
Asher stepped forward, various cuts filled his previously smooth skin and black and red blood coated his former pale white hair.

"I will help you," he announced, a hopeful but pained look in his eyes.

I nodded my head and took his hand in mine when he reached my side.

"We need to call Michael, he is the most powerful Archangel and their leader. He needs to hear our call above all others" he explained.

We both let out a long breath and prepared to call on the Archangels.

"Archangels we call on you to assist us, we have your fallen, Lucifer," he called, beckoning me to join him.

"Archangels, we call on you to assist us" we repeated.

Shade stepped forward and grabbed my other hand.

"Archangels! hear our prayer!" we shouted together.

Lucifer laughed mockingly as the air remained still.

"They will never come" he mocked adamantly.

Ignoring him, we repeated out words, each sentence becoming stronger as more people linked with us.









The Elysium guard ...

They all joined us in our call for the archangels.

"Archangels, we call on you"

"Archangel Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Ariel, Hear our prayer!"

A loud grumbling rumble sounded above us before a large circle of lightning struck the ground around our protection circle, we tightened our hold on each other's hands and stopped our chanting to await our fates. Amongst the chaos, a small hummingbird landed on my shoulder and tweeted a sweet song, Its ruby coloured feathers glistening with each strike of lightning.

I looked around to see more hummingbirds, landing on others shoulders before taking back off to fly in perfect synchronisation, a soft light emitting from the centre of their gathering, making their mixture of blue, green, red and purple feathers shimmer beautifully before us.

Another mass of lightning distracted me from their display, drawing my eyes to the clouds. A loud boom echoed thunderously above us, emitting its sound waves to travel across the lands before us, followed by a blast of blinding magnificent light as a tornado-like mass of blazing blue lightning struck down directly in front of me, making me shield my eyes from its intense glare.

I moved my hands from my eyes and looked before me to see the figure of a man, his extremely tall frame, and his extended humungous powerful wings completely blocked my view of Lucifer leaving me free to take in his powerful appearance. His hair was relatively long, hanging down past his square jaw and was dusty blond in colour, his skin appeared pale and bright against the surrounding perilous lightning, but his calm deep brown eyes glowed with comforting reassurance.

"Why have you called upon me?" he questioned in an extremely authoritative but calm tone.

Regaining my focus I stepped forward and brought my eyes up to meet his.

"I believe that we have something of yours" I replied, gesturing behind him.

He relaxed his wings to ensure that they didn't hit any of us and turned around to rest his eyes upon Lucifer, whose face had now paled to a ghostly white as he took in the Archangels impressively tall form.

"Michael" he greeted, keeping his voice surprisingly steady.

"Lucifer" Michael replied angrily, causing the storm above us to stir uncontrollably.

"You always did have a flair for the dramatic didn't you brother" chuckled Lucifer nervously as he watched the elements stir dangerously.

"Now, now Michael no need to get upset, at least not yet" sang a silky, alluring voice.

I turned my head to its source to see a tall, compelling woman step out of the swarming hummingbirds. She had beautiful dark skin and elegant emerald eyes that glowed like starlight, her hair was long and as black as night and fell down her back in a loose, free braid. She stepped forward elegantly, her wings surrounding her gently as she walked to place a reassuring hand on Michaels' shoulder.


The storm above us stopped and a wave of calmness washed over everyone as we continue to stare at the angels before us.

"I am Archangel Ariel," she greeted, giving us a wide, sincere smile "You have done the heavens a great service by capturing Lucifer and for that you have our greatest appreciation" she finished, approaching me gracefully.

"Aurora, I see that the power of your people still runs through your veins," said Ariel, reaching out to place her hand onto my arm. "we will need your help" she concluded, leading me towards the place that Michael stood.

"Now hang on!" exclaimed Asher, grabbing my other arm. "as great as it is that you have answered our plea... why is it only now, that the fight is over that you have come to help us?" he asked, eyeing Michael suspiciously.

"The fight is not over yet... and besides, even if we wanted to we cannot interfere with fate, this battle was prophesied to happen in a certain way, we had to let certain events unfold" replied Michael dominantly.

"We lost many good people in this fight... many friends," said Verity, stepping forward bravely.

"And for that, we are sorry, but Michael is right, things happen for a reason, and being what you would call a divine creature, comes with a price, as Aurora and Lavina here would both understand. We cannot use our power to change the course of the future, many tragedies would awaken if we did" explained Ariel sensitively.

"I only wish for Lucifer to be dealt with, so he can never hurt anyone again" spoke Sylvia, moving to stand by Verity's side.

"Of course" smiled Ariel "but we will need both Aurora and Shade to help us imprison him, for good this time"

"Why do you need us?" questioned Shade wearily.

"You are the children of prophecy, everything started with your parents" started Michael "and Aurora, you are Lucifers blood, his daughter" responded Michael.

"How can we trust you? your judgement isn't exactly great considering you accused the wrong guy, thanks for that by the way, and your last prison clearly wasn't effective"

I turned around to see Sebastian emerging from behind Elizebeth.

"After hearing word that Lucifer is still alive we assumed that you were dead," Said Ariel in surprise.

"That prison was designed for you, not Lucifer" growled Michael, not bothering to acknowledge Ariels words.

"Still, if we wanted Lucifer imprisoned we would have called on one of the mere Greek gods," remarked Sebastian in a mocking tone.

"If Lucifer and I were to engage in battle we would kickstart the angel-demon apocalypse! Is that what you want?" Challenged Michael, his face hardening into a grim stare.

Sebastian opened his mouth to argue but I cut him off.

"ENOUGH!" I screamed, noticing how much Lucifer was enjoying the whole thing.

"If we can't kill him, tell us what we need to do to help you imprison him" I finished in a calmer tone.

"We need a small amount of both of your blood" responded Ariel. "and Aurora, we're going to need your power"

"How much of her power?" asked Shade in concern.

"All of it," responded Michael curtly.

"Deal" I replied, stepping forward.

"You realised that you may not recover from such an energy drain?" Asked Michael.

"Yes," I replied, causing him to nod his head in response.

"Aurora..." stated Shade

"No," I said, holding up my hand to cut him off "please don't say anything, we have survived worse than this," I said, offering him a small smile.


He nodded his head and turned to face Micheal.

"Let's begin" Shade voiced in a cold, emotionless tone.

Ariel grabbed my hand, while Michael grabbed Shades. They sliced a deep cut through each of our palms and chanted softly, causing our blood to rise from our hands and swirl together in the air above us.

"Now Aurora, I need you to hold onto our hands and focus on our words, you will feel a tremendously strong and painful pulling sensation that will make you want to let go but no matter what happens, you cannot lose focus." Explained Ariel seriously.

They lead me out of the demonic protection circle and away from the others to surround Lucifer in a triangular shape, the blood from me and Shade swirling around Lucifers body. Not letting Lucifers penetrating gaze bother me, I took a deep breath and grabbed onto the Archangels' hands.

I focused hard as they began to chant words in a language that I have never heard before, like Ariel warned, forces of all different kinds tried pulling my attention away from them. The screams of the people that I love radiated through my mind as I squeezed their hands tighter, using all of my willpower to ignore their desperate pleas.

After a while, their screams faded away and Lucifers maniacal laughing filled my mind as my vision was clouded with grey smoke.

"How do you think Shade will feel if I kill his father?" asked Lucifer evily, "he's already losing you so I doubt that he could survive another loss" he continued, sensing my resistance.

"Your not real, this is all in my head, you no longer have any power here," I said calmly, straining harder to hold on as an icy cold pain froze its way through my bloodstream.

"True, but I'm not completely powerless," he laughed "your ever so willing ability to forgive people makes hurting those closest to you so much easier"

I zoned him out and regained my focus, toning in on the chant that the angels before me were performing.

"NO!" a pain-stricken voice screamed, the sheer pain in the words stabbing me through the chest.

I opened my eyes to see Sebastian facing Elizebeth with a dagger sticking out of his chest, she smiled in satisfaction before she grabbed a sword off her belt and yanked it upwards forcefully, slitting Sebastian's throat deeply from the bottom of his neck to his ear. I watched in horror as Shade pushed past Asher and jumped towards Elizebeth in anger, his daggers drawn for the kill.

"Aurora focus... DON'T LET GO" screamed Ariel desperately.

Her serious emerald eyes locked onto mine, showing me that I had to hold on. I closed my eyes to regain focus and used my pain as motivation to hold on.

"It's all your fault, You dragged them into this. You killed Orpheus and now you're going to kill Shade too" snarled Lucifer, his dark presence filling my mind.

"I would never hurt them!" I exclaimed, tightening my hold.

"But you already have" He bellowed, laughing like a crazy person as my vision spiralled.

Agonising screams, desperate pleas for help, and the determined cries of battle all reached my ears at once. Aside from the growing mass of bodies, I stood alone in the middle of the battlefield, my army lay at my feet, all of them begging me to help them... Max, Chase, Zack, Shade, they were all dying. I stood above them unable to move. I screamed out, desperately trying to reach them, to help them, but it was useless.

Out of nowhere my body began to move forward, I approached Shade quickly but I wasn't in control of my own body.

"Princess..." he coughed, blood trickling out of the side if his mouth "How? How could you do this?" he questioned. "I loved you, and you... you killed me" he finished sorrowfully.

"What? I could never hurt you," I said, but none of these words actually left my lips.

I tried to reach out to him, to help him, to tell him that everything was going to be ok. But instead, I involuntarily took my daggers from my belt and plunged them through his heart, he looked up at me with painfilled crimson eyes and sighed as a bloody tear dripped from his eye.

A dark shadow cast over his lifeless body and I screamed out in confusion as Shades appearance transformed into all of the people who I had gotten to know over the years, each form screaming for help before I killed them mercilessly in many different diabolical ways.

Regaining control over my body I covered my ears with my hands to try and shield myself from their screams as I dropped heavily to my knees amongst the many dead bodies that I had claimed.

Not being able to take it any more I screamed out in pain, Lucifers evil laugh reached my ears one last time before complete silence overcame and surrounded me. I reopened my sore eyes and looked around to see the shadowy figures of my friends before me.

"You did this to us," they said in a synchronised monotone.

"I'm sorry" I cried, trying to reach out to them.

"Sorry isn't going to bring them back," said Lucifer harshly, "but daughter, let go and you can go with them" he finished malevolently.

I brought my eyes up to see Chase holding his hand out towards me.

"Just let go, everything will be ok if you let go" he chimed in his usual happy tone.

"I- I can't" I stuttered, all of my instincts begging me not to listen to their calming voices.

"Of course you can"encouraged Shade, giving me his signature smirk followed by a mischevious wink.

A small laugh escaped Zacks lips as he watched Chase whack Shade playfully on the arm.

"Please come with us, this is our chance to leave everything behind us... our chance to be happy" smiled Max.

Just as I was about to step forward a small hummingbird landed on my shoulder. I looked at the creature in confusion, it seemed so familiar but I couldn't work out why. The small bird tweeted merrily, causing a smile to tug at my lips. I looked back towards my friends to see that their faces had disappeared, only pure, bottomless darkness remained where their cheery faces once glowed.

"What's wrong?" Questioned one of the figures in Shade's voice.

A sickening feeling settled in the pit of my stomach, I walked backwards slowly, each step unveiling the truth, the hummingbird was a sign from Archangel Ariel. None of this was real, Lucifer was still playing mind games with me.

"This isn't real!" I shouted, closing my eyes tightly together.

I attempted to find Michaels voice but the screams returned, blocking my focus.

But this time, Instead of focusing on the pain, death and malice that radiated off the shadows that closed in on me, I took myself back to the Academy. I focused on the happiness and the laughter of the people that I had grown to love and cherish, and lastly, I focused on finding their combined strength within me.

"NO!" screamed Lucifer as the room around us began to crumble "You can't do this!" he bellowed, grabbing me by the arm.

"It's over" I shouted, his tightening grip having no effect on me as I slowly drifted towards the light.

I closed my eyes and allowed myself to drift to the celestial force that beckoned me towards it. Lucifers enraged cries eventually died out, leaving a beautiful silence to surround me. I took in one last steady breath before my consciousness faded away from me, leaving nothing but a comforting darkness to surround me.




"She looks like she's going to wake up!" exclaimed a rather cheery voice.

A small tingling sensation crept along my fingers as I listened to my own steady breaths.

"She has looked like that for the past month" sighed a second voice.

I looked around but all I could see was darkness. As my senses tuned in to everything around me I began to feel my heavy eyelids weighing themselves down over my eyes. Fighting against my aching body I opened my eyes and was immediately greeted with a bright light which caused me to snap them shut again.

"Aurora?" questioned the first voice.

I reopened my eyes and blinked a few times to see a familiar face hovering down within inches of my own.

"Chase?" I asked, my voice coming out as a strained whisper.

"SHE'S AWAKE!" he screamed, making me wince at his extremely loud voice.

I watched as a hand flew across my field of vision to whack Chase across the head.

"Idiot!" the person exclaimed.

"Ow, sorry" replied Chase.

"Zack" I whispered, matching a face to the voice.

I pulled myself up into a sitting position and took in the room that I was in, It looked like I was in the Packhouse infirmary but that was impossible... wasn't it?

"What happened?" I questioned in confusion.

As soon as the words left my mouth memories started flowing back to me, enveloping me in a veil of pain and terror. I began to breathe really heavily, causing Chase and Zack to glance worriedly at each other.

"I think that she's having a panic attack" stated Chase.

"I can see that" exclaimed Zack, not knowing what to do.

"Lucifer... in my head... you're not real" I gasped, trying to make sense of everything.

What if none if this is real, what if Lucifer is still playing mind games, what happened to Michael and Ariel... Many thoughts streamed through my mind, closing up my airways, making it almost impossible to breathe.

"Aurora its ok, your safe" comforted Chase. "Just take deep breaths and listen to my voice" he continues, his joking tone gone from his voice.

"I'll go get the others," said Zack before running hurridly out of the room.

Chase climbed onto the bed with me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a protective hug. I flinched against his contact until I felt the warmth of his body pressed up against my own, reminding me that the icy pain of Lucifers games had since faded away.

"Its over, you did it" he whispered, resting his chin on top of my head.

I took steady breaths in and released them just as slowly, eventually my ability to breathe returned and I grabbed onto Chase's hands.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Once the Archangels had begun their spells, you were all surrounded by ribbons of energy. I don't know what was happening to you in there but you were screaming, it took all of our power not to run in there and rip you from them but Ariel told us that you would die if we broke your connection," he explained

"Sebastian!" I exclaimed, making Chase flinch at the name "I thought that I saw Elizebeth kill him but it must have been another one of Lucifers tricks" I said, pulling out of Chase's hug to face him.

He looked down at the bed and avoided my eye contact.

"Chase?" I questioned, tears welling up in my eyes.

"I'm really sorry, but it wasn't one of Lucifers tricks, Elizabeth really did kill Sebastian... and then Shade killed Elizebeth, he stabbed her right through the throat with no look of regret" he began making my heart sink. "After killing her, Shade went completely silent and just stood there, waiting for the Archangels to finish, and after what seemed like forever, they did. The energy around you exploded and Michael, Ariel and Lucifer were all gone, leaving you unconscious" he said, finishing his explanation.

"I have to find Shade" I stated, pulling myself off the bed and onto my feet.

My vision immediately blurred and a rushing sensation quickly clouded my mind. I stumbled forward and tripped over my own feet, grabbing ahold of the bed next to mine to prevent myself from hitting the ground. Chase instantly leapt to his feet and ran over to me, wrapping his arm around my side to help me sit back down.

"Ok, but take it easy, I don't want to have to stare at you breathing for another month" he laughed lightly. "Oh, and you snore by the way" he smirked.

"I do not" I laughed, my dry throat immediately making me stop.

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