《Angel Academy》CHAPTER FORTY


Unknown POV:

I lent up against the ragged cold wall and shuddered as a drop of cold blood rolled slowly down my spine, causing me to draw my legs in closer to my chest. I could not remember how long I had been trapped in this dungeon but I did know that I was imprisoned here completely alone... that was until they threw him in here with me.

My ears pricked, and my weary heart warmed upon hearing a loud flapping of dragon wings drawing nearer to our location. I waited patiently for the blue and silver dragon to return my Mythos' to me, and when she appeared I scrambled across the icy, damp floor towards the small dusky window to greet her.

Although upon moving too far, I was soon abruptly halted by the heavy metal chains that they had so kindly trapped me in, they burned my wrists painfully and seemed to glow with a searing red luminosity everytime I strained against them, preventing me to move more than a metre.

"Emerald, come here" I called weakly, holding my hands out towards my Mythos.

She closed the gap between us and set her baby down of the floor, I wrapped my arms around her slender neck and closed my eyes to embrace the visions that she would give me of her journey.

"The girl is on her way here like you said, but she didn't bond with the pup" I gasped, realisation setting in.

I had relied on the fact that they would be able to bond, and therefore connect to each other's power to gain enough strength to overcome... him.

"That girl has a name" stated the boy though a fit of blood-curdling coughs.

I peered through the murky darkness to see the beaten face of the boy that they had brought down here, his clothes were dirty and torn as a result of his many beatings and there was fresh blood running from his mouth, as well as from his wrists as a result of the sharp metal shackles that were cutting harshly into his skin as he slouched down in his chains, no longer able to hold his own weight. I had to give the boy credit, he had never once had given up fighting, but that was why they made it their mission to break him.


"Right, sorry kid" I scoffed, coming back to reality "Aurora didn't bond, so cannot share the Mythos' power" I finished, putting a heavy emphasis on her name.

"Was she ok?" he asked in sudden worry.

"She's fine," I said, rolling my eyes at the fact that he had disregarded the dilemma at hand.

"Good" he sighed in the happiest tone that I had ever heard leave his lips.

I heard his chains clank slightly as he adjusted his position.

"Do you think they know?" he asked, suddenly saddened by a distant memory.

"Know what?" I questioned, the boy had told me a lot about his friends in the time that he was here so I couldn't pinpoint the exact thing that he was referring to.

"About Elizebeth's betrayal," he coughed.

I crawled back to the wall and regained my previous position with my back leaning uncomfortably against it.

"I'm not sure, but Aurora and Shade are now travelling alone together" I replied, noticing that he visibly relaxed at my words as a look of relief crossed his face. "What is it?" I asked in curiosity.

"It's safer for them to travel alone," he said plainly.

"I cant read minds kid, " I said while shaking my head.

He rolled his eyes at the fact that I called him 'kid' and slumped back down into his chains.

"Elizebeth wasn't the only traitor," he revealed as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "And my name is Chase" he finished sounding slightly annoyed.

A tremendously loud screeching tore through the air as the heavy door groaned open, two people holding syringes walked briskly into the room, one advanced towards me while the other went to Chase.


I shoed my Mythos from the room and watched as she disappeared from the window before I pressed my back up against the wall as much as I could in a feeble attempt to escape the mans clutches, he let out a large sigh regarding my behaviour and grabbed harshly onto the side of my neck, pushing my face forcefully to the sharp wall. I held back the urge to scream in pain and closed my eyes as the syringe neared my neck, a sudden but familiar shock wave of agony and terror radiated through me as it pierced my skin and released its vile contents into my bloodstream.

Once finished, the man immediately released my head and walked out of the room, leaving me and Chase defenceless as we slumped in our chains and became a passenger in our own bodies as the serum took over our minds and made our vision dance.

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