
I awoke to see my hands dangling out in front of me, I blinked a few times to readjust my eyesight to notice that I was moving and could see a pair of feet extending before me that we not my own, I was being carried across some sort of bare, open land.

"Shade?" I questioned groggily.

"Go back to sleep Princess, you need your strength" he replied comfortingly.

It was weird, as soon as the word sleep left his lips I was struck with a wave of tiredness that threatened to consume me once more, a large yawn escaped my lips leaving no room for any other words.

"Mhmm " I murmured softly, unable to stop my head from falling down onto his back.

I don't know how many times I drifted back and forth between consciousness, but one thing that I was aware of was the fact that I remained to be carried to Shade the whole time, he never set me down and most importantly, he never left me behind.

When we had finally arrived somewhere that he was satisfied with, he set me down gently and waved his hand slowly in front of my face.

"Can you hear me?" he asked curiously.

I nodded my head and looked around the surrounding area. The once burning sun had already abandoned the sky, leaving the area to become surrounded by a ravishing darkness, tainted with an angelic purple colour, which contained only the celestial glow of the shimmering stars which were responsible for delicately lighting up the area.

For a barren area known for it's ruthless and unforgiving lands the place sure was beautiful.

"We should be safe here for the night," said Shade calmly, as he took one more look at our surroundings.

I continued to stare at him in fascination as his features started to sharpen before me, allowing me to see everything around me in its usual detail minus the black dots that previously danced across my vision.


"What?" questioned Shade, rubbing his hands down his face in an attempt to remove an invisible mark.

"My visions clearing" I explained, looking away from him.

He sighed heavily and crawled a couple of paces to sit directly next to me, lending me some of the warmth that radiated off his body.

"Never risk your life like you did back there again," he said in a toneless sort of voice.

"I'm sorry" I replied, not really knowing what else to say.

"I just wish that you had more concern about your own safety" he sighed turning his head to face me.

"Please tell me that it worked" I mumbled, turning my head to meet his gaze.

He frowned at the fact that I literally just did the opposite to what he asked of me again by concerning myself with his problems, causing me to let out a small gasp and smile at him sheepishly.

"Well it hasn't come back yet" he replied, barely holding back a smile.

"See, worth the risk" I laughed, nudging his shoulder slightly.

"Just get some sleep" he instructed with a small smile.

"No thanks, that's all I've been doing apparently so I think that your the one who needs to get some sleep" I responded instantly.

"Are you sure?" he asked, searching my eyes for any doubt.

"Yeah, I feel fine now," I said.

He nodded his head and laid down next to me in a small ball, facing the trunk of the lone tree that we were sitting under. I moved my attention to the darkness ahead and watched silently as the night drifted by. I obviously knew that Emrick needed us alive but we couldn't take any chances when it came to our lives, especially when we were this close to rescuing Chase.

I had almost taken my attention out of the area to enter my thoughts when a menacing growl reached my ears, I prepared to wake Shade but stopped and quickly drew one of my smaller daggers upon seeing a small, slender figure surrounded by a faint, light green glow approaching me at a slow pace.


"Shade" I whisper-shouted, never taking my eyes off the strange creature.

When it got closer to me I noticed that it took the form and size of the average wolf, but at the same time, it was not a wolf. This was most apparent due to its long branch-like antlers that were growing delicately from its forehead, I looked over its lean body but the colour of its fur coat remained unknown as its soft green luminosity prevented me from seeing any colour other than its keen dark eyes.

It walked elegantly towards me so quietly that it seemed to walk on the air itself, it was then that I noticed that it was carrying what appeared to be a smaller version of itself in its mouth. It came to a stop less than a meter away from me and looked down into my eyes pleadingly.

I watched in awe as it set what I assumed was its baby down before me and nudged it forwards with its nose.

"What do you want me to do?" I whispered, looking into the creatures noble eyes.

It nudged its baby again causing it to fall clumsily into my legs, at that moment another growl filled the air, but it came from neither mother or child. The wolf-like creature span around and ran into the darkness leaving me completely confused, I looked down at the little creature on my lap and then back through the night. What did she want from me?

"Shade!" I called slightly louder this time.

His crimson eyes snapped open immediately before he shot up into a sitting position.

"What the?" he questioned groggily while taking in the creature on my lap.

"Don't ask" I replied "it just happened" I finished looking back down at the glowing creature that seemed quite comfortable curling up in my lap.

"I'm guessing that you have no idea what that is" he assumed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"No, Please feel free to enlighten me oh knowledgeable one" I mocked looking over to him.

He stared at the creature for what seemed like forever before he finally decided to speak.

"Well, let me just tell you that they're meant to be extinct," he said in confusion, staring down at the creature.

An earsplitting shriek pierced the air followed by a blast of green and red light that managed shake the ground and fill the air with a thick, unsettling tension.

"Like Mythicas?" I questioned, moving my arms over the creature in a feeble attempt to protect it.

"Exactly. Now, Would its mother happen to be around by any chance?" he asked, but I could tell he already knew the answer.

I nodded my head and watched as he got to his feet.

"Well unless you want to add caring for an orphaned Mythos to your to-do list then I suggest you come and help me save its mother" he joked but there was hardly any humour in his voice.

"Save her from what?" I questioned warily, getting to my feet with the little Mythos in my arms.

"A Leomonium" he replied casually.

My mouth gaped open in shock at the name, they were meant to be similar to demon dogs but much more powerful, although, I had never actually seen one.

"And Aurora?" called Shade, regaining my attention. "If Mythos' still exist it can only mean one thing"

"What?" I questioned curiously.

"You're not the only Mythica left," he said seriously, his words burning into me more than any fire ever could.

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