
With my daggers now in my possession, I met Lucifer head on. I fought endlessly against his sharp blows but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't overpower him. I was beginning to tire, neither of us had successfully landed any blows, and sweat trickled down my forehead as I continued to fight.

When I attempted to attack Lucifers right side an abrupt pain radiated from my left shoulder as the end of Lucifers cold blade pierced my skin. My breathing hitched at the agonising feeling of the sword burying itself deeper into my skin before Lucifer swiftly twisted it around causing blood to splutter out of my mouth. I tried desperately to breathe through the splutters of blood as dropped to my knees and looked up into Lucifers deadly dark eyes.

I had to admit, I was scared, I didn't want to die, not really...I knew that if we were to win this fight I had to be strong, if not for myself then for my friends because death has a way of affecting the people left behind more than the people that it claims. Lately, I had avoided death so many times that I think that people were starting to believe that I was invincible... but I wasn't, death comes for everyone eventually but I did not believe that it was time.

A deafening roar that resembled a ground shaking battle cry echoed around the hall, drawing Lucifers attention to the far wall. A small smile grew on my face as a few seconds of complete silence passed while everyone and everything in the room searched for the source of the noise.

A spark of strength caused through my body as a comfortingly familiar presence entered my mind, a small tear rolled down my cheek as a name appeared in my mind... Obsidian.

"They're here" I smiled, through small coughs.

Just as Lucier looked down at me with confusion knitted across his face the wall burst open and the large black dragon flew in and circled the hall, grabbing groups of demons in his large jaw to throw them forcefully across the room.

I closed both of my hands around the sword that was twisted through my shoulder and tried to pull it out. Blood streamed out of my palms as I fought against Lucifers strength as I continued to pull the sword out and force myself to stand up.

I had almost overpowered him when he switched his sword to his left hand and pulled a dagger of his belt with his right, he brought it swiftly down towards my neck but I quickly caught it in my own right hand. My hand immediately began to give off black smoke as strange toxic veins spread across my skin, wasting no more time, I put all of my strength into one last move and separated myself from Lucifer.

He stumbled back slightly as my dagger scratched across his cheek drawing a long line of crimson blood, giving me the chance to lunge forwards and pierce him through the chest.

He let out a large gasp and looked down at dagger in surprise, he then looked back towards the wall to see more dragons and riders flooding in, killing his demons skillfully as they flew. Anger filled his purple orbs as he looked back towards me in pure hatred.


"Enough!" he shouted grimly. "did you really think that you could kill me?" he questioned manically as he ripped the dagger out of his chest, filling me with dread.

His coal black wings erupted from his back and he rose up with his palms facing towards me. I watched as large orange flames began to surround him in a big orb, circling his body dangerously as he rose up above us.

"I have survived hundreds of years in hell, rising up above the demons to get to this day and you actually think that you can defeat me?" he roared angrily.

He held one of his hands out towards me, rendering me motionless. My throat closed up as I helplessly tried to take a breath, I instinctively attempted to raise up my hands to grasp my throat but Lucifer's invisible grasp prevented me from moving.

"Everyone get down" shouted a male voice as Lucifer raised his other hand, getting ready to blast the fire around the room.

I looked to the origin of the voice to see Orpheus running full pelt towards me, his crystal blue eyes were burdened with worry and determination as he charged forward. I fought as hard as I could to break free, to scream, anything... but all I could do was watch as he ran towards me.

"No" I whispered raspily, but of course, he didn't hear me.

"You're going to beg for death when you find out where I'm sending you" laughed Lucifer as he held up the same dagger that he had previously tried to kill me with.

Lucifer flicked out his left arm, causing an explosion of fire to consume the area around us. Angry tears streamed down my face as heartbreaking screams and the sickening smell of burning flesh filled the searing hot air.

"Goodbye daughter," said Lucifer quietly as he raised the dagger above his head.

"NO!" boomed a voice that was so desperate and painfilled it silenced everything.

Before I knew what was happening I had hit the floor hard. I felt the horrible feeling of warm, sticky blood trickling down my back but no pain followed. I pulled myself out from what had knocked me over and turned around to see a familiar black haired, blue eyed boy laying on his back, looking towards me with blood trailing out of the corner of his mouth.

"Orpheus?" I whispered, my whole body suddenly came heavy, the growing pain was as if a thousand knives had all pierced my body at once as I looked down at the boy before me.

"A-Aurora, y- you're ok" he stuttered, relief flooding across his eyes.

I looked at his chest to see the handle of Lucifers dagger sticking out of it, It had a pitch black diamond on its pommel that was infused with white moving beams of light. The dagger itself seemed to be consuming Orpheus' life force, spreading dark veins around his body.

"Why did you do that?" I asked, an unavoidable hint of anger in my voice as he reached his hand out towards me.

"Isn't it obvious?" he asked struggling to get his words out.

I looked back at his face to see that he had paled greatly and seemed to be fighting off the pain that burdened him.


"I-I love you, I have always l-loved you," he finished.

Not being able to fight off the pain any longer I burst into tears and buried my face into his neck as I embraced him gently. Even though I knew in my heart that he couldn't be saved I used all of my strength to try and heal him, the soft purple glow surrounded us both as I used my gift but the dark veins continued to spread despite my efforts.

"I-it's ok," he lied through a shaky voice.

I sat up and looked down at him solemnly.

"How is any of this ok?" I asked in disbelief.

"Because Aurora...you can win," he said slowly, with a genuine look in his eye.

He let out a few small coughs causing more blood to trickle out of his mouth, he managed a small smile and grabbed ahold of my hand weakly, kissing the top of it courteously.

My heart ached painfully as I watched his facial expression soften... as if he could no longer feel any pain.

"Remeber, You're stronger together" he finished, staring up at me with those pure, burning blue eyes.

To my greatest dismay, he looked away from me and let out a long sigh, closing his eyes for the last time.

"Orpheus?" I questioned through a mass of tears.

I shook his shoulder gently but got no response. He was gone, he was actually gone... and I couldn't save him.

I released all of my built-in emotions in the form of one painfilled scream, It shook the whole room, creating a large crack in the ceiling above us.

I looked blurry-eyed around the room to see a sight that most people wouldn't be able to imagine in even their darkest of nightmares. The fire that Lucifer had created was slowly consuming everything as it climbed the massive walls, multiple bodies were littered everywhere as people still continued to fight around them, and many people were kneeling down by their dying friends, putting them in the same heart crushing position as me, but the person who caught my eye was Shade, he was stood in the middle of the room staring at me with a hopeless expression on his face, his clothes were drenched in both black and red blood and he seemed to have been in the middle of comforting Adelia, who was crushed over Titus who was obviously injured.

We were loosing.

"Don't worry, you'll join him soon enough," growled the voice of Lucifer who had been watching the whole thing carefully, probably enjoying my suffering.

I opened my mouth to say something when Lucifers back arched, revealing the tip of a sword sticking out of his chest. He dropped out of the air and landed on the hard concrete, falling directly onto his knees, causing one of his legs to snap.

I over him to see Theo standing where Lucifer once was, he ran straight over to me, whacking Lucifer over the head on the way past to knock him out before he dropped down next to Orpheus' lifeless body.

"This is the second brother that I have lost to this blade," He said to himself, in an unreadable tone.

He pulled the dagger out of Orpheus' chest, wrapped it in a piece of cloth, and placed it in the inside pocket of his jacket.

"I'm sorry for what I have done to you and your friends, I hope that in another life, we will meet again under better terms," he said solemnly.

He looked up at me briefly but before I had the chance to respond to him, he was gone, along with Orpheus' body.

Not knowing how much time that I had, I turned back to Lucifer, who snapped open his eyes as soon as my gaze fell on him. His wings still drawn, he jumped to his feet and clicked his neck and leg back into place.

It was then that a new spark of hope ignited inside me as I stood motionless, staring at Lucifer, thinking over our journey up until this very moment. Shades words rang in my head 'You do know that we have basic control over the elements right?'

And that's when it clicked, Lucifer was way too powerful in his own domain, I had to get him outside, where we could all work together to defeat him... I think that that is what Orpheus was trying to tell me.

"You know Lucifer, you really shouldn't surround yourself with such a dangerous element, especially when fighting a Mythica," I said, changing my tone completely so it antagonised him further.

His face dropped and paled slightly as I quickly summoned my wings and shot into the air. Remembering what Shade and Asher taught me I willed the flames to surround me.

While I took in some strength from the fire, I formed multiple ribbons of darkness and directed them to surround Lucifer and trap him in an endless pit of oblivion, but it wouldn't hold him for long, I had to work fast.

"Everybody get out of here!" I screamed, my voice coming out a lot louder than I expected it to.

The majority of people immediately followed my instruction and re-grouped to continue the battle outside, but Shade, Chase, Sebastian and Asher stayed.

"Please, I have a plan" I exclaimed frustratedly as I struggled to contain the flames.

With that they all left, leaving me and Obsidian alone with Lucifer and his remaining demons. Once I was sure that they had gotten out I searched the room for my dragon.

"Obsidian!" I screamed as I prepared to release the flames.

He let out a thunderous roar and flew behind me to say away from the blast, I pushed my palms outwards causing the fire to catapult forwards, releasing an extremely loud rumbling sound.

"Avolar!" I commanded as I latched onto the side of the dragon.

He immediately sped through the wall just as a tremendous boom sounded behind us, the cave walls surrounding us shook and large boulders rained down on us as we headed towards the light at the end of the tunnel.

I looked behind me to see a gigantic, deadly dust mass infused fire and the buildings remains closing in on us at a tremendous speed. I returned my attention to the light and tried my best to convince myself that we could win this fight.

We have to.

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