
Max's POV:

I watched in horror as Shade's body went limp and fell to the floor.

"Max!" gasped Orpheus, pulling my attention away from the arena.

I glanced over at him quickly to see that he was pointing down towards my belt, following his finger, I saw that there was a soft blue light shining around my sword, I drew it in front of me to see that all the engravings were lit up brightly, exactly how Asher said that they would be.

I looked at Orpheus in confusion, deafening shrieks sounded above us breaking our confused stares, I snapped my head upwards to see demons of all shapes and sizes flying straight for us.

"Aurora is still in the arena" I shouted as I began to run towards it.

I grasped on to the arenas wooden barrier and began to climb, my foot slipped through the grating and I felt myself being dragged backwards, I hit the floor with a painful thud and looked up to see Orpheus with a demon's heart in his hand.

He threw it to the floor and pulled me to my feet, pulling my arm harshly backwards.

"Well that was stupid," he said releasing my arm.

I shrugged at him and glanced around the area, the majority of demons were surrounding the arena, making it completely impenetrable, but there were others attacking students spontaneously.

"Come on, we have to help them," I said forcing myself to turn away from the arena.

"Wait... what about Aurora?" Asked Orpheus.

"We can't get to her" I reasoned, spinning around just in time to kill an approaching demon.

His face paled and he scanned the surrounding demons frantically.

"We have to try" he pleaded.

He began to walk towards the demons with his blade drawn. I pulled my sword from my belt and grabbed his arm spinning him around.

"Look, I don't like it either but Aurora can take care of herself. If we attempt to get in there, we die, they don't want us alive but they need her" I shouted, holding my blade to his throat.

He pushed me away and calmed down slightly.

"We can't just leave her," he said quietly.

"She is the most powerful girl that I know, if anyone can get out of there it's her. Come on, we need to help the others" I finished tapping his shoulder.

He nodded his head in defeat and looked at the sky in concentration.


"What are you doing?" I asked curiously.

"Calling the dragons" he replied with a smile.

I returned the smile and took off towards the medical wing, Orpheus stayed close behind me as we fought our way across the field.

"Chase!" I called out, heading towards the wing.

A heartbreaking scream pierced the air making my vision blur uncontrollably, it was Chase.

Anger bottled up inside me, my wolf form pushed against my humanity, begging me to let it out.

"Orpheus! come on" I shouted over my shoulder after noticing he stopped to kill a group of demons.

"Max! Just go" he screamed, fighting four of them at once.

Even though he wasn't watching, I nodded my head and began to run, I jumped into the air and landed in my wolf form letting out a ground shaking howl. A few of the demons guarding the medical turned my way and growled threateningly, I snarled back and then and bared my teeth accepting their challenge.

Five of them ran straight for me, I jumped up into a powerful run and clashed with the centre demon, locking my jaw around its neck. I landed on top of it and shook its neck violently sending a spray of black blood all over the grass.

I stood up over the now dead demon and looked at the other four, growling loudly. They all hesitated which gave me the chance to run swiftly into the medical wing.

I transformed back into my human form and slammed the door closed behind me causing the pursuing demons to run straight into it. I pulled my spare dagger out of my boot and forced it between the door handles to secure it.

Another scream pierced the air and echoed around the hallway before the room fell completely silent.

I advanced down the hallway cautiously, the only thing I could hear was the soft patter of my feet on the artificial flooring. I could see various shapes of human and beast flash past the thin walls as I passed which were beneficial in masking my presence.

I approached the door that led to the biggest section of the room and pushed it open slowly, it groaned under the pressure and snapped off its hinges, falling to the floor with a loud clatter. I sighed in frustration, so much for the element of surprise, I thought to myself.

I stood frozen in the door like an idiot while two vampires back stared at me in surprise. I looked around the room to see that Chase tied down to one of the hospital beds.


"Hi," I said awkwardly, with a sheepish grin on my face.

I mentally facepalmed, like seriously 'hi?' what the hell was I thinking.

"Max, what are you doing here" coughed Chase.

I looked over to him and noticed that there was blood coating his arms where the bounds were tied, they were wolfsbane soaked ropes. Wasting no more time, I ran full speed over to Chase and pulled at the ropes, burning my own hands in the process.

"Where's Elizebeth?" I questioned, panicking upon noticing her absence.

"Sh- She's work-" he began.

The air was quickly knocked out of my lungs when I was pulled away from Chase forcefully by a pair of strong hands, I span around and pierced the attacker's chest with my blade. He groaned in pain looked down at the blade angrily.

"We can't let you take him," said the other boy, who I recognised was the vampire from the village, Emrick.

"I wasn't planning on asking for your permission" I growled ripping my blade out of the other boy's chest.

I stood protectively in front of Chase, who seemed to be drugged with some kind of sedative and took them both in. I noticed that one of them looked strangely familiar, he had coal black hair, unusual blue eyes and a large scar running along the side of his neck.

He opened his mouth the say something when the ground began to shake, the light shining through the walls disappeared for a second before light plunged into the room surrounding us. I looked up to see that Chase's dragon Cobalt had pulled the roof of the building off completely.

I took this as my chance to unbind Chase, I helped him to his feet and dragged him towards the exit. A sharp pain erupted my back and radiated around my body, I screamed out in pain and looked down to see the edge of a blade sticking out of my stomach.

"Stop!" screamed the voice of Orpheus.

I watched in amazement as he ran into the room and stood in front of us with his hands held out in front of him.

"Well if it isn't my little brother," said the boy with piercing blue eyes.

"Theo" greeted Orpheus with disgust clear in his voice.

Of course! I recognised him because he looks almost exactly like Orpheus.

"I hope this doesn't complicate things," said Emrick sternly, looking over to Theo who was still staring at his brother curiously.

Theo shook his head and drew his sword.

"Of course not" he replied without averting his gaze.

As if on a silent command, we all ran forwards and meet each other head-on. I jumped onto Emrick and began trying to hit him where ever I could, he deflected all of my blows easily and even managed to land a few of his own. There was no way I could beat him.

He pushed me to the floor and send my sword sliding across the floor as he held his blade tightly to my throat.

"The boy!" he screamed looking over to Theo who was still fighting Orpheus.

I used his moment of distraction to use as much force as I could muster to push him off me. I plunged his own sword through his chest and sent it through the floorboards to hold him still. I grabbed his head and snapped neck to make sure he would stay down for a couple of minutes before I got to my feet.

I looked over to Orpheus to see him standing in front of Theo with his sword resting on his chest.

"You won't kill me, little brother," said Theo with a blank expression.

Orpheus stared at him for a couple of seconds before his hands began to began to shake, he pushed the blade into his brother's chest enough to draw blood before he dropped it in defeat, hanging his head in shame.

"You always were the moral one," said Theo with a thin smile.

A flash of green zoomed past me and when it passed Theo was gone along with Chase.

"NOOOOO" I screamed running over to Orpheus.

I looked up at the sky to see the humungous green dragon flying back towards us. I screamed out angrily and ran into the open. It swooped down skilfully and grabbed Emrick in its talons. I latched onto the side of its saddle and was swept away by its force, I began to climb onto its back but Theo noticed me and kicked me hard in the face sending me tumbling to the ground.

I landed painfully on my back and looked up to see Orpheus standing over me.

"I'm sorry," he said, allowing a single tear to fall down his face.

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