shot Tamsin in the leg. Tamsin squealed and complained that Zara hurt her. Gemma then fired shots at her OWN teammates. She shot Chico and Ryder in their dicks. The boys fell onto the ground while groaning in pain. Tamsin began to complain, so Ali and I shot her. She squealed again when Zara emptied her bullets on her.

Gemma tried shooting me, but I pulled Ali in front of me to be my shield. She yelled when Gemma's bullet hit her chest. She then fired at Gemma, but she ran away. Chico recovered and chased after his girlfriend. Zara and Ryder soon ran off with them.

Tamsin led us behind a convering and began talking strategy. She began drawing in the dirt while explaining who was going to be the decoy (surprise it's me since she doesn't mind me getting shot at!), who'd be getting the flag (of course it's her), and who'd be covering her (Ali and Laurens).

"Damn I didn't think you'd enjoy paintball this much." I said.

"First thing about me is that I'm hella competitive." Laurens and Ali nodded. "The most competitive person in this family. I hate losing! And I refuse to lose to the likes of Gemma, Zara, Chico, and Ryder." She said with disgust. "We will annihilate them!" She intimidated us. "Let's go and kill some twins!" She shouted.

We fell into our roles. I would run around and distract Chico and Gemma. They laughed as they tried to shoot me. Zara was on a different level. I think she was actually trying to kill me. Ryder was running away from Laurens. Tamsin came in guns blazing and shot Zara and Chico. They had a 30 second penalty before they could play again. Tamsin was on a mission to literally kill anyone in her way. The girl ended up tackling Ryder to the ground. She somehow beat Laurens to him.

Tamsin gripped the flag and had me and Ali be her shields. She didn't have to worry about Gemma and Chico since they were engaged in a heated make out session. Once Ryder made eye contact with Tamsin, he sprinted in the opposite direction. Zara was the only one brave enough to shoot at us. I got my revenge and shot her in the chest. She made a dramatic showing of herself falling and "dying" from my bullet.

Tamsin easily crossed the line, winning us the competition. She began shooting the bullets up in celebration. Ali and I smirked at each other before firing shots at Tamsin. Tamsin screamed before shooting at us. It then ended in a free for all. Each couple was teamed up as we engaged in a war. The instructor couldn't do anything out of risk of being shot.

The war finished when we were all out of bullets. We were all laughing hysterically at what happened. I never thought I'd be having so much fun with the McAllister sisters.

The boyfriends turn


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