
A million questions flooded into my mind but I pushed most of them away, I had to remain focused.

"Shade?" I questioned making him turn to face me once again. "How am I supposed to help you take down a Leomonium while holding a baby Mythos?" I asked, plainly stating the obvious.

He looked down at the little Mythos in surprise as if he had forgotten about it, before scanning the area quickly.

"Use this," he said pulling a thin stand of leather from his belt.

He held it out to me with an annoyingly smug grin on his face. I accepted it quickly and tied it around my waist, securing the Mythos safely inside my jacket.

I never actually thought that I'd see the day where we would actually need to use that thing, which Shade insisted was essential to carry around at all costs. I think that he said that it would come in handy to cut off blood circulation if one of us were wounded severely, probably forgetting the fact that he was a werewolf that would heal more or less straight away.

"Let's go," I said shooing him away with my now free hands.

He ran into the darkness, following the growls and squeals that pierced the nights still air. I skidded to a stop just behind Shade and moved to stand next to him so I was able to see the battling creatures. Well, I tried to see them, but the most that I focus on were blasts of green and red explosions erupting from the fast-paced fight.

Without warning, Shade ran towards the battle and disappeared between the flashing lights. I was quickly filled with a new, unwanted concern for his safety so I swiftly drew my daggers and ran in after him, taking care not to be caught in the crossfire between the beasts.

It was times like this that I really wished that I knew more about my unique powers, especially when it came to my witch side. This would be over so much quicker if I had learned a simple pausing momentum spell, but I suppose it didn't do the fight any good to dwell on the past, so I snapped my attention into focus and looked for an advantage point.


A painfilled and piercing shriek tore coldly through the dense air making me freeze to my place. Anger blazed through me uncontrollably, melting away the inner ice that had frozen my body as I recognized it's helpless plea as the call of the Mythos, I span around just as another heartbreaking cry ripped through the air. One last flash of emerald and ruby took place ahead of me, just before the colours were separated forcefully.

I followed the green glow to the left to see the Mythos lying weakly on the floor with its emerald aura dimming to a deep jade with each passing second. I quickly leapt in front of her on instinct and faced the demon without hesitation.

It took the form of a lion but had ragged pitch black fur that seemed to camouflage it against the dark night, I also noticed that it had the sleek, spiked tail of a dragon and unnaturally razor-sharp teeth to inflict maximum damage on its opponent.

I looked up and over the beasts tall frame to meet its furious blood red eyes. I glued my eyes to the creatures and stood up tall with my daggers extended forward, to give it the impression that I wasn't afraid.

"You will not kill her!" I screamed with as much rage that I could muster.

It extended its paw out towards me and scratched the floor with one of its spear-like talons tauntingly as if it was daring me to try and stop it. It threw its head upwards and let out a thunderous roar, the ground below me shook violently, making it really hard for me to stay on my feet let alone run forwards.

Its powerful roar soon changed into a painfilled cry as blood splattered from somewhere behind its head, I took its brief moment of weakness as the opportunity to attack and sprinted towards it, embedding both of my daggers deeply into its chest. It shrieked in agony and trembled as black blood poured fatally from where I held the daggers in place. I tilted my head up to see Shade sitting on its back with his own daggers buried deeply into its neck.


"On three!" He shouted in determination.

I waited for him to count down before we both pulled back at the same time, allowing the creature to fall to the floor before we both jumped up into the air and landed with our daggers piercing the beast's skull.

I watched its corpse untrustingly until it eventually stopped twitching before I removed my daggers and looked down at the baby Mythos who had buried itself deep into my jacket out of harm's way.

"Aurora" gasped Shade tonelessly.

I looked at the side of his face and followed his gaze until his eyes rested upon the larger Mythos, She lay motionless on her side, her only movement being the faint rising and falling of her chest as she breathed raspily. I jogged over to her and dropped to my knees to examine her condition.

"She's hurt pretty bad" I mumbled, resting my hand on her limp body.

"Let's heal her then," said Shade to my surprise.

He knelt down the other side of her and grabbed my hands gently in his, hovering them over her body. We both closed our eyes and concentrated on the healing process until she had completely healed and her emerald green aura returned.

I opened my eyes and stared at Shade with a warm genuine smile, who knew he had a soft spot for disadvantaged creatures.

"What?" he questioned noticing my stare.

"Nothing..." I replied giving him another big smile.

He shook his head and looked down at our joint hands before releasing them reluctantly. I stroked over the Mythos' fur and waited patiently for her to wake.

When she finally did she immediately sprung to her feet and tensed up before she relaxed upon resting her worried eyes on me. I unzipped my jacket and removed her baby, setting it down on the ground before her. Its small ears pricked up and it stumbled towards her gleefully, coming to a stop by her feet. She immediately picked it up by its scruff and glanced up into the sky as if she was waiting for something.

A strangely familiar roar captured my attention making me copy her gesture and avert my own attention to the sky. A humungous figure in the shape of a dragon swooped down and to my horror, grabbed the Mythos in its claws, sending me rolling backwards before it took to the sky again.

I leapt to my feet and focused on its figure noticing shiny blue scales reflecting the moonlight.

"Cobalt?" I shouted hopefully.

The dragon turned its long neck to look at me before it let out another thunderous roar. I continued to watch in disbelief as it carried the Mythos away in the direction that we were heading in.

"What just happened?" I whispered in complete confusion.

I paced back and forth in panic before Shade grabbed my arm to stop me.

"I think that Chase was trying to send us a message," he said gravely.

I looked up at him and calmed down at the mention of Chase.

"I think that he was trying to let us know that we're not alone in this fight" he added, his crimson eyes swirling with concentration.

"By sending a Mythos to let us know that I'm not the only Mythica?" I asked doubtfully.

He nodded his head and released my arm.

"But doesn't that mean that Sebastian has already escaped? they were all sealed away with him" I said in sudden realization.

"That would explain the Leomonium... they're rare because the majority of their breed was also sealed away because they were Sebastian's favourite guard dogs, that protected him until his bitter end" explained Shade with a puzzled look on his face.

"But if Sebastian has already escaped...why does he need us?" I questioned cluelessly.

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