《Angel Academy》CHAPTER SIXTY


I looked out at the people before me and watched as Elizebeth was taken to the edge of the crowd away from Chase, who seemed to have frozen in what seemed to be anger upon seeing her. Before I had the chance to intervene and explain her presence to him Shade took my hand in his causing me to look up at him and see a worried but concentrated look on his face, as if he was lost deep in thought.

"Princess... I-" he began.

"Aurora?" A voice questioned form my right, drawing my attention away from Shade.

Noticing that it was Brandon who had called, I gave him a small smile as he walked hesitantly up to me.

"I...I don't know if it'll be much use, but I have this channelling pendant if you want to link yours and Shade's power together... you know... since you two are the ones prophesied to defeat Lucifer" He explained as he held out a small silver chain out towards me.

"Thank you Brandon" I replied, taking the pendant gratefully.

I stared at its patterned surface and listened as Orpheus' words echoed through my brain once again 'you're stronger together'.

A distant rumbling reached my ears, warning me that Lucifer wouldn't be trapped for much longer, I looked up at Shade before looking back out at the crowd. We had to work together... but not just me and Shade, we all had to work together.

"Everyone listen up," I shouted suddenly, making Chase jump slightly and break out of his intense stare.

"Lucifer is too strong for me and Shade alone, we are going to need you all to help us... and I think that I now know a way that we can all truly work together" I began, gaining the crowd's attention.

"This pendant, could potentially link all of our magic together and channel it through me so we can overpower Lucifer" I explained theoretically.

"Not to sound negative, but nobody has ever attempted to channel so much power, it's too much to take in for one person, it could kill you," Said a boy who I recognised as Alexander from our telekinesis class.

"He's right, it's a really big risk... and if you decide to do it, there's no turning back" added Axel, who was standing next to his dragon, slumped up against the beast's side.

"I know, but if I can finish off Lucifer then its a chance that I'm willing to take" I replied honestly.

"Not alone your not" stated Shade as he gave my hand a comforting squeeze "I'll take half of it, and before you ask if I'm sure, the answer is yes " he continued before I had the chance to speak "I told you once that I'd follow you anywhere, and that's true Princess, if you're risking your life then I am to" he finished adamantly.

"Ok" I replied simply "Then we'll do it... together".

"Even activating the pendant, before you even begin channel all of our power is going to take a lot of your energy, and since you're the only Mythica here, you're the only one who is physically able to withstand its energy, but even your power may not be enough" Warned Zack after taking in our plan.

"I know, but I have to try" I concluded, giving him a convincing smile as he stared at me disapprovingly.

"About that!" exclaimed Chase just as I raised my hand to try and activate the pendant.

"What is it?" I questioned, taking in his small excited smile.

"You're not the last Mythica, meet Asher's sister Lavina," he said rather proudly as he stepped out of the way to reveal a girl.


I stared at her in utter shock I didn't even realise that Asher had gotten his sister back, I thought that he would've used her to prove his loyalty, but he didn't. He took full responsibility and let us question and doubt him.

"You only thought to tell me this now?" I asked, directing my words at Chase, who had a sheepish grin on his lips.

"Well, we were pretty busy... you know... killing demons" He offered in his defence." and thennnnn there was the whole collapsing building... ohhhh and don't even get me started on t-"

"I can help," Lavina stated, cutting off Chase's rambling as she walked towards me "if you'll let me" she finished.

I nodded my head and smiled at her before looking back up at Shade as he lifted up our linked hands to kissed the top of mine.

"Of course," I said returning my attention to Lavina as I let go of Shade's hand to take one of hers.

"You can do this" encouraged Asher, speaking up for the first time in a while.

I took a deep breath before I threw the pendant up into the air with my free hand and watched as it hovered above our heads. Feeling the power flow through me I grabbed Levina's other hand in mine and watched as she closed her eyes in concentration.

"All you have to do is imagine everyone's power travelling into the pendant, think of the power flowing out of them like ribbons of light" explained Brandon, "Then all you and Shade will have to do us hold it together in order to link the energy to yourselves" he finished.

Using Asher's teachings of controlling darkness, I switched it around to control the light as Bradon had said, but it was draining me fast. A horrific icy sensation crept around my body, slowly draining my strength from me as I tried my best to focus on Levina and the pendant.

Just as I felt a stream of warm blood trickle out of my nose a loud boom echoed around my ears, accompanying the painful ring sound that was already vibrating through my mind.

The dreaded noise was an indication that Lucifer had finally broken out of his trap, but now was not the time to lose focus. I concentrated harder and felt Lavina squeeze my hands tighter as we both fought to stay conscious. Words began to flow out of our mouths but I couldn't make out what we were saying, I couldn't control it, but whatever it was, it seemed to be helping.

With one final screaming repeat of our chant, Lavina and I were pushed apart and propelled away from each other by what I assumed was the final blast of energy as it gathered around the pendant. As soon as I felt my weakened body hit the cold hard floor I opened my eyes and felt myself being pulled to my feet.

"Come on, there's not much time" shouted Shade through what seemed to be a continuous booming sound.

I quickly glanced behind me to see Lucifer perched upon his humungous black dragon, his whole army flying behind him.

I spun around hurriedly and looked at the pendant which had multiple stands of energy swirling around it in an unstable fashion. I faced Shade and nodded my head before we both turned towards the pendant and extended our right palms towards the energy.

I used my mind to begin to pull the energy towards me, the pain was incredible but my determination was stronger, my eyes glowed with white fire as the mass of energy started to vibrate uncontrollably. Shade's scream of determination rung alongside my own as we strained against the pressure until the energy finally burst into a colossal explosion, expelling its contents directly into me and Shade. As soon as the energy came into contact with my body I was thrown to the floor by its sheer, brilliant force.


Power radiated through my body healing every scrape and wound on my body, I pulled my knee up in front of me and rose to my feet to face Lucifer's army. As soon as I raised my head, his coal black dragon landed on the floor expelling small rocks and dust towards us.

With the power of my friends burning ferociously through my veins I drew my daggers and looked at them one last time before I turned to Lucifer, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. Upon the sound of the demon's crying out their defining battle screams, I charged forward with Shade by my side.

I heard the crunching footsteps of everyone running behind me as we ran head-on into the front lines. A tremendous roar sounded above me causing me to briefly flick my eyes towards its source to see Chase flying on Cobalt alongside Lavina as they sliced through an overshadowing Drafero's wings. Its dragon-like form came spiralling towards me, but I was easily able to outrun its shadow, causing it to land directly behind me as I advanced on Lucifer who was walking through the attacks, slicing mercilessly through any oncoming attackers without breaking so much as a sweat.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" bellowed Lucifer in anger after he had finished taking in my appearance.

Resisting the urge to shrink back at the anger oozing off his body I stepped forward confidently.

"I hope that you enjoyed your time as the king of hell... because your reign is about to come to an end" I smiled diabolically.

A flash of what I believed to be fear washed over his enraged featured before his face hardened into a jaw clenched scowl.

"You should show me some respect" he snarled, bringing his sword around swiftly.

It clashed with one of my twin daggers and emitted a shrill ring, I plunged the other dagger downwards to aim for his leg but he blocked me with his own second dagger.

"Her respect is not what you need to be asking for" remarked Shade as he popped up behind Lucifer and stabbed him through the chest with a dagger.

"Are you still under the foolish impression that your weapons can kill me? I AM A GOD!" he screamed, flipping backwards, kicking me in the face in the process.

I grabbed my broken jaw and clicked it back into place as I watched Lucifer pull out the sword with a bitter grunt.

"No" I began "You're just a pathetic, corrupt angel who decided that the only person worth loving was yourself" I finished brutally, emphasising each word to add as much hatred as possible to my words.

We all bounded towards each other and bean to land a flurry of attacks, small beads of sweat began to drip down my back as we continued to twist and turn in an effort to block and land blows. After a while, Lucifer began to tire, he couldn't take on me and Shade together, we were too strong. He pushed both of his daggers out and pushed us away with a blast of energy which was only able to move us about a meter.

"You can't kill me, " panted Lucifer, calling two demon dogs to his sides.

Emrick, who had been fighting Max a few feet away called upon three Draferos to take his place so he could come over to where we stood.

"If we can't kill you, we will just send you to the Archangels, I'm sure that they would be happy to see you" Laughed Shade menacingly, dropping his blade from Lucifers in order to swiftly behead one of the demons.

"Oh I highly doubt that... me, on the other hand, I think that they would loveeeee to meet... don't you agree?" asked Emrick as he swooped in to attack my left side.

I ducked away from Lucifer who was advancing on Shade and broke away from Emrick's attacks to circle him, discretely checking for any weak points or injuries.

"You just can't stay dead can you?" I asked, distracting him from my calculative look.

"Technically I am dead, but it does still pain me to think that my own sister would want me to disappear, like seriously what have I ever done to you?" he asked innocently.

I lunged forwards and aimed for his right leg before spinning around to stab his left.

"Want me to make a list?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him as he winced at his injured leg.

"I admit, I may have done some things in the past that I'm not proud of but I'm a changed man, I've seen the error of my ways and whatever else moral people are meant to do" he rambled, trying to avert me from the fact that he was trying to allow his leg to heal.

"You literally tried to kill me like a couple of seconds ago" I sighed, ducking under him, kicking his leg as I passed.

"Exactly!" He shouted, smiling through the pain as I grabbed a smaller dagger off my belt and plunged it into his shoulder. "I've grown up since then" he grinned as he dragged a knife deeply along my shoulderblade, making me back off an inch or two.

Bored of fighting Emrick while listening to his constant rambling, I quickly delivered a series of simple, but effective attacks and knocked his sword from his hands. His first come into contact with my jaw causing me to stumble slightly before I gained my balance and leapt into the air, expelling my wings behind me before spinning around to land onto his back. I whacked him over the head with the pommel of my dagger and grabbed his arms to hold him in place as he fell face first onto the ground.

"How do we kill Lucifer" I questioned, pulling his head upwards to hold my dagger to his throat.

"You can't"

"You're lying" I growled, pressing the blade to his throat. "Everything can die"

He laughed manically and whacked the ground with two hard knocks followed by three quick ones.

"Of course" he answered finally "but I said that you can't kill him," He laughed.

Wondering what he was getting at I looked over to Shade who was still in a heated battle with Lucifer, even after all of this time, none of them had gained the upper hand but they both had large amounts of blood coating their clothes and skin.

"Tell me what you mean and I will let you live," I said, slackening the blades pressure slightly.

"Being among the most powerful, all of the Archangels have immense protection over their life forces. Meaning only Archangels can kill Archangels, and as much as Lucifer wants to believe that he is a god, dear old dad is only a mere archangel gone dark side" He explained in an almost serious manner.

He tilted his head up to look at me as I absorbed the information, an evil grin slowly appearing over his face.

"And sister, for future encounters NOBODY decide whether I live or die" He smirked slyly "aside from me of course" he finished giving me a wink"

Extensive pain erupted from my wings causing me to shriek out in pain, I was pulled forcefully off Emrick's body before being shaken in the air and cast to the ground. I shakily pushed my self to my feet and jumped into the fighting stance to see Emrick clambering onto the back of a towering Leomonium.

Its dark soulless eyes stared down at me as I rolled my shoulders in pain, examining the damage that the creature had done to my wings. The most damage was to my right wing, some of the feathers had been torn to the bone, I honestly didn't think that I was going to be able to fly. A lone tear ran down my cheek as I averted my eyes to look at Emrick.

"Well it's been fun, but I have to leave before father dearest realises what I've told you, although something tells me that this is not our final goodbye dear sister" he winked, giving me a mock salute. "You know what to do" he finished before turning the Leomonium to run in the opposite direction.

I gulped down my emotions and looked around me as I greeted a group on oncoming demons of different forms ranging from demon dogs and Drafero's to vengeful shadow spirits. I used my elemental powers to ignite my blades with fire, and douse the Draferos hellfire breath with water, once the attacking sky demons had fallen I used my wind element to shakily pull myself into the sky but even though I had been chosen by the elemental air region of Angel Academy, I hadn't practised this power and was still weak when it came to air so I began to rise and fall rockily.

I soared over the demons and landed forcefully on the ground directly in front of Max. He looked down at me, confusion stitched on his face, I leapt off the ground and killed an advancing demon before grabbing his shoulders in my hands.

"The ground" I shouted, an idea coming to mind as I saw many more demons stalking towards us "open the ground!" I exclaimed, shaking him slightly.

"I'm not strong enough" He replied dumbstruck, "they don't teach first years their regional elemental powers" he finished, decapitating a demon dog then swiftly stabbing another through the heart.

"It's time to put this new power to use" I grinned, a new hope nesting in my mind. "find your region's captain, Tyler, and tell him to get everyone ready to open the ground at my signal" I instructed before running back towards Shades direction.

I jumped over bodies, slid under snapping jaws of razor-sharp teeth and dodge many shadow blades as I sprinted towards Lucifer who had finally overpowered Shade. I took in a deep breath and ejected a ball of energy towards Lucifer, pushing him off Shades broken body.

I dragged Shade away a meter or so and placed my hands over his chest, using some of our borrowed energy to heal him faster. Wasting no more time, I stood up straight and held both of my arms out in front of me.

I looked Lucifer in the eye and focused on bunching all of my energy together, my eyes began to glow with white fire again as the energy that I had gathered waited to be released.

"Omnis immundus spiritus omnis satanica potestas, revertetur vestra dominum." I chanted, finding the right words from the power within.

(Translation: Every impure spirit, every satanic power, return to your master.)

I pushed my hands out to the side expelling a barrier of energy from my body, Lucifers eyes widened as his demon army started to shriek and cower as my words became orders that they physically couldn't disobey.

Shade copied my actions and chanted alongside me as everyone else fought off stronger willed demons.


We face each other and crossed over our arms before we pushed them outwards, releasing a celestial blast of white light, building a barrier around our remaining fighters and forcing the demons back to Lucifer.

"Max, Tyler, NOW!" I shouted pulling Shade through our protective barrier as Tyler, Max and the other students who had power over the Earth element stepped forward. They all grabbed ahold of each other's hands and closed their eyes as they chanted words at a hurried whisper. They then stamped their right feet in synchronisation causing the ground outside our barrier to cave inwards, leaving only a small island where Lucifer stood.

All of the demons without the capability to fly fell to their unavoidable deaths, their loud cries reached my ears as I stared at Lucifers face. His army was falling apart along with his plan to dominate our world, he was loosing. The remaining air born demons in his army shrieked in terror and immediately began to retreat, I gathered that they would go to join Emrick now that Lucifer's power had been vanquished.

Shade stepped forward and used the last of his share of the energy to bind Lucifer with chains that only the pure of both heart and blood would be able to break free of. He then collapsed at the sudden energy drain, his eyes returning to their usual crimson colour.

"What now?" asked Axel stepping forward, his left arm tied close to his chest by his jacket.

"Shall we just keep killing him until he stays dead?" questioned Chase "because I would personally volunteer for the task, maybe we could let him experience his own torture serum as well" he schemed darkly.

"No none of us possess the power to kill Lucifer" I replied.

"So what do we do now?" Asked Zack, repeating Axel's question.

"Now we call the archangels" I smiled, turning to face Lucifer who looked strangely calm for a man in his situation.

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