《My Beloved Mate》Epilogue


^Josiah and Jedidiah Sanderson^ (11 months old)

"Da-da! Dada!" Jedi babbled when he saw Zechariah walk into the house. Josiah was screaming as he slowly crawled over to his father and kept on babbling. I shook my head and sat on the ground offended that they loved him more than me, yet I was carrying them for nine months and had to go through all the pain.

"My babies!" Zeck cried like a little child and picked up Josiah before walking over to me to get Jedi. He peppered them with kisses making them giggle and squirm. "I missed you all!"

I slowly got up and made my way to him. "How was your day?" I asked I took Josiah from him. Zechariah looked at me, astonished. "What?" I asked when I felt his stare, "is there something on me?" I rubbed my face making sure to get rid of something if it was on my face.

"No," he whispered as he closed the distance between us. "You're really handsome and cute."

His lips touched mine and I felt like I was going to melt into a puddle. "Mmnh." I groaned as I felt him lick my lips. I slowly parted my lips and grabbed his face and pulled it impossibly close to mine. The spins of slapping and a hard hit to my face made me stop in shock as I looked down at the culprit in my arms. "Josiah." I glared at my own child for being a cockblocker but he just gave me an innocent smile before turning to his father.

"You're such a cockblock!" Zeck cooed and took Josiah from me to spin them both around. They both giggle as they held on tightly to his clothes.

"You shouldn't say that. Their next word might be cockblock. Your mother will kill you if they say it in front of her." I shook my head as I went to the living room to clean up their toys.

"Why would she kill me and not you?" Zeck walked in with the boys in his arms.

"Because she knows I would never say bad words in front of my children. Unlike their daddy." I looked up and smiled. "How was work though?"

"Hectic as usual. But we found the boy that was taken from his parents three weeks ago and the kidnappers are rotting in jail somewhere." Zeck smiled as he put Jedi down and went to the bathroom to wash up. He would always wash his hands (if he remembered) before holding our children because their immune system isn't fully developed and won't be until they're about three. They basically have a human body system until their wolf genes kick in. "How was your day off?"

"Good and lazy," I replied white a smile. "Have you eaten yet?"

"No," Zechariah said. "I can't eat outside food anymore ever since you learned to cook. The rest of the food seems tasteless now."

"Good to know that my cooking can make you stick around longer." I joked but when I saw his face I knew he didn't take it well.

"I'll still stick around even if you made me eat dirt." He said seriously. I smiled slowly and walked up to my mate and father of my children.


I slowly wrapped my arms around his shoulder and pulled him I'm to a slow kiss. I licked his lips and he slowly opened his mouth to let my tongue explore his mouth. I heard him groan, which made me smile as I continued on. I pulled him closer to me, "thank you," I whispered on his lips before peaking him and turning away.

"You can tease all you want, I'll just make sure you're pregnant again by next week." He smirked when I turned around with shock and embarrassment.

"You won't mister, I'm not having any more children until our firstborns are about three or four. You can ask me again when the time is right." I smiled innocently at my husband.

"I won't ask, you'll just beg." He whispered in my ear before grabbing the dish off the counter and walking back to the dining room. Sometimes this makes me wonder if I picked the right man, but when I see him caring for Jedi and Josiah, I knew in my heart that he was it for me. I probably knew the first time I met him. "Isn't Flynn and Casey coming over with their two-year-old?"

"Yeah, I think they are late though," I answered. I looked down at the baby bottle and cleaned them before making milk for my two hungry babies. "Hikaru is dropping by too."

"Urgb!" Zechariah grunted. He still hated Hikaru after all those months even though he saved my life, risking his own. "He better not attack my children or I'll rip him to shreds."

"He won't," I said confidently as I shook the bottles and put the caps on. I carried and put it on the table to make it cool down so it wouldn't burn them. "Don't you remember him being there when they were born. He held them right after you did."

"Yeah, not the best moment of my life," Zeck mumbled as he sat got up from playing with the kids. "I'll just go change."

"Okay." I nodded as I put the twins in different play pins with a toy. Then I went to set the table. We were having guests over so if I had to set three extra plates. I smiled and thought about how life was.

I still remember the moment Parker and Nichole found out Zechariah was a werewolf and I was pregnant. I was about four months pregnant then and they were shocked and Nichole almost fainted. Parker was estates because 'she knew that supernatural beings existed somewhere out there', her words. They met the rest of the pack, little group at a time, and discovered that someone of the people they worked with was also werewolves. It took a long time for that pack to trust us all and I was happy that my other family could be included in happiness. Especially when finding out I was having twins.

I had invited them to have dinner today but Nichole just had a baby two days ago, via a sperm donor, and was at home resting. Their baby girl was the cutest and had beautiful eyes. They wanted to spend time with their newborn and I completely understood that because after I was conscious and was able to hold my children, I didn't let anyone get near them. When we came back home it was even worse. But eventually, people from the pack and my other friends were allowed to visit.


I heard a jingle and turned around to see Jedi and Josiah throwing one of their toys that made sounds. They had too many toys because the pack members adored them and my in-laws spoiled them, along with their other father. I heard a loud cry, followed by another and I knew they were both hungry. "Coming my loves!" I called and hearing my voice their cries turned softer.

"Are my babies hungry?" Zechariah came down the stairs and picked them both up and handed Josiah to me. I handed him a bottle and they both eagerly sucked the milk. I looked down at Josiah and noticed his eyes were droopy.

"I think it's nap time," I whispered and Zechariah nodded and we both walked to their nursery and rocked them until they were both asleep and had fished their bottle. I quietly laid Josiah in his crib and watched Zechariah do the same.

They both stirred a little but soft pats on their bums made them stop and start snoring. I chuckled and looked at both of my boys. I couldn't imagine life without them. Zechariah came and hugged me from behind and I leaned into him. I didn't have to speak because he already knew what I was thinking and I got the feeling that he was thinking the same thing.

We quietly walked out of the room and turned off the light, the blinds were already closed. "This is going to ruin their sleep tonight," I spoke as I walked down the stairs to finish setting up.

"That's okay, I'll be with them tomorrow and make sure they're back to their old schedule." Zechariah smiled and I shook my head.

Just then the bell rang and I went to answer because it was Zechariah he would be a dick to Hikaru. Turn out it was all of them and I smiled as I invited them in. "So good to see you again," Casey spoke as he hugged me and hugged him back.

"Yeah, it's been too long. How have you been?" I asked I opened the door and let him inside with Flynn. I hugged him too but it was still a bit awkward.

"Good, tiring because this little one won't let any of us rest." Casey joked making me laugh.

"Yeah, I can understand," I replied.

"It smells delicious, what did you make?" Flynn asked one they both had gotten rid of their shoes and hung their jackets.

"Nothing special." I smiled as I led them to the living room where Zechariah was.

Hikaru came around and hugged me. "Where are the twins?" He asked.

"Sleeping," I replied with a sigh.

"You sound like you just came to see the twins." Zechariah got up and greeted Casey and Flynn before starting his bickering with Haruki as usual.

"I came to see Lionel and the twins, so don't get you panties in a twist," Haruki replied back.

"Of course not. Why would I have it in a twist because of you? You're not important." Zechariah replied back.

"Oh? Is that so? Because every time I come here you seem to riled up about something." Haruki teases. "Are you thinking about cheating because I don't like you and I would kill you if you hurt Lionel."

"Ewww! Never!" Zeck cringed and stepped away form Hikaru.

"Let's leave them be." I shook my head as I led Casey and Flynn towards the kids' playroom so their little boy, Rehan can play. "Everything is baby-proofed in this room so don't worry about it."

"Okay," Flynn said and then turned to Rehan who looked at the rook in awe. "Go ahead Rehan."

Rehan ran towards the toys and I smiled.

We walked to the dining room and where the food was to see that Hikaru and Zechariah were seated on the opposite side of each other. I chuckled and sat next to Zechariah and as we talked and laughed.

Just then I heard a loud yell on the baby monitor and got up to check on the twins. Casey came with me while the outer there were discussing something about politics. I slowly opened the door to the nursery and turned on the lights because it was very dark, "hey there loves," I called out to them so they were scared. Jedi was sitting up in his crib and when he saw me he screamed. I laughed and picked him up before I went to Josiah's crib. He was laying down and when he saw my face he laughs and held his arms towards me. "Can you help me change their diapers?"

"Sure," Casey smiled and helped me change them and then put their pants back on. "Having kids really changed us all."

"Yeah, Zechariah even more. He's more playful now." I answered.

"I can see that," Casey laughed making me laugh as well. "Okay let join the rest okay? Are you ready to meet you, a new friend?"

I was holding Josiah because he was a little grumpy. We walked downstairs and I handed Josiah to Zechariah as I ate my dinner.

After a while, Josiah joined Rehan and Jedi as they all played together. I went to the kitchen to get wine and handed everyone a glass as we watched TV and the kids while joking around.

I looked around and saw Zechariah looking at me and I smiled back. I was glad that I met Zechariah and he "courted" me. I was glad that I was his mate because, without him, I wouldn't be this happy with my family and wouldn't have met amazing friends.

I was glad that I met my beloved mate, who I get to spend the rest of my life with.

So that's it. This is the end, happy ending for Lionel and Zechariah. Thank you for reading and supporting me throughout my journey in this book. The first time I wrote about this couple was when I was about fifteen and I just wanted to make their story a little better with my improved writing skills, so thank you for sticking around.😂

I am sorry for updating late or not being continuous. With the pressure of senior year and applying to college and the COVID-19, it has been a hectic 2020. Hopefully, it'll be better soon, and see you all in the EXTRA.😘


Asfee 🖤

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