《A Mob Boss's Honour》12. Allies
Christian was sitting at a table at a fancy section of a restaurant and was looking at the menu in front of him as he was waiting for his grandfather to arrive. His grandfather had business in town and had asked for Christian to be brought to the restaurant after school so they could have a nice meal together while listening to the singing and music that was coming from the stage. Christian was not paying much attention to the show. His main attention was not even on the menu in his hand. He kept glancing up from his menu from time to time towards one of the tables in the far corner. The kid's name was Dean O'Brien who was Christian's age. Dean's father was the head of the O'Brien family. The O'Briens were on good terms with his grandpa and the Kavannaghs.
Dean seemed to be on a date with a girl who he had met a few weeks ago. Christian wondered how long their relationship was going to last. He dated a different girl every few months or so. Sometimes even every month. It depended on when he got bored with the girl he was dating at the time.
Christian was looking at his watch. He smirked. Any moment now he was expecting to see a priceless scene.
Not far from where he was sitting, his partner in crime, Connor MacKenna was sitting with his family as he was glancing at Christian from time to time as he was taking his time reading the menu in his hand. Connor from time to time brought his menu up covering his face and shaking his head at Christian at an angle that only Christian could see. Connor had Christian's back even if he did not agree with what he did.
Just then as Christian was looking at his watch and glancing at Connor smiling, his grandfather arrived. Christian stood up and greeted his grandfather. He waited for his grandfather to sit down while he took a good look at Dean and his date.
He sat down opposite his grandpa. He then continued looking at the menu and glancing up to Dean and his date. His grandpa was taking his time looking at the menu.
Christian then noticed one of the O'Brien guards walked over to Dean. He whispered something in his ear. Dean O'Brien's facial expression changed to anger and suddenly he became so livid that the waiters and his guards around him took steps back. Dean stood up and started shouting.
Christian held the menu up covering his face to hide his face. He was laughing silently. Connor mirrored his actions and was laughing too with the menu covering his face.
Christopher Kavannagh did not look up from his menu and said "Why is there shouting in this place? Some young people these days have no manners. This is a family setting and these young people are using curse words. This is outrageous. Right Christian?"
Christian finished laughing and brought down the menu. He looked at his grandfather and spoke in a serious tone. "Of course grandpa. I couldn't agree more. Some young people these days have no consideration and manners."
The waiter who was standing nearby waiting for them to order walked to their table and spoke apologetically to Christopher Kavannagh. "Sir. We are very sorry about the disturbance. Our personnel will work hard to resolve the matter. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused."
Christopher Kavannagh waved the waiter off without looking up. The waiter stepped away and stood silently waiting.
Christian looked at Dean who was angrily pointing fingers at the waiters and even by the looks of it some guy with managerial uniform of the restaurant shouting "How could you let this happen? You offered the secure staff car park to me. You said it was better than parking on the street. Now look what happened? How did anyone enter your car park and slash my tires. Obviously your car park is not secure enough."
The restaurant owner was now coming out and apologising to him. He offered to order repairs men to come and change his tires. Dean refused and said his own men were going to do it. Dean took this as an insult. Slashed tyres were an offensive act against him. An act of war. Christian understood it. But hotel staff didn't. His men were going to fix the tyres with no problem. The fact that someone had insulted him and had walked away was Dean's problem. In the end his date managed to calm him by kissing him and whispering words to him. Christian wanted to watch his full blown out rage. But only got to see a glimpse No thanks to that date of his that he was going to dispose of soon.
Christian was the one responsible for his tyres being slashed. No securely locked car park was secure enough for him. He had spotted Dean checking into the restaurant. He had heard about his car being in the secure car park. He had gone to the gentlemen's rest room while his grandfather's men had waited outside. He had slipped out, broke into the car park, slashed the tyres and had returned without being seen by anyone.
Christopher Kavannagh waved the waiter over while not looking up from the menu. "We are going to order. I want a glass of your special red wine as my drink. I want to also order today's special three course meal." He then put away the menu. He looked up at Christian "What are you ordering?"
Christian said as he looked at the waiter "I want your special three course meal as well ... I want lemonade as my drink." He then put away his menu.
His grandpa looked at the waiter and said "That would be all for now."
The waiter bowed respectfully after writing down the orders on his note pad and left as he said "I will be back soon with your orders sir."
Christopher looked at his grandson and said "Tonight... You can order any extras you want by the way ... but after you finish your three course meal."
Christian said "Ok."
Christopher Kavannagh turned in his seat to watch the performers who were singing and dancing on the stage. Christian turned too to look at the performers but then his attention went to a different direction and it was not Dean. He saw none other than Sean MacNab enter the room. He was with his mother Shannon MacNab and his sister Sorsha MacNab. They were led to a table and they sat down.
Sean was the same age as him and Dean too. Sean was smarter and more descent than Dean but just like Dean, he could be totally quite extreme in the way he dealt with things in life that were not exclusive to just business matters. Sean acted with more observation and intelligence but Dean had a short temper at times and acted spontaneously.
Sean's, Dean's, Connor's and Christian's families were part of an alliance that involved a few other Irish-American families too. But Sean, Dean and Connor were in Christian's circle the most because they were from the neighbouring territories. Christian was civil with Dean and Sean. Whatever friendship they had with them, if he could call it friendship was because of business and their alliance. Christian was much closer to Connor but this friendship came no where near the friendship he had with Gianluca, but it came close.
Christian's attention was totally on Sean and not on the performers now. He was thinking of what he could do to Sean.
Christian got an idea. He said "Grandpa. While we are waiting for the food, I want to go check out the youth games room. I heard that they have new games set up. Is that ok?"
His grandfather nodded. "I will get someone to come get you when the food is here."
Christian stood up and nodded. He then turned to the direction of Connor signalling for him to follow. Connor excused himself and followed Christian.
As Christian walked away, some of his grandpa's guards who were stationed around the room followed him too. Connor's bodyguards also followed him. Christian was planning to slip out again from the games room. He was going to make his way to where Sean kept his belongings in the cloak room. There was so much fun he could have over there.
Connor caught up to him and whispered "Do you want to pull another stunt? Do you? Your grandpa will not like it if he finds out how you are treating the sons of some of his closest allies." He then laughed. "You get a kick out of pushing the boundaries and rules. Don't you."
Christian replied. "He won't find out Connor. I know how to cover my tracks." He gave Connor directions to go wait in a corridor next to the games room keeping watch and wait for him to provide cover and distraction when he was going to cloak room. But he knew it was possible the plan had to be shelved if he could not slip away and he had to devise yet another plan. So he gave Connor a 5 minute window to wait there. If Christian didn't show up within 5 minutes, it meant that he couldn't slip out and their plans had to change and asked Connor to come to games room to meet him if he did not meet the 5 minute deadline at their spot.
Connor walked off.
When Christian entered the game room, one of his grandfather's men followed him in there too and he stood near the door. The place was empty but the guard came in anyways. So this plan was out of the window. He had to think of another plan. He noticed a chocolate candy dispensing machine in the corner. He walked towards it and dispensed some candy into his hand.
Christian walked around the room looking at the different games on display while eating candy and thinking of a new plan. As he was looking around, he saw none other than Dean come inside with his girl. One of his guards also came inside and took his stance at the other side of the door.
Dean and the girl were too busy kissing to notice him there. Not that it made much difference to Dean to be honest. He would have made out with this girl either way. Dean grabbed her hands and pinned her to the wall as he carried on kissing. The girl said "You are such a great kisser Dean."
Dean said "How do you know? I am the first guy you have kissed. Right? That is what you said before... You have nothing to compare it to."
The girl said "Oh... You are the second guy I have ever kissed actually."
Dean said "What? Get out of my sight now..."
The girl said "What? Why? What did I do wrong?"
Dean said "I do not date anyone who is second hand..."
The girl gasped "How can you call me second hand?"
Dean said "Fine. I won't call you second hand... You are some guy's leftover then..."
The girl said "That is so unfair to call me that... I am not like that..."
Dean said "You want me to sugarcoat it then? You are impure..."
His insults just got worse and worse. He got creative when he wanted to degrade others.
The girl said "But... I am pure. I have never you know... done what you think I have done with any guy..."
Dean ignored the girls further protests and called out to his guard and ordered her to be removed from there and escorted to the street. The guard grabbed the girl's arm, dragged her out and handed her over to Dean's other guards outside who took her away. The guard then went back to standing at the door.
Christian rolled his eyes. Dean was girl hopping all the time and that girl was not abstinent enough in Dean's eyes? Seriously? The guy was a hypocrite. Christian did not even bother to tell Dean that. Dean could not comprehend why how he was behaving at that moment was viewed as hypocritical . He was incapable of doing so.
Dean turned around cursing at the girl and then he stopped as he noticed Christian standing there watching him while eating candy.
Dean said "Christian? I did not expect to bump into you tonight. Who are you with tonight?"
Christian said "I came here with my grandpa... We are having dinner here tonight."
Dean walked to Christian "I did not know your people were here tonight. I wish my father knew about it. He would have come down here to say hello if he knew."
Christian said "I guess there are more occasions later on in future for your father to say hello to my grandfather..."
Dean turned to the guard standing at the door and ordered. "Get one of the guys to call my father and inform them that Mr Kavannagh is here."
Christian sighed. The O'Briens were all going to all show up here now. So much for a quiet dinner with his grandpa.
Dean turned to Christian "Do you want to play a game or two?"
Christian said "I need to get back. My grandpa and I were waiting for our meal to be ready so I came here for a few minutes. Maybe another time."
As he was about to side step him and walk away he saw Sean MacNab enter the room. He said "I didn't know there was a private party here. Why didn't you invite me to join the fun guys."
Dean said "I did not even know you were here. I did not see you man..."
Christian said "I was just leaving Sean."
Sean walked towards them and stood in front of the other two. "What's the rush Christian? We can catch up quickly. Can't we?"
Christian said "I guess."
Dean asked "Who did you come here with? Is your father here?"
Sean said "No. He was supposed to come but he is busy right now. Last minute work came up I suppose. When business calls sometimes, it calls unannounced. So I came here with my mum and sister. My father may join us later on if he finishes his business meeting soon."
Just then Connor MacKenna entered too and walked towards them as he raised an eyebrow "Hello. The gang is all here. What is the occasion guys to gather here?"
Sean said "I do not know. Ask Dean and Christian. I walked in here to escape the boring music performance out there and I saw them chatting."
Connor stood in front of Christian and said while looking at Christian even though his words were directed at him and Dean "Why didn't you tell me and Sean to come join you guys? I know you two are close buddies but what about Sean and I?" He just enjoyed hearing the irony here.
Christian looked at his watch. "Guys. I have to get back to have dinner with my grandpa. I do not want to keep him waiting."
Christian was about to side step them all and walk to the exit when Sean's words stopped him "Don't worry Connor. We will get more occasions to catch up from now on... All four of us can spend some quality time discussing business and life... It will be great for our business relations and alliances if you ask me."
Connor asked "Sean... What do you mean, we will get more occasions to catch up from now on?"
Dean said "Me and Dean are joining you guys in your school."
Connor asked "What?"
Sean shrugged "Our fathers arranged for our school transfer to happen in the next few days. Your school is doing so well in terms of academic results and making business connections with employers. You have good lecturers and better facilities than other Irish schools. It is a good academic and business opportunity to join your school. We four can also network and talk about business more too..."
Christian looked at Connor and then looked between dean and Sean "Then I guess I must say .... see you guys in school. We will have more opportunities to catch up later. I need to go..."
Christian walked away and Connor followed him out. Connor said "Did you know about this?"
Christian said "No. How could I know man? Do I look like a psychic to you?"
Connor said "I don't know... Nothing about you surprises me Christian... Do you think they will cause havoc in our school?"
Christian said "Well. You heard them. They said they are joining for academic as well as business reasons. They want to be close to us. We are their allies... It makes sense... But there is more to this decision to change schools... I think since our next door neighbour partner school has some Italian enemies attending it, those guys will be looking forward also to use every opportunity for gathering information on their Italian enemies. So this change of school is multipurpose for them for sure."
Connor said "Are you okay with them spying on that school? I thought you are friends with the Bellagions."
Christian said "Bellagios are not the only Italian crime family attending that school Connor. You know that full well. There are kids from at least a dozen or so Italian crime families attending that school the last time I checked. Dean and Sean know that they will make me into their enemy if they go after the Bellagios. They would not dare plot against Gianluca and his family so I do not give a damn about what else Sean and Dean do in our school to be honest if they take up keeping their enemies under watch. Let them cause havoc and knock themselves out while they are at it."
Connor sighed "I guess they have got one thing right... It is good for business. After all we are allies. We need to stick together even though we don't always share the same values and clash on some things. Allies have each other's backs..."
Christian nodded and parted ways with Connor. He reached his grandfather's table and sat down." Just then the food came.
Christopher Kavannagh said "You came back right on time."
Christian smiled "I know. I am good at time keeping. Its a natural gift of mine."
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