《Stay With Me Always》Bonus Chapter


3 Years Later

People always tell you how life doesn't work out the way you think it would and that is true. I don't think I ever planned on falling in love, having a serious relationship, marriage, or even having kids but it all changed when I meet Ashley.

Ashley and I got married a few months after the proposal. It was a small ceremony with only our family members. She already had a big flashy wedding and she didn't want another one. I was happy either way. All I wanted was to marry the love of my life and have a wonderful life together. We've had our share of ups and downs but in the end, it is the person you love the most that matter.

It's been three years since the day she asked me to marry her and we're so much stronger. In the beginning, you keep thinking your relationship is perfect but later in life, you realize it doesn't matter. Some things will always be bigger than your relationship and as long as you stick with each other, it is going to be okay.

I felt a kick on my thigh. I realized I've zoned out at a very important moment. "Yeah?"

"You are daydreaming? Are you kidding me?" My wife glared at me from her hospital bed. She was mad, very mad which made me smile.

She kicked me again "Hey, that hurts" I winced in pain.

"You're smiling. This seems funny to you?" Complained my very pregnant wife who has been in labor for the past three hours.

"Honey, it is going to be okay. You-"

"Shut it" she snapped at me. "Your talking is making it worse."

This was our first pregnancy and we were still adjusting to it.

All of a sudden she started closing her eyes and eventually passed out.

"What-what's happening? Is she okay? Is the baby okay?"

"Mr. Vince, you'll have to wait outside. Please" the nurse requested.

"But my wife-what-"

"We'll take good care of her. Please wait outside. It'll be okay"

I sighed and came out. I wanted to be in there with her desperately but I understand the doctor's concern.

I saw Liam standing with a nurse talking. I walked up to him. He looked up "Shouldn't you be inside?"

"They said they need me out"

"Oh," he dismissed the nurse and gave me a shoulder squeeze "Don't worry. She'll be alright and so will be the baby"


I nodded "Hopefully"

"I'll go check. You wait here"

I sat down on the hospital chair. I was so terrified of all of this. It hasn't been an easy pregnancy. It took us almost a year to get pregnant. Because of her last abortion, Ashley was having difficulty conceiving. We must have visited a thousand doctors because of it.

It was all very hard on Ashley. She felt guilty and insecure about our relationship. She thought I would leave her because we couldn't have our own family. She couldn't have been more wrong. I was disheartened about the fact that we may never have a kid but knowing I had Ashley was all the reassurance I needed.

We were so grateful and overjoyed the day we found out we were pregnant. I still remember the day she told me as if it were yesterday.

This project is being a pain in my ass literally. With all the appointments with the doctors and disappointing results, I'm not in my best state of mind and can't give my best to the designs which are causing a lot of strain on my new project.

I was giving some notes on the changes to my manager when the door swings open to reveal my perfect wife with her perfect smile. it is so good to see her smile after all the stress that's been going on in our lives. I know it isn't easy for her but I also know she trying her best and I'm proud of her for that.

"Hello Mrs. Vince" my manager greeted her

She gave a small smile "Hello Kent, how are you? And please, just call me Ashley."

Kent laughed "Sure, Ashley. I'm doing great. Thanks for asking" he turned towards me "I'll see you around"

I nodded and he left. Ashley sat down in front of me and I spoke "You didn't call me before coming?"

She raised her eyebrow "I didn't think I had to"

"No no, I didn't mean it like that. I meant what if I was not in the office. I could've been on the site."

"I finished my work and came straight here because I had to tell you something. It is urgent, it can't wait"

I turned around and sat beside her "What?"

"I had to inform you that you're getting a new name soon, possibly a promotion in your designation"

"What? I don't know if you remember or not but I work for myself, you're not my boss any more. Can't decide my promotions, sweetheart" I kissed her and got up to get a glass of water "And name? Why the change in the name? You love it"


"Yeah I like it but I don't think so it would be nice if our baby called you David."

"Yeah. But you know that..." I said absentmindedly and took a sip of the water I was holding. I realized what she said and I choked on the water. "What?" I whispered

She got up and held me "We're having a baby. Finally"

I don't think I could've ever asked for something as beautiful as the life I'm given.

"David?" I heard a familiar voice and looked at mom.

I hugged mom "You came?"

She smiled "I can't wait to be a grandmother"

"You're already a grandmother, mom" I heard Layla who came in with Ashley and I's entire family.

"I was going to say again. Obviously"

She nodded knowingly

"Is Ashley doing okay?" Ashley's mom asked in concern.

"Yeah. Liam is there too. She'll be okay I guess" I too was nervous.

"Don't worry. I've got a strong daughter" she said and she said it right.

After what felt like ages, my anxiety completely draining me off, Liam came out.

He came and stood in front of me with no readable expression and it was making me more nervous "It is a boy" he whispered so softly but my ears heard them correctly.

Thank god my mom held me or else I would've passed out because of happiness. I don't think I imagined going this far and now that this moment is here, I'm overwhelmed.

"Can I meet them?" I asked hopefully

"Sure. Go in" he patted my back and rushed inside.

My eyes first land on Ashley who had her eyes close. She looked extremely calm. This is the most calm I've seen her for a very long time.

I finally reached our baby and look at him in complete awe. All my fears about being a dad were bubbling up but I didn't care, I looked at my son and I knew it was all going to be worth it.

"You should hold him" I heard Ashley say softly.

"I'm a little scared that I might hurt him" I confessed

She gave me a reassuring smile "You're his dad. You can never hurt him."

I nodded and carefully placed my left hand on his little back and right hand on his neck for support as I read on those pregnancy books. I cautiously lifted him and placed him close to my heart, just where he belongs. I would trade everything for that feeling. I wish I could describe it in words but I couldn't. It is just bliss.

"Wasn't all of it worth it?" Ashley asked and I know what she was referring to.

I looked at our beautiful baby boy who was trying to open his eyes and smiled at my wife. This was my version of perfect, nobody can convince me otherwise.

The door opened and revealed my darling sister with her kids. "Mom! We want to see her too"

"Yaya! Come on" Layla came and asked me if she could hold him.

I gave our baby to her and made my way towards Ashley. I wrapped my arms around her and gave a soft kiss on her forehead.

"What are we going to call him?" Layla asked

Ashley looked at me and then said "Jace Thomas Vince"

I nodded with her. We had already decided on the names the day we found out we're having a baby.

After everyone held Jace, it was my mom's turn. She held him and I saw eyes getting teary. I know she's having flashbacks of the time she held me and somewhere deep down in her heart she's missing my dad. She finally looked up and gave me her beautiful smile which meant she was proud of me.

"Are you happy?" Ashley asked.

"Are you happy?" I asked her the same thing.

She kissed my nose "Couldn't be happier"

"We're a family"

This is what that'll make us happy even after fifty years. Our family. I guess I was stupid to think that I can't find happiness if I fall in love but I think I found all my happiness the day I fell in love.

I looked at Ashley and she was looking at our baby with adoration filled in her eyes. She might not voice it but I know she is just as glad as I am that she gave herself another chance and discovered how beautiful her life turned out to be.

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