《Something changed that night》Game on (Part 4)


Vincenzo smirked slightly as he saw his girl walking out of the classroom towards them.

"Clarissa, why aren't you in class?" Tristan asked his sister.

She sighed, "The teacher got sick. So, when mom finishes her meeting she is going to come and teach the class."

"But what are you doing out here?" Tristan looked at her concerned. "Is everything okay."

"Yes," She smirked slightly, doing her best to ignore Vincenzo's penetrating gaze. "I just wanted to get some water."

Tristan smiled slightly, turning to look at Vincenzo. "I will just pop in to check on Vienna."

Vincenzo nodded. "I will meet you in class." They were late to class but he knew the teacher wouldn't bother giving Tristan and him detention.

Tristan's gaze was aggressive and unreadable as he looked at him and then at Clarissa who had turned to walk around the corner towards the water fountain. He stared him down for a minute and then walked into the classroom.

Vincenzo ignored Tristan's not so subtle warning. The lions were circling the den to protect their princess from him and he wasn't going to push back now but when he was ready there was nothing they could do to stop him from having his love. He turned around and walked in the direction Terza had gone. Finding her, he decided to lean against a wall as he watched her drink from the water fountain.

Clarissa gritted her teeth, wishing he would stop staring at her. His gaze made her feel warm and tingly, made her heart beat rapidly and she had no right feeling those things no matter what secrets there were surrounding his relationship with Letizia. "Stop it." She turned to glare at him, groaning as he smirked slightly.

"I'm not doing anything but admiring the view." His smirk widened as she rolled her eyes. He pulled out a handkerchief giving it to her.

She took it grudgingly as she wiped her face. "Thanks." She handed it back to him.

"You can keep it," He stared at her. "Preferably under your pillow." He grinned slightly. "It will help you dream of me."

She scowled at him, "As if I need a handkerchief to dream of you. I already dream of yo..." Her words trailed off as she realized what she was saying. She couldn't believe she had just said that. But she always felt so relaxed and comfortable in Vincenzo's presence even with the recent undercurrent of intense emotions between them. She felt she could be direct, honest, open about anything and he would listen and he wouldn't get offended, but now she had been a little too open and honest. "I need to get back to class." She groaned as he moved standing in front of her refusing to let her pass. His gaze was possessive, passionate, feral making her heart pound relentlessly. She tried to move around him, groaning as she found her back against the wall. She really needed to watch where she was going when she was trying to avoid him.

He moved forward smirking slightly as he realized their positions were now reversed. He placed each hand on the wall on either side of her head, his arms caging her in. This was becoming his favorite position when dealing with her. He moved closer to her, catching her cautious gaze, refusing to let her look anywhere else. He stared at her intensely, wanting to take her in his arms and kiss her passionately. "I am going to kiss you right now."


She gasped in shock, ignoring the excitement rising within her. Could his gaze be any more possessive or fervent? "Are you crazy? We are just around the corner from my classroom."

"You can't tell me that you dream of me and expect me not to do anything about it Terza." He moved closer, his gaze heated, feral, passionate, intense.

She stared back boldly at him, soon trapped in his heated, feral, impassioned gaze, not realizing it was a reflection of her own. Blue on blue, they stared at each other, caught in a current of stormy, fiery, passionate, fervent, intense emotions. She bit her lower lip unable to handle the intensity of these emotions.

"Terza," He groaned, staring blatantly at her lips, his gaze turning even more heated, fiery and passionate. He wanted to kiss her so desperately.

Those words again... ... soft, gentle, tingles, pleasure, the taste of soda mixed with something uniquely him.... She felt like she wanted to jump out of her skin, these stormy, fiery emotions so intense. Something broke over her tenuous grip on her emotions and she found herself unable to fight that magnetic pull towards him. Raising her trembling hand, her fingers touched his clenched jaw softly. Her eyes followed the path her fingers took as she traced a line gently down his defined jaw. Her finger touched his lower lip softly as she continued her journey down to his chin, sparks igniting wherever she touched, even as she leaned up to receive his kiss. She gasped slightly as his gaze turned even more fiery, passionate and possessive.

Sparks, tingles, that's what he felt when she touched him. He couldn't wait any longer. Bending his head, he leaned closer intent on getting his kiss.

His intent was clear in his stormy blue eyes, his passion for her drawing her towards him, she wanted him to kiss her passionately, she needed him to kiss her so she could kiss him back and maybe if he did she would stop dreaming about that next kiss so much. But yet some part of her brain which wasn't drowning in all these intense, heated feelings was afraid of what this kiss would mean. There was no dare, she hadn't challenged him, rather she had started being open about what she was feeling. How could she be this open when he had a girl? How could she want him to kiss her so badly? How could she want to return his kiss so desperately? Panic at what she would do, at crossing that line set in. She withdrew her hand quickly as if she had been burnt by a hot stove. What the hell was she doing? She put her hands on his chest ignoring the sparks she felt as she pushed him back. "I can't, we can't, I have to go. Move back Vincenzo, I have to go back to class."

He gritted his teeth, moving back, even as he kept his hands on the wall. He knew she was feeling this way because he had a 'girl' but he couldn't force her right now, in the vicinity of her classroom, to listen to his secrets but he also knew these emotions between them were powerful and could be overwhelming. He was trying his best to stay away from her and to keep up his charade with Letizia but he was finding it very hard to do. "Relax Terza it's okay to feel strongly, deeply." He hated that she was fighting what she was feeling but he knew she wasn't quite ready yet and it was partly his fault with this charade he was carrying out with Letizia. It wasn't her fault that he was an impatient, possessive, passionate male. They were two very strong, stubborn, feisty and passionate individuals who never generally backed away from a challenge and he wasn't surprised that the feelings between them would be so fierce, so intense and this was just in their teenage years and he had no doubt they would be explosive together as adults.


She stared at him, that steady though ardent look in his eyes calming her erratic emotions. "Easy for you to say."

He smirked slightly knowing he needed to lighten things up, "It's not that easy because you are so beautiful you made me forget my pick-up line."

She blushed slightly and then burst out laughing.

He grinned glad things had lightened up. But unable to help himself, because he was a possessive, feral jerk, he moved closer, his gaze impassioned and intense, "I will get that kiss before you run away for the summer."

She held him back with her hand against his chest ignoring the sparks she felt touching his rock hard muscles. "You do remember that small matter of your girl." She felt more in control of her actions.

He smirked slightly, "You hear my secrets, things will make sense."

"I did say I would slap you if you kissed me," She shot back.

"I remember, kinky," His smirked as she blushed slightly." But I will take my chances besides what is a slap in a lifetime of kisses. Anyway something tells me in the future you won't slap me when I kiss you. Rather I am sure you will be chasing me for kisses." His smirk widened as she rolled her eyes.

"You have to tame that ego Vincenzo," She retorted.

"Why should I? I am confident and I know what I want." He shot back. "And I always get what I want."

"Dream on," She countered.

"Oh, I do have plenty of dreams about you at night. And now I know you dream about me. Do you want me to tell you about my dreams?" He smirked. "You see I don't mind sharing my dreams with you. In fact, I would like that very much." Her blush was back now a deep red and he was having so much fun. "Last night I dreamt..."

"Oh no you don't," She interrupted, knowing her face was a bright red color. He was certifiable, having fun at her expense but she had to admit she was enjoying it. When he was this charming he was so hard to resist.

"Are you worried? I will keep it tame." He grinned as she rolled her eyes even as she fought back a smile.

"Oh goodness, you are bad," Her smile peaked out.

"I like being bad. It feels so good." He smirked, grinning as she shook her head trying not to laugh.

She smiled widely unable to help herself. He really was incorrigible. "Class Vincenzo. You may not get detention but I will."

"If anyone gives you detention, you come to me and I will take care of it." He stated fiercely.

"Yeah, I would like to see you take care of my mom." She shot back amused.

She had a good point, while he could charm Sancia Giovanni, he would have a very hard time convincing her to not give her own daughter detention. But he would still try. "I would still try."

She sighed, appreciating his sincerity. "Thanks, but I have to go."

He looked at her, "I will see you before you leave for the summer. But remember my warning Terza, no dating boys when you travel."

She rolled her eyes, "Bye Vincenzo." She tried to push him back, groaning as he wasn't budging.

"Just know this," He moved closer to her, his gaze dominant, possessive, fervent. "A worthy challenge, a good fight always invigorates me Terza and I get very inspired, imaginative and very resourceful," He whispered into her ear, groaning slightly as he felt her tremble a little against him. He would always affect her and she could never hide it. "And most importantly remember what I said about our endgame."

"I do have a choice you know," She smirked, her eyes twinkling even as she tried to hide how his nearness affected her.

"And I know you will choose very wisely," He smirked back, refusing to take her bait. She was dreaming about him, she had feelings for him, she had touched his jaw, his lower lip in an intimate fashion of her own accord and there was no way in hell he would let anyone else have her. She was his, just his and no one else's. He dropped his hands moving back to allow her to leave.

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head, trying to hide a smile as she moved past him to walk back to her classroom. She was in trouble, she had wanted him to kiss her passionately. She had leaned up to receive his kiss so she could kiss him back. And, she had touched his defined jaw, which had felt so strong a sign of his dominance. She had also touched his lower lip, so kissable and so warm under her fingers. He was a handsome, feral beast and he called to her in ways she didn't even want to understand. Soft, tingles, pleasure, the taste of soda mixed with something uniquely him..she was now convinced she would never get those words out of her head. Not with the way she was feeling about him. Not with that panic she had felt at barely stopping herself from crossing that line. Maybe it was just as well he had a girl, because she needed time to come up with ways to handle a feral beast like him. But when he came after her and she knew he would she wasn't going to make it easy even if he was single. 'Game on.' She rubbed her neck, groaning slightly feeling his impassioned, possessive gaze on her. Something had truly changed that night. She rounded the corner grunting as she saw her mother down the hallway waiting for her in front of her classroom, an expression of irritation on her face. Yes, she had a lot of explaining to do but it wasn't her fault if the water at the fountain tasted so good or the company that came with it was so charming and kept her quite occupied.

His smirk turned into a grin when she had rubbed her neck, knowing she could feel his piercing, possessive gaze which was fixed on her. Something had changed irrevocably that night, something indescribable. As she rounded the corner he turned to stare at the wall, thinking of her, of their near kisses, of all the fiery, passionate, stormy, intense emotions he felt when in her presence. Standing right there he made a vow to himself and her that he would have her in the end no matter how long and no matter what it took. He was willingly to fight to the ends of the earth for her, because she belonged to him always and forever. She was his love, just his and no one else's. 'Game on my love,' He smiled slightly to himself. 'Game on.'

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