
Aurora's POV:

I looked down at Shade's lifeless body and screamed out for help, my lungs burned as I pleaded for anyone to come and save him, but nobody came, how could they? everyone was shouting for help.

Heartbreaking screams, thunderous roars and deadly growls ripped through the air to reveal the horrors before me.

Bodies of both students and demons were littered everywhere. The survivors had blood covered faces and were fighting for their lives as well as their friends' lives, but this wasn't like our countless training sessions, if we died out here then it was real, we were not coming back.

Demons began to surround the arena, I couldn't stay here, not if I wanted to live. I wiped my tear stained face and looked down at Shades peaceful form in determination.

"Shade!" I shouted shaking his shoulders slightly. "Come on, you have to wake up"

I continued to shake his torso but there was no response, I cried out in frustration and sorrow just as the demons began closing in, one of them sensed my moment of weakness and fear, it began to walk away from the crowd and stalk towards me slowly, but they didn't understand, it wasn't them I was scared of. I averted my attention back towards Shade.

"Wake up!" I screamed desperately, slapping his face gently.

The lone demon lunged forward recklessly, I pulled my dagger from the ground and got to my feet while swinging it to my left side, successfully decapitating the beast. I sighed heavily and fell back to the floor, leaning over Shade. All of the demons had now begun to close in, there was no way that I could kill them all by myself.

Another tear trickled down my cheek and I slumped over Shade in defeat.

"Please..." I begged, leaning my head on his chest.

There was no point trying to hide my emotions, the demons would kill me either way, My heart ached painfully as I allowed small tears to stream slowly down my cheeks.

"Don't leave me" I whispered quietly before closing my eyes.

I began to zone out when I felt Obsidian enter my mind, he was on his way with the other dragons... but they were too late.

My heart stopped when I felt myself instantly rise from Shade's chest, a loud gasp filled the surrounding air making everything else fade out of existence, I grasped onto a small glimmer of hope and opened my eyes, I looked up to see Shade's red eyes staring softly back at me, we looked into each other's eyes in silence for a couple of seconds before his eyes widened and he shot into a sitting positing, pulling me up with him. I looked back to see that his dagger was embedded in the skull of a demon.

"Princess?" he asked in confusion.

I smiled widely and wrapped my arms around him, we embraced each other for a minute before I pulled away and cleared my throat when a demon growled reminding me of their existence.


"Let's get out of here" I smiled, getting to my feet.

He smiled back and accepted my outstretched hand, I pulled him to his feet and picked my daggers up from the floor.

"Are you healed?" I asked, turning so we were back to back.

" I think so" he replied instantly "I feel fine"

Even though he wasn't facing me I nodded my head. As if through some telepathic connection, we both ran forward and began attacking the demons, We worked along the rows and met in the middle, occasionally helping each other out. Asher was right, we do work well together.

I signalled Shade and ran full speed towards him, I jumped up in the air and he gave me a boost into a crowd of demons. I landed on my feet and looked down to see my blade through one's skull, I instantly pulled it out and swung it around in a circle with as much force as I could, decapitating all of the surrounding demons.

I smiled with satisfaction and fought my way through the crowd over to Shade who had just ripped the heart from a demon dogs chest.

"Let's go find the others" I shouted, stabbing another one through the eye.

He nodded his head and grabbed my hand in his, I had no time to question him so we just ran silently through the crowd, killing as we went. I looked ahead to see Cobalt pulling the roof of the medical wing, what the hell was wrong with him?

"Somethings wrong" I shouted pointing to the destroyed building.

We ran towards it at full speed, I tried to open the door but it was stubbornly jammed shut. I groaned in frustration and let go of Shade's hand, jogging away from the door. I took a deep breath and ran rapidly towards it. I jumped into the air and extended both of my feet in front of me, allowing them to crash into the door, knocking it down.

A sharp sting of pain shot up my legs, I clamped my jaw and waved the dust away to see a dagger embedded in my leg. I heard Shade run upon behind me as I ripped it out.

"It's Max's," I said twirling then dagger around.

Shade grabbed my arms and pulled me to my feet, I took a step forwards and sighed in relief. Nothing was broken.

"Let's go" called Shade over his shoulder as he sprinted past me.

I attached Max's dagger to my belt and took off after him, the hallway was plunged into to darkness as something flew overhead so I ran straight into the back of Shade who had stopped curtly.

"NOOOOO" The voice of Max ripped through the air making my blood run cold.

I grabbed Shade's arm and pushed past him running towards the end of the hallway, I burst through the broken door to see someone standing over Max. Blinded by my rage, I sprinted over to them and spun them around to reveal Orpheus' distraught face.


"A-Aurora?" he asked, a lone tear running down his face.

I noticed that he was trembling terribly, desperately trying to fight of his tears. I relaxed instantly and softened my features, embracing him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around my torso and sobbed gently, a sickening feeling rested in my stomach as I thought of what could have caused this but I just held him in the embrace, he never was one for crying, l especially in front of people. I opened my eyes and looked at Max who was now on his feet.

"What happened," I asked.

"They... they took Chase," he said looking down at the floor.

Orpheus pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"It's my fault... I should have been able to kill him" he blurted rubbing his puffy eyes.

"Kill who?" I asked hesitantly.

"Theo" he whispered.

Pain flashed across his face and he looked down at the floor in shame.

"It's NOT your fault," I said resting my hand on his shoulder "how could you kill him, he is your brother."

He looked up slowly and I gave him a soft smile to show him I was being genuine.

"Come on, they couldn't have gotten far," I said, walking towards the exit.

They followed me outside and I called Obsidian using my mind, to my relief he swooped down and landed next to me. I noticed that black blood dripped from his teeth and coated his talons, he must have killed at least fifty demons to have that amount of blood on him.

I looked ahead and noticed that Mr Albern stood in the middle of the field with a group of students surrounding him, and from what I could tell, the demons were gone. I ran towards them and was immediately taken into a hug.

"I'm so glad your all safe" cried, Lizzy a little bit too happily.

I Began to hug her back when something clicked, how was Elizabeth ok? I pulled away and stared at her threateningly.

"How were you not taken along with Chase?" I asked.

She shifted her weight nervously, Zack burst through the crowd but I never dropped why eye contact.

"Chase was taken?... how?" shouted Zack in panic.

said Max using the link.

"Tell them Elizabeth" I growled, standing up tall.

She winced at the venom that came from my voice and looked at me with glassy eyes.

"I'm sorry!" she shouted "they were meant to take you, not him"

My eyes darkened to a deep purple, she was the traitor all along. How dare she endanger my friends, there was always something off about that girl but now I know the truth.

"Why?" I questioned pouring as much hate as I could into my words.

She glanced around at the crowd pleadingly but nobody made a move to help her, not even the principle.

"T- they threatened to kill my brother" she blurted out. "A while ago I told Chase that he was murdered but he wasn't, he was taken by Emrick. I used Chase as a way of gaining all of your trust but..."

Tears began to roll down her face but I ignored them, because of her Chase was well on his way to being in the hands of Sebastian's guard. When I did nothing more, a couple of the third year students restrained her and began to drag her towards the school.

"I did love him" she shouted.

I had a hard time believing that so I turned to face the principle.

"We have to go" I stated.

To my surprise he nodded his head and signalled a couple of his students to move out of the way, they instantly parted to reveal Asher and Verity carrying all sorts of bags.

"I know," he said softly. " You must go the land of Solitudinem"

I nodded my head, it had been suspected for a while that Sebastion's followers were holding up in that land which was commonly known as the land of solitude. It was basically barren land, which contained little no life.

"It's mostly my fault that Chase was taken, they wanted to find a way to hurt me so they took him" I began turning to face Max, Zack, Orpheus and Shade.

Max tried to say something but I held up my hand.

" I am going to find him... no matter what, so I cannot ask you to come with me" I finished looking at each of them in turn.

"You're not going anywhere without me Princess" confirmed Shade stepping towards me.

"Are you sure? you don't have to do this because we are in the same prophecy" I said.

"Who doesn't like an adventure?" he shrugged, with a smile playing at his lips.

I nodded my head and looked at Max, Zack and Orpheus, they all stepped forward and nodded their heads.

"I'll follow you anywhere," said Orpheus with a smile.

"You should know that you can't get rid of us by now" laughed Max and Zack.

I smile at each of them in turn and threw Max his dagger. I signalled Obsidian over and vaulted onto his back. Shade, Orpheus, Asher and Verity each called their dragons and did the same. I watched as Verity pulled Zack up behind her.

"Let's go save Chase," I said, holding my hand out for Max.

He accepted it gratefully and jumped up behind me.

"Obsidian volar" I commanded.

He ran forward and pushed off the grass making the ground shake, within seconds we were soaring above the clouds at a great speed.

We were going to save Chase.

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