《Silver Guns and Coffee Runs》1: The drinks tricked me!


"Hello princess," I said, bowing dramatically. Allura rolled her eyes and opened the door, allowing me to enter the Starbucks. I smiled and pointed my signature finger guns as I walked by. She smirked. "So, what's the schedule for today?"

"Serve coffee." Allura said with a deadpan expression. I fought to contain my snort.

"Gee, can't believe I didn't think of that." I said. She smirked and handed me my apron. I smiled at the doodles that I had made all over my name tag where the name LANCE was printed in flawless cursive. I tugged on the apron and prepared for a long day.

"Get ready," Allura said before switching the CLOSE sign to OPEN. I took a deep breath before putting on my most dazzling smile and asked the first customer their order.

Today was going to be long.


Allura's phone dinged for what felt like the hundredth time. I groaned as she refused to answer. "'Llura just answer the damn phone already!" I said. She huffed but picked it up. She rolled her eyes at whoever was texting her before placing the phone to her ear.

"Cosa vuole da me?" Allura asked. I perked up, listening in on her conversation. What was she speaking? It sounded...italian? (What do you want from me?)

A person spoke on the other end enticing a laugh from Allura. After a few seconds she stopped laughing. "Aspetta, sei serio?" (Wait, are you serious?) She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose before she gasped loudly. She had the look in her eyes that she only got when she thought of a devious plan. Or was planning on setting me up with somebody. "Resisti..." (Hold on.) She cupped her hand over the phone and looked at me.

"Lance? Are you free tonight?" she asked me.


"Are you free? Also, pose for a picture," Allura said before giving me three seconds to pose. I smiled, putting on my signature wink. She snapped the picture and laughed. "Perfect. Now, are you free?"

"That depends..." I said, tapping my chin. "What do you want to do?"

"We're going to a club!" Allura said in excitement.

"Oh fuck yes!" I said, pumping my fists in joy. "I'm so down!"

"Thanks Lance!" she said. She uncupped her hand and returned to speaking what I think might be italian. "Ok, porterò la mia single bi friend Lance al club. Se lo farai male, ti ucciderò. Fatto?" (Okay, I'm bringing my single bi friend Lance to the club. If you hurt him I will end you, got it?)


She then smiled, said what sounded like a goodbye and hung up the phone. "So who was that?" I asked.

"Some friends of mine. I want you guys to meet. You guys would get along so well," Allura said clapping her hands together. Then as an afterthought she added, "But if either one of them makes you uncomfortable, threatens you, or hurts you, you tell me immediately and I'll deal with it, okay?"

"Cool." I said, rubbing my hands together in excitement. Tonights going to be a lot of fun.


I sipped another drink that was gifted to me by some guys at the club. I knew I looked hot af. I was wearing booty shorts that made my ass look nice, and it showed off my long, toned legs.I was wearing fishnet stockings with my shorts and black heeled boots. I was wearing a crop top that showed off my abs and slender waist and it was light blue which brought out my ocean colored eyes. I was wearing winged eyeliner to make my eyes pop and white eyeshadow for contrast.

Yeah, I looked hot.

I was starting to get a little bit tipsy and Allura had left to find her friends that I was supposed to meet tonight. I'm a little nervous but honestly, I know I'll leave a great impression. As long as they're gay. I smirked to myself at the joke.

"LANCE!" I heard Allura call. I turned around to see Allura dragging two drop dead gorgeous men behind her. Ay dios mio...

"Hey! 'Llura, nice to see you. It's been a while," I said, smiling widely. I watched with smug satisfaction as the taller, buffer one's eyes trailed down my body. The shorter one with the mullet gulped.

"Lance, it's been twenty minutes." Allura said with a laugh.

"And in that time I've received six drink from strangers," I said. "What if one of them was roofied? I could've been drugged!"

"Stop being so dramatic." Allura said. I gasped loudly and fanned my forehead in mock hurt.

"Me? Dramatic? You offend me princess!" I said in a loud voice. She giggled. I then turned, pretending to have only just noticed the two sex gods standing next to me. "And who are these two hotties?"

"Oh right," Allura said. She pulled the taller buffer one forward. "This is Shiro--" she then pulled the shorter one with a mullet to stand next to Shiro. "--and this is Keith."


"Hiya boys," I said, smirking at them. "I'm Lance. Nice to meet you."

Shiro dipped and took my hand, kissing the top. I fought a blush. "Please, the pleasures all mine."

"Oh, a gentleman," I said. "Sexy." Shiro blushed, a scar that I hadn't noticed before turning bright scarlet. How cute. Keith nodded in my direction and I smiled at him. "Nice mullet." I said.

"What's wrong with it?" Keith asked, touching his hair and looking at me defensively.

"Nothing, nothing," I said with a laugh. "Just that it's a mullet."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Relax, hot stuff," I said,chuckling as I patted his shoulder. Fuck, he was ripped. "I'm just messing with you. But seriously---that mullet is hella outdated." I snickered as Keith huffed indignantly.

"Lance, how much did you drink?" Allura asked with a light twinkle in her eyes.

"Uh...like six vodkas and an assload of shots...like I don't even know how many shots I drank," I say, swaying slightly. I didn't realize, but the warmth in my stomach meant I was definitely buzzed off my ass.

Allura sighed and looked at me in disappointment. "La~nce," she said in a sing-song voice. "You know you shouldn't drink that much! You're a total lightweight!"

"Nu-uh," I shook my head. "I can hold my liquor just fine, thank you very much princess."

"You'll have to forgive him," Allura said, smiling proudly as she talked to Shiro and Keith. "He's usually not like this--well actually he is...just less."

"Believe me, we don't mind," Shiro said, eyeing me once more. I blushed under his heavy gaze and unknowingly licked my lips. He tensed and looked at me with pure hunger.

"Well, I suppose I'll leave you to it," Allura said. She then sobered and glared heavily and the handsome duo in front of me. "Non dimenticare Qualunque cosa accada a lui e non vedrai mai più il sole! (Don't forget, anything happens to him and you'll never see the sun again!)

"Non dimenticare chi lavori per ..." Shiro snarled. I blinked rapidly. (Don't forget who you work for)

"Damn, that's sexy," I blurted out. I laughed as he blushed darkly. Allura snorted and pecked me on the cheek before leaving. "Bye 'Llura." I said.

"You two seem close," Shiro said, sitting down next to me on the bar. I smiled thoughtfully as I stared at my drink.

"Yeah, we've known each other for a while," I say wistfully. "She's my best friend. She's been there ever since..."

"Ever since..?" Shiro gently prodded. I clammed up, curling in on myself.

"Nothing...It's nothing," I said, missing the way his eyes narrowed at my melancholy face. "So, tell me about yourselves. You two are mighty fine to be hanging around a place like this."

"Quite the flirt," Keith noted sourly as he sat down. His eyes raked my body and I smirked as his eyes lingered on my exposed stomach longer than necessary. He smiled appreciatively at my body and it did wonders for my self esteem.

"I try," I shrugged. "So, how did you and Allura meet?"

"We work together," Keith answered, downing a shot of whiskey like it was ginger ale.

"Oh, what do you guys do?"

"We're sort like salesmen," Keith answered. Shiro snorted but tried to hide it by drinking a cup of vodka. "We sell things together."

"Oh that's cool," I said. The bartender slapped another drink in front of me. I looked up in confusion. "I didn't order this."

"It's from that gentleman in the blue," the bartender said, pointing to a handsome white-haired guy. I smiled and waved at him. He nodded and returned his gaze to his drink. I took the drink and took a sip. It was fruity.

"So Lance, how old are you?" Keith asked. Shiro elbowed him but I only laughed at his bluntness.

"I'm twenty-two," I said. "Perfectly legal if you're wondering." I meant that as a joke but the way Keith's eyes turned dark with lust I knew that was a legitimate question. I gulped.

"You seem really nice," Shiro said, sending a glare to keith that I wasn't oblivious to. "Your girlfriend is really lucky."

"Oh, I don't have a girlfriend." I said, ignoring the way Shiro's face seemed to light up ever so slightly.


"Nope," I said, popping the 'p'. "I am a single pringle my friend. But I am, ready to mingle." Shiro laughed before he took my hand and pulled me out to the dance floor. As a last ditch effort to stay at the bar, I grabbed Keith's arm.

I ended up dancing in between the both of them all night.

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