《Stay With Me Always》Fifty One


Ashley's POV

"Where are the pancakes?" I asked as I searched the kitchen.

"What pancakes?" David asked looking up from his laptop.

"The one's from the morning"

"Oh. Those. I ate them"

"Why? I brought them from Jesse's diner specially for myself. They're the softest pancakes in the world."

"I know. They were amazing" he said blowing me a kiss.

"I'm gonna kill you" I said and threw a spoon at him.

He dogged the spoon "Careful, lady. You could've killed me"

I went and threw myself next to him "You deserve it" I eyed him

He raised his hand in surrender "you do realise it is not breakfast time?"

"You can have pancakes anytime of day"

"Okay, let's make a deal. Tonight, you order pizza but tomorrow I'll wake up super early and get you those pancakes." He gave me a big grin

"You promise?"

He actioned crossing his heart. I nodded and picked up the phone to order myself a pizza.

"I'm gonna go and change" David said and got up.

It's been almost two months since the day in prison. We've had long chats and luckily we're in better place now. David is still a little concerned and sometimes on his toes worried sick for me but he's getting a much better hold of it.

"You sure you don't want to tag along?" David asked. He changed into a simple white shirt with sleeves rolled up and denim. It was causal yet super hot.

"No. Look, I know you and Layla haven't seen Rafael in a long time and now that he's here, you guys need some sibling time. We already had dinner the other night. You children have fun at your sleepover" I joked

He chuckled. He came over and gave me a kiss.

"Not a sleepover. I'll be back. Be safe"

I nodded. Rafael is in town for couple of days before he leaves for his next big adventure so David, Layla and Rafael are meeting at Layla's house and doing some catching up since Eric took the kids to meet their grandparents.

I took my pizza and a bottle of bear and sat in front of the television. I was extremely hungry. I hadn't eaten anything sufficient since morning.

I placed my plate in the sink and walked to the dining table to get a class of water when I saw an envelope sitting there.

It was from Aaron's lawyer. I sighed and pulled a chair to sit and see what was in it.

I took out the letter to read. I saw the writing and instantly knew the writer.

Dear Ashley,

It's all yours. I'm done.


I kept the letter aside and opened the papers. I read the papers carefully to know what has he given me. I was shocked, stunned. It was something I least expected, actually never expected.

I was the beneficiary to his estate and everything that's left from his trust fund. I didn't believe what I was reading. I must've read those papers hundred times. He loved his money, why would he just give me everything?


Liam came as soon as possible. He could let I was freaking out a little bit.

"What is this?" I gave the papers and letter to him.

"Your lawyer informed me about this later today"

"Why? Now, why in hell would he give up the most precious thing in the world for me?" I was so confused.

"Um.. He..uh." Liam hesitated

"Just say it"

"Okay. He has a aneurysm in his brain which needs surgery but it is risky, it is situated in that part of the brain where operating it would mean that the aneurysm could burst and he may die on the table."

"Okay and if they don't operate?"

"It may burst anytime on its own and he'll die instantly"

"So this is his last play" Liam lowered his head. "He knows I never wanted that money or anything related to his family. I gave everything up in the divorce because I never wanted to make any of those decisions for him. I hate the thought of it all and now he's torturing me by involving me in his life. Even in death, he wants to win."

I wasn't sure how am I supposed to feel about his impending death. I always thought when I would get rid of him for good, I feel some ease but I never thought getting rid actually meant death. I believe people would want me to be forgiving because I can't be angry at someone who is not going to be alive soon but I didn't want to forgive. He doesn't deserve anything from me.

Everytime I think I've outrun my past, it catches upto me. I've spent so much of my time distancing myself from his money, his dirty wealth and now all of it has fallen into my lap. I don't want the responsibility, I don't want to be in a position where I've to make a decision for him. I want to move forward and this is another trick he is playing to weigh me down.

"You okay?" I looked up to the new voice in the room. David stood next to me "Liam called me on his way here, I came as soon as I could."

"You ditched your siblings?" Was the first thing I thought of asking.

"They'll understand. How do you feel?" He held my hand

I frowned "I don't know. Did you know about this?"

He sighed "no, I just saw the envelope. I didn't know what it was about."

"Why didn't you tell me the second I stepped inside?" I snapped

"Because I didn't want you to worry about me worrying. I know you don't like that I keep thinking about all of it. I just wanted you to do it on your own."

I sighed but didn't say anything. He was right, I've been worrying about David. I know it's not easy to stomach that your girlfriend's ex husband is in prison. He's been putting a brave face but I see his worries.


"What are you gonna do?" Liam asked.

I looked at him. "Can I decide tomorrow? I don't know the answer right now."

"Sure, I'm going to leave you too. Goodbye" Liam said and left.

I cuddled with David and he instantly pulled me closer "You didn't tell about that girlfriend of yours who threw pasta on your face because you didn't laugh at her jokes. "

He started laughing "It was hilarious. Sure want to know about it? Just don't be jealous. "

I hit his chest "Shut up"

He kissed me and started narrating the story. This is how he makes things easy for me. There's alot of things that are bothering me and he's aware of it still he would want me to enjoy what comes my way and think about those problems when time comes.

Next morning I got up and was ready to do what I thought was the right thing. I called my lawyer and he informed me Aaron was in the hospital. He agreed to have the surgery.

"Are you going somewhere? Office?" David asked coming out the room.

"No, somewhere else and you're coming with me."

"Um. Yeah okay" he replied and went inside to get dressed while I picked up the papers my lawyer left me.

We parked the car and stood in front of the hospital Aaron was in.

"Hospital?!" David said looking at the house.


We entered the hospital together. His extended family was there. Some of them knew me all too well. It wasn't a comfortable walk but I was aware I had to do it.

I spotted his mother sitting next to his brother. His mother was holding Aaron's brother's hand as she silently sobbed. If I didn't know any better I would say she was genuinely hurting but I know her, I know this family all to well. All they care about is power and money. His mother was no exception.

"I want to talk to you about something" I spoke up. There was no point sharing pleasantries and pretending to like each other.

She turned towards me "came here to celebrate his impending demise? Because there is nothing else I can expect from you."

I frowned "is that what you think of me?" I shouldn't be surprised, she never did like me. None of Aaron's family member ever liked me even after everything, they blamed me.

"So, what, you're here out of concern? I doubt that considering you're the one who's responsible."

"I'm not responsible for anything. You're ignorant, that's your problem but don't you stand on some high ground and tell me that I made the wrong decision. Your son hurt me, he gave me scars I can never forget, both physically and emotionally. The only thing I did wrong was hoped that he would change."

I could hear David's heavy breathing. He was hurting too, because of what he had to hear. In that moment, I would've given anything to make our lives simpler but I was aware if I don't face this, I never will.

She didn't say anything, neither did Aaron's brother. They stared at me.

"I won't take much time. Aaron gave me everything he had. All his money, his properties, all of it and i-"

"Came here to rub in? Doesn't surprise me since that's what you were after in the first place. Tricked my brother into believing you're some good little girl who loves him until you showed your true colours, threw him in jail and he took everything he had." David a took a step towards him but I stopped him. I didn't want him to stoop to their level. They're insufferable and the last thing I need is for them to give any satisfaction. They don't effect me.

"When do you want us to vacate our home so you can take that away?" Aaron's mother asked.

I handed her the papers. "Never. I've given you all the power to decide whatever the hell you want to do with his sin money and have absolved myself from any and all responsibilities. I don't want any part of it. You want power, you want money, you got it. Fight among yourselves and do whatever you want to. I don't want anything from your son or your family."

"Really? You're giving up all of this without any conditions? That's crap"

"Read it. It's through. No loopholes, no conditions for me to excise power. It's all in there. I just want a life without a shadow of Aaron."

David and I were lying on our bed. He was playing with my hair, which is one of my favourite things. He hasn't said much since we've returned.

"You okay?" I asked

"Yes. Ya. I'm okay. Why?"

"You look lost. Is something bothering you?"

He took my hand and put in on his heart "I'm just worried about you. I can't even begin to imagine what you went through, what you're going through. I wanna help but I don't know how or if I can. There's this whole part of your filled with pain and agony. I-I-" he trailed. I could tell he was struggling to find words.

"You're helping. You've been helping me even since we met. You broke my walls, you showed me I could love again, that I could have a future. Don't you ever sell yourself short. Whatever happened, it wasn't your fault. You've done something I'll always be grateful for. You gave me a second chance and I love you for it."

He smiled and kissed my nose before pulling me closer "I love you too."

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