《Stay With Me Always》Epilogue


"Keep it up, you're going to burn this place down" I screamed at David as I turned off the stove.

"Whattt?" He shouted, "what are you talking about?" He was playing video games which meant no attention to anything I was saying.

"You left the stove on. Whatever you were cooking, or trying to cook is now nothing."

"Oh. I don't know. It was water maybe, got distracted"

"Wow" I rolled my eyes

"Would you stop complaining? It is unbecoming. You should be grateful, not snippy"

"Grateful? You're reaching, don't you think?"

He paused his game and turned around. He raised his eyebrows "I'm reaching? I'm covering your ass while you're busy signing deals after deals"

It was true. Almost two months ago, my dad retired completely and I've been picking up his slack ever since. I'm spending long nights in the office and am hardly at home. David has been very understanding about the whole thing. He does get cranky once in a while since I'm missing a lot of date nights lately but we're managing.

"I don't even remember the last time I had sex.." I heard him mutter under his breath "a sex god like me denied of sex cause-"

I hit him with a spoon before he could finish that sentence.

He chuckled "that was aggressive. What happened to my sweet fian- girlfriend?"

He was about to say fiancé but stopped because that isn't true. It's been five months since the whole situation with the proposal. We sort out our differences and we're stronger than ever now but we never addressed the proposal. He didn't ask and I didn't initiate the conversation. I was still adjusting and I didn't want to rush anything. I wanted to give him time to be okay with everything but now in hindsight, it seems stupid. We love each other and we want to be with each other, we're just afraid to ask and get rejected.

I walk into our room and picked up my phone to call Serena.

Serena: Hello sweetie. How are you?

Me: I'm great, what about you?

Serena: Oh! Just perfect

Me: I'll need your little help

When I told her what help I wanted, she was so happy. She agreed in a second with no questions.

I came out with my bag, David was still very much into his game. I slammed my bag on the counter to check for my keys which got his attention.

"Going somewhere?" He raised his eyebrow

"Yeah. I'm going to work."

"Today was supposed to be a day off"

"Yeah, I'm sorry sweetie. I'll be quick, I promise"


He got up and came to me. He planted a kiss on my forehead "I love you. Come home soon"

I smiled and nodded. "Don't burn down the house. Don't cook anything, please."

He rolled his eyes at me and I chuckled before leaving.

David's POV

After Ashley left for work I went to work too. There was some pending, I figured I utilize my time sorting it out. I was in between my work when my mother called frantically saying she needs me there immediately. She wouldn't even tell me what the matter is.

She was freaking out which made me more nervous. My mom rarely calls me with a problem, she has always been very self-sufficient so when she does, it worries me a lot. I called Ashley to inform I'm driving up to my mother's house but it kept going to the voicemail. I left her a message and left immediately.

I drove so fast that I even scared myself. My mom wasn't picking up her phone anymore, I had no idea what was going on, Ashley was AWOL as well. This day has turned disaster in a matter of time.

I pulled over in front of my mother's house and frowned. The house was pitch black which was concerning since that has never happened.

I stepped inside using my key. It was dangerously quiet. I tried turning the lights on but it didn't work.

"Mom... Aunt-" I felt a blindfold on my eyes. I jumped immediately "what the help"

"Relax, nobody is kidnapping you" it was Ashley.

"Ashley? What are you do- where is my mom? Is she okay? Why am I in a blind-"

She cut me off by putting her finger on my lips. "Ssh. Wait for it"

She intertwines her finger with mine and guide to wherever she wanted to take me.

We were finally at the destination. She took off the blindfold and I amazed at the sight. My mom's backyard was decorated with twinkling lights and white satin cloth and I could see the champagne in the middle. There were also white and red roses. It was beautiful. So unexpected. This is what I would've done if I were proposing. I told Ashley this one time how-

I turn to Ashley immediately. She was smiling at me as she realized I figure it out. I told Ashley about this proposal idea one time in sleep. I was brainstorming at that time and this slipped up. It was the only reason I didn't do it. I wasn't sure if she knew or not but I didn't want to take any chances.

I shrugged "I love this. You just could answer me now"


She chuckled "I'm the one who is going to ask the question this time."

She held my hand "I've always been grateful for life. I got a second chance that most people don't get and that's something I'm very thankful for but one thing I'm most grateful for is that I met you. I realize how hard it is to be with me. My life is a crazy rollercoaster and things just keep popping out but somehow you've managed to stick around for everything. I even tried to push you away because I was so terrified but you didn't give up, most importantly, you didn't let me give up. I never thought I would have a second shot at a relationship, at love, at a future but truth be told, my life changed the day you bumped into me at that park. Even when I didn't know you, you somehow gave me hope. You're my rock, my strength and I would want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you." She got down on one knee "David Vince, can I be your wife forever?"

"Um.. okay. I can consider this" she got up immediately and hit me. I laughed and pulled her closer. I hugged her, I knew she was smiling too. We pulled away, our foreheads touching and both of us had the biggest smile "Yes, absolutely. I love you so much"

I rested my hand on her lower back and looked into her eyes with a warm smile. I slowly leaned in and put my lips on her. Just as our lips connected everything else faded, it was just two people who immensely love each other. As corny as it sounds, I wouldn't want to trade this feeling for anything in this world. I held her tightly and her hands made their way to my hair. It was a whole new feeling. I just want her to stay like this, in this moment everything is just perfect. I wrapped my arms tightly because all I could think about at the moment was her lips and mine. I was getting breathless and so was Ashley but neither of us refused to pull away, rather we were just pulling each other closer.

"Okay guys, save it for the future, will you?" I heard Layla's voice and we pulled away.

Ashley smiled shyly while I smirk.

I saw everybody come out. My family, Ashley's family, Liam and Jennifer, the kids, everybody we love was there to celebrate in on our happy occasion.

My mom rushed to me and gave me a tight hug.

"I'm so happy. Gosh, finally." She then hugged Ashley with the same enthusiasm "Welcome to the family."

"Mom, care to explain why are you so dramatic? You scared the hell out of me"

"Oh Hush, that was the plan. To keep you off balance so you couldn't figure it out. Worked like a charm."

I sighed "because I thought you were in some bad situation"

"That's called good acting. I made it believable."

"Let's raise a toast to the newly engaged" She raised her glass "To more happiness and more good-looking children around," she said and everyone cheered.

"I'm going to be the dapper grandma for sure," Aunt Emily said taking a sip

"Aren't you delusional?" Mom asked

Layla sighed "There we go again" and made his way towards her husband.

I threw my arm over Ashley's shoulder and pulled her closer. She smiled and rested her head on my chest.

"Are you sure?" I asked

She looked up "About?"

I pointed towards my family "To deal with this crazy for the rest of your life?"

She looked again and then with a small laugh said "I wouldn't want it any other way."

I smiled and hugged her again. I looked at her and she was watching our family in awe. Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I hadn't fallen in love with her. Would it be the same? But honestly, I don't know the answer because the moment I saw her, she had me. It might not be love at first sight or love at an instant but it was something about the sadness in her eyes that made me feel like all I wanted to do was make that go away.

No one will ever know me the way she knows me. Now that I look at it, I'm glad I didn't give up because I don't want to imagine my life without Ashley in it

"Hey" I called her "I forgot to give you something"

She looked at me curiously.

I took the ring I had in my pocket and showed her. She looked at it with surprise and adoration.

"You had it with you?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Ever since I brought it. I didn't want to leave it behind in case you find it and ruin my plans."

I took her hand and gently slide the ring into her ring finger.

"So, you gonna stay with me for the rest of your life?" she said smiling at me.

"Always." I completed her just like she completes me.

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