
Aurora's POV:

Pain... burning, tedious pain.

I felt as though my whole soul was being ripped slowly out of my body... every agonising second that I had to endure seemed like hours as I battled against the endless torment to hold onto my lifeforce.

I screamed out in pain, hoping that somehow all of the pain and misery would fade away... but it didn't...how could it? I was stuck in my own mind, I knew that nothing here was real, I knew that it was all just a fragment of my imagination but it felt so real, the only difference between suffering mentally and suffering physically was the fact that I had no control, I was powerless in my own mind, and nobody knew what was happening to me, so nobody could help me.

All I could do was fight on and make myself believe that I could do the impossible and continue to survive... but the sickening thought that our luck was running out invaded my mind, my friends and I had all avoided death for so long, part of me wondered when our luck would run out.

"Aurora" whispered a low panicked voice.

The voice echoed around my head making it throb painfully, I screamed out again but this time I heard my own voice.

"Wake up"

I desperately tried to push my pain to one side as I attempted to focus my full attention on the voice.

"Come on, we have to fight," it said softly, acting as a beacon in the darkness.

That's when I realised that the voice belonged to Chase. Using all of the strength that I had I forced my eyes to open. The pain immediately vanished and the blurry image of Chase faded into focus before me.

"C-chase?" I asked in disbelief.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I took in his face.

Noticing that his beautifully soft features were riddled in deep cuts and shallow scratches reality set in... he never gave up on himself or us... he survived, wasting no more time I jumped forward and threw my arms around his body, pulling him into a heart-filled embrace.


"You're here" I whispered as he buried his face into the crook my neck and pulled me closer to his chest.

"Of course I'm here, I would never leave you" he replied, his voice breaking slightly.

A loud bang disrupted our moment, causing me to pull back and look around Chase's body. Emrick was laying on the floor surrounded by pebbles which I assumed fell off the wall that he was thrown into and Shade stood above him with a determined look on his face, he turned his head towards me and our eyes locked for a second before he gave me one of his signature smirks and returned his attention back to Emrick.

"Time to save the world" laughed Chase as he wiped away my tear and tucked one of the small strands of hair that had escaped my braid behind my ear. "care to join me?" he asked in a posh rich accent.

"But of course" I laughed, reaching down to draw my daggers.

When my hand fell down past my side I looked down to see that they were gone. I immediately scanned the room until my eyes fell on Lucifer, who was watching silently as Sebastian, Shade and another girl who I didn't recognise battled fiercely against Emrick and his demon hoard.

I stared at Lucifer with pure hatred until his eyes finally met mine, my hands balled into fists and lightning started to surround them as a small smile begun to spread across his face.

"Incoming" shouted Chase to grab my attention.

I broke my stare and spun around just in time to see a reasonably small demon flying in my direction. It opened its sharp beak and screeched loudly, protracting its long claws in my direction.

I swiftly reached down into my boot and pulled out one of my hidden knives, throwing it directly at the demon. It successfully met its target and embedded itself deep into the creature's skull, causing it to become motionless and fall to the ground with a surprisingly soft thump.

"Aurora, catch" screamed Chase impulsively.

I turned in his direction to see a dagger travelling sleekly through the air towards my face. Thanks to my quick instincts I was able to catch it without cutting my hand, letting out a small sigh of relief I looked down at the dagger and realised that it was the one that Orpheus had gifted me.


I looked towards Chase to question where he found it and noticed that he was struggling slightly as more and more demons ganged up on him. I ran in his direction and tackled the demon closest to me forcing the dagger and half of my hand to go through its back, so I could make sure that I effectively pierced the vile beast's heart.

"Thanks, but It's ok, I've got this" assured Chase after I had killed two more demons.

I killed one more for good measure before I nodded my head at Chase and turned to face Lucifer. With him in my line of sight a ferocious anger welled up inside of me, I ran as fast as I could towards him, killing whatever demon that crossed my path and dared to try and keep me from getting to him, I was only halfway there when I felt a hand wrap around my arm.

I spun around ready to deliver a blow when I realised it was Shade who had stopped me, I looked up into his relieved crimson eyes and felt my anger slowly drain from my body. Without saying anything he pulled me closer to his body and placed his lips softly against mine, kissing me sweetly before pulling back to look down at me with a decisive look.

"I know that you can do this" he whispered comfortingly. "but you have to stay calm, don't lose yourself to rage" he finished with a slightly concerned look.

I nodded my head and watched as he pulled himself away from me to continue his own battle, I let out a determined huff and focused my attention back towards Lucifer, but this time I didn't let my anger consume me.

I walked tauntingly towards him, killing his demon followers as quickly and as cleanly as I could. Realising that I was actually going to reach him Lucifer got to his feet and walked in my direction to meet me half way.

"Daughter" He greeted slyly, making me feel slightly sick to my stomach. "I think that you lost these" he grinned, holding up my two daggers.

"I guess that I did, it's a good thing that I can kill you just as easily without them" I replied giving him a smile that projected anything but kindness.

"We shall see," He responded grimly.

I jumped backwards and immediately extended my ebony wings, summoning lightning from the rooms magical energy to surround me. I pulled them forcefully towards me and shot up into the air, bringing a bast of various lightning balls down towards lucifers head.

He effortlessly crossed my daggers, causing a small forcefield to appear above them which made the lightning to fade away after letting out a thunderous boom. I circled back around and landed on the floor, facing him to anticipate his next move.

"Nice try, but you're going to have to use a lot more than lightning to kill me" he scoffed in what seemed to be a disappointment.

"Oh, that?" I questioned innocently "That was just a distraction" I grinned.

A curious expression immediately washed over his face before he was pushed forcefully to the floor by a large brown wolf, I quickly charged forwards and grabbed one of the daggers that Lucifer had dropped when he fell. He immediately sprung to his feet and looked at me with pure rage.

"So it begins" he shouted brutally as he dropped my daggers twin and drew his own sword.

He ran forwards and delivered a flurry of attacks which I dodged the best that I could while trying to land my own blows, I skidded past his feet and along the floor to grab ahold of my other dagger that he had previously dropped before standing to meet his attacks once more.

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