《The Academy 2》3


I was sitting on one of the cobblestone walls while I read the history chapter. It was really boring, but I at least had to semi understand the topic that was discussed today. Zara and I would soon have to get together so that we could work on our new project. The teacher had decided to keep the groups the same, meaning that Zara was stuck with me again. She acted like she was annoyed, but I think she secretly likes me.


I screeched and fell off the wall. Much to my shock, I was rescued by two arms. Alicia giggled as she placed me back in my previous spot. She then sat next to me and pulled her knees up to her chest, as she stared at me with a grin. I narrowed my eyes at her, but that did nothing to break her facade.


"What has you so distracted?" She ignored my comment and reached for my textbook. Her eyes quickly scanned over the topics before she let out a hum. "I assume this is the thing that Zara's been bitching about."

"Ya, round 2 for our project begins soon. Watcha doin here?" She grimaced at my informality. I often did that to tease her about her formal way of speaking.

"Can't I just want to see my beautiful petite amie?" I crossed my arms at her. "Fine. I'm going on a business trip and want to know if you'd like to accompany us?"

"Who's us? And where are you going?"

"My sisters and I. And I think Japan. I wasn't really paying attention to Tamsin this morning. What do you say?" I couldn't really say no to her pleading eyes, so I nodded with a smile. "Yay! Let's go since we're already late."

"Wait! Like now?" She nodded. "But I haven't packed."

"Don't worry. Our staff has packed for us. My sisters should already be on the flight that we are extremely late for. If we don't leave now, then the entire flight will consist of Tamsin's complaints." She dragged me to an awaiting Bentley.


"Remind me why she's on this trip with us again." Tamsin exaggeratedly asked.

"Because it's a girls' trip and mom wanted us to bring the girl that-"

"Z!" Gemma cut her sister off. "It's 2021. Don't assume people's gender!" Zara looked about done with Gemma's antics. "Do you identify as a female?" Gemma asked which resulted in me slowly nodding. "Alrighty then! Carry away and you now have permission to address her using female pronouns!"


"I'm really happy you could come with us." Alicia turned to me.

"That makes one of us." Tamsin muttered.

"Weeeeeeeell, it's not like I had much of a choice." I awkwardly laughed.

"You're right. You didn't. Mother wanted us to assess the alleged 'gold digger' our sister is dating." Zara explained.

"Gold digger?" I turned to Alicia who awkwardly plead the fifth and averted her gaze.

"Z, that wasn't nice!" Gemma gently slapped her shoulder.

"But it's the truth." She countered.

"She's just trying to get under your skin. Ignore her." Ali advised me.

"We all do." Tamsin chimed from the back.

"So how long is the flight to Japan?" I tried to shift the conversation.

"Japan? I thought we were going to Singapore?" Gemma was confused.

"Nah, we're going to Beijing." Zara scrolled through her phone.

The twins began bickering about where we were actually going. Ali offered me some snacks which I was grateful for since I was a bit hungry. Tamsin looked about ready to lose it at her sisters' bickering.

"Both of you are wrong! We're going to Hong Kong! Were any of you listening to me this morning?" They answered her question by ignoring her and doing their own things. "Typical. I'm going to sleep. Do not interrupt me or invade my space." She threateningly glared at all of us before moving to the back of the jet.

"There are several beds in here, so feel free to take one when you get tired. It's gonna be a long flight." Gemma loudly yawned.

I nodded at Gemma who cutely smiled before watching something on her computer. I used the opportunity to catch up on some of my homework and subtly stare at my gorgeous girlfriend. She had quickly finished her homework and was preoccupied with some work she needed to complete before her business meeting. She'd often catch my stare and would reply with a smirk, which would make me avert my gaze and blush.

After a while, Tamsin decided to grace us with her presence. I guess she couldn't stay cooped up in the room for over 20 hours. She moved beside Ali and began discussing the negotiation plans. I gazed over and saw that Gemma had discarded her movie for paperwork. Her and Zara were debating the best approach for the production plan.


"What do you guys actually do?" They all stopped and turned to me. "Like what businesses do you do and what are your roles? It feels like you guys work full time even though you're in high school and college."

"My parents own a variety of businesses, but our main niche is in biotechnology and computer software. Z and Gemzi mainly handle the software side while Tammi and I are the biotech gurus." Gemma laughed at Ali's joke. "Our job description is kinda all over the place, but to give you an idea... I guess you could say the twins are co-CEOs of the software side while I'm the CTO and Tammi is the CFO of the biotech side." I stared in awe at the girls.

"Have you seriously never googled us?" Tamsin asked in disbelief.

"No." I quietly answered. All of them were shocked, but said nothing.

Gemma just smiled and went back to discussing the legal implications of Zara's idea. I never realized how smart Gemma really is. She acts aloof and a little air brained, but she's a shark when it comes to business. Zara and Tamsin didn't really surprise me. I expected them to be highly intelligent, but their real intelligence surpassed my expectations. Alicia had always been regarded as the smartest sister and I now understand why. Even though she wasn't "as versed on the software's side," she made great suggestions to her sisters. It seemed like they all respected Ali's opinions regarding business deals, negations, and strategies. They're all geniuses, but are actually really humble about their acuteness.

I spent the remainder of the time observing how hot Ali looked when she was focused. The girl was solving differential equations and complex programs in her head. I can't believe I fell for her "I'm dumb at math" persona.

When it was about midnight, Boston time (I'm not sure exactly where in the world we are right now), they decided to call it a night. Tamsin retired to her room. The twins decided to sleep together since Zara has, in my opinion, separation anxiety.

Ali and I were talking about random things when I let out a yawn. She chuckled and announced it was time for bed. She directed me to an empty room that had a queen sized bed. She jumped on it and beckoned me next to her. I laughed as she grabbed me by the waist and spooned me.

It didn't take long until I felt kisses on my neck. The kisses soon turned to sucking, which led to some fun things ;)

I awoke in the arms of my lovely girlfriend. I took the time to admire her angelic face. I gently twirled her golden locks in my finger and smiled. Last night was really fun. I tried to get up, but her arm was securely around my waist. It was then that I noticed I was completely naked.

"Where are you running off to?" Damn, her raspy morning voice is sexy.

"Umm... I was just gonna get something to eat."

"I agree that I'm hungry as well. Guess I must satiate my appetite." She replied before lowering herself down my body.

We ended up making ourselves presentable after a few rounds. We walked into the main room where her sisters were working. Gemma was bobbing her head along to the music coming from her air pods while Zara had Beats headphones on. She had the music blasting since I could loudly hear it. When we got closer, I observed Tamsin's scrunched up face. She turned to us and let out a disgusted scoff.

"Thank you for the free concert. I truly enjoyed hearing you moan and call my sister 'Daddy.' Word of advice, the walls are pretty thin." Zara seethed.

I felt my face heat up and I knew I was probably redder than a tomato. I heard Tamsin mutter about it being absolutely disgusting, especially when she was trying to concentrate and get work done. The only one who didn't seem fazed was Gemma who just laughed at my embarrassed state. She laughed even louder when she played the audio recording of Ali and I going at it. Ali quickly snatched her phone and deleted the recording.

Ugh! This is going to be a long trip and we haven't even landed yet. How could they even hear us over the loud engine?! I can't believe I'm THAT loud.

"Harder, daddy." Ali and I groaned when Gemma imitated me.

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