
As soon as Obsidian and I flew through the exit everything behind us exploded, causing us to become enveloped in thick grey smoke. I leant down low over the dragon's neck and pulled my sleeve over my mouth as I struggled to breathe through the thick ash.

It was only when I began to see things flying upwards past me that I realised we were falling. I immediately began to panic and cling onto Obsidian with all my strength as our falling started to quicken. I tried desperately to communicate with him telepathically, but he continued to fall despite my efforts.

"Obsidian!" I screamed over the rumbling in an attempt to gain his attention.

He let out a loud fearful shriek as a boulder hit his wing, sending him into a spiral. Even over the destruction, I could hear my heart pounding in my chest as I opened my wings and tried to slow his fall, but who was I kidding I couldn't hold a dragon.

"Come on... VOLAR!" I screamed in almost a roaring command.

On an instant impulse, he opened his wings, making guilt flood over me as he shrieked in agony the whole time.

Although he couldn't seem to fly, his spread wings acted as a parachute, causing his falling to slow down an incredible amount so I extended my own wings, allowing the air to pull me from his back. I followed him to the floor and watched as he landed with a small thud.

He immediately began whining, moving in small circles with his head held high as he tested his right wing, hissing every time he moved it.

"It's ok" I cooed, pulling my shirt up over my mouth to protect my airways from the thick dust that surrounded us.

I ran over to his side and asked him to lay down. He reluctantly did as I asked and watched suspiciously as I ran my hand gently over his injured wing.

"You're going to be ok" I concluded, after trying my best to heal it.

Although it wasn't healed completely the pain in his eyes seemed to have lessened, but I knew in my heart that if I couldn't find someone to heal him, he would not be able to fly for a long time.

"Your fight is over," I said, running my hand over his large face.

He shook his large head and stood up tall, trying to prove that he could still fight. I let out a small laugh and held up my hand.

"No, you can't come with me," I sighed, causing him to slacken his formerly impressive poster into a grumpy slouch.


"but if any demons come down here, be sure to get them for me" I smiled, making his eyes light up slightly.

I took one last look at Obsidian before turning my attention to the gloomy sky.

"I guess I'll have to find a way to this without you" I sighed, extending my wings to take off.

Without looking back down at the dragons sorrowful expression, I shot up to the sky and closed my eyes, hoping that I wouldn't fly directly into a falling boulder or demon.

As soon as I felt the cold air hit my face I opened my eyes to see that I had flown above the settling dust.

"Aurora?" questioned the recognisable voice of Max from behind me.

I turned around slowly and held in a gasp as I looked over the army before me.

"Wow, You really did all come," I said in disbelief as I flew closer.

"Of course we did" responded Verity who was sitting in front of Max.

I searched the crowd, smiling upon seeing various familiar faces, even Axel had come to join the fight.

"Obsidian?" asked Zack in concern, appearing out of the crowd with his white wings spread behind him.

"He will be fine but he's injured his wing, " I replied, scanning the area carefully "Where have all the demons gone," I asked, suddenly suspicious of the silent air.

"They all just retreated" explained Shade as he flew Incendro towards me.

I nodded my head before I flew forwards and sat behind Shade, who flew Incendro out to face the small army. I quickly concluded that they had probably all gone to back to Lucifer regroup and await his command but they wouldn't be gone for long, and they would be coming back with a new purpose, which would make them stronger.

"Lucifer is not going to stay down for long" I began, slowly starting to understand what I had to do.

I waited a couple of seconds until I gained everyone's attention before continuing.

"I know that so far this fight has felt impossible... as if we are trying to fight a battle that has already been lost, I also know that we have lost many good people... many friends" I continued before letting out a small sigh "But it's not over yet,

we cannot give up now, we have to honour our fallen and continue our battle to make their sacrifices mean something! and if that means fighting until either Lucifer has been put down for good, or we have joined the fallen then so be it," I finished, gaining various roaring cheers in response.


"I can't force you all to fight with me and I will understand if you choose to go home, after all, our odds are not great... but somebody important to me has recently told me that we are all stronger together... and I believe that he is right " I continued, earning another fierce response.

"All I have left to ask, is who will fight by my side?" I shouted, drawing one of my daggers, pointing it to the sky.

Multiple shouts and screams erupted from the crowd before me as people begun to raise their own weapons. I looked out at everyone's determined faces and smiled as they rallied each other up to prepare for battle.

"There is one other thing," Said Shade seriously as he turned to face me.

"What?" I questioned curiously.

I watched as he signalled to one of the women who I assumed was from the Elysium guard.

"Try not to kill her" Smirked Shade, turning his attention to the approaching dragon.

My attention fully grabbed I watched the woman carefully, trying to work out what Shade was talking about.

"Everyone get to the ground and regroup, Lucifer has an advantage if we all stay airborne" Commanded Asher before he shot me a small proud smile.

Everyone began to descend into a group formation with Axel, Asher, Verity and Zack leading them skillfully.

"Hi, my name is Andrea, for the record, I'm not too happy about this either but we can't spare one abled soldier to take her away, and she said that she will help," said the lady on the dragon.

She turned her dragon around slowly to reveal Elizebeth sitting behind her, I tensed up and anger immediately swelled up inside me, causing Shade to reach an arm back to grab ahold of my hand.

"You can't be serious?" I questioned angrily.

"She showed up on Lucifers dragon when we were fighting his demons out here" began Andrea, "when she saw that we had all come, she bailed the dragon and begged to join us" she finished.

"And you just let her?" I asked, enraged at the thought of her hurting my friends again.

"Look Aurora, I only joined Lucifer because he had my brother," replied Elizebeth timidly. "But he killed him anyway, despite me doing everything that he asked of me, he still killed my brother... so why wouldn't I want revenge on him?" she questioned in a slightly firmer tone.

"You still betrayed us, how could you expect us to trust you again?" I responded, rubbing a hand down my face.

"You trusted Asher... how am I any different?" she replied taking me by surprise.

When seeing the confused expression mould its way onto my face, Elizebeths cheeks reddened a considerable amount.

"You don't know" she stated, giving me a sheepish look.

I looked towards Andrea who let out a frustrated sigh and approached me swiftly, almost knocking Shade off Incendro in the process.

"We haven't got time for this, he's going to break out any second" She groaned "just let me show you" she concluded, reaching her hand out towards my head.

Seeing sense in what she was saying I leant forward and closed my eyes as she rested two fingers upon my forehead. Her own memories of Asher's confession and Orpheus' speech came flooring in my mind, causing a small tear to roll down my cheek as I vividly re-lived the moments where he was alive and well.

"Ok" I agreed reluctantly "I don't trust her, but if your fine with it then I am to" I replied after watching how Orpheus' forgave Asher despite his surprising betrayal. "But Andrea... stay with her" I finished.

"I will... now let's join the others, we have little time" she said formally before flying off towards the ground, Shade and I in tow.

I don't know why but I had an uneasy feeling about Elizebeth, even after learning about Asher I still felt as though I could trust him. They both had almost identical reasons for their betrayal so I don't know why that was the case, maybe it was because I was always closer to Asher, he was my mentor and had taught me more or less everything that I know... If it wasn't for him I don't think that we would've gotten this far.

I snapped out of my thoughts as we landed directly before our army of courageous students, teachers, and our new Elysium friends who were now all organised in a suitable formation. Not everyone who was present was mighty warriors but they all had the bravest hearts and that means that every single one of us was fighting for something, whether it be love, friendship, family, or simply the greater good! everyone had something or someone to fight for... and that was why I believed that we could win...



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