《Stay With Me Always》Forty Five


Ashley's POV

I entered the room and found David lying on the couch. He was clearly exhausted from all the cleaning.

He noticed my presence and sat up "I thought you were sleeping."

"I was, for a little bit then I started checking some e-mails."

He raised his eyebrows "work, huh?"

"Don't worry, I didn't do any work. I just took a little peak."

"Serena!" Emily entered the room with a big box in her hand. She put the box down and glared at David. "Your son is such a whiner. He kept complaining the whole time."

David rolled his eyes "I'm the problem? The whole place is filled with unnecessary junk. I don't see the relevance of keeping crap and I honestly don't understand why Rafael needs all of this."

"He just said he wanted some of his stuff. He'll pick it up from Layla's home."

"He needs the dead snail house? That can't be right." David turned towards me "Ashley, can I've a glass of water?"

"Sure" I turned and took out a bottle.

I came back with the water and gave it to him.

I picked up the said snail house and looked at it. "What's the story?"

"Oh man!" Serena sighed "I think Rafael was four and David must be six when they went to a park to play with our mother. At that park, Rafael found this snail-"

"Dead snail" David corrected.

"Yes, dead snail. He thought it was a turtle and brought it back home. Both of them tricked their grandmother and sneaked that dead thing into the house."

Emily chuckled "they built this little house for it. We had no idea what was happening. So when I was putting him to sleep, I saw this poorly constructed house with a dead snail it in. David knew it was a snail but he convinced Rafael it was a turtle and Rafael would follow David to the end of the world, he loves him so much. I kept telling him to throw it away but he wouldn't. I mean how do you explain death to a four year old who thinks snail is a turtle."


David laughed. Serena hit him. "They were both such a disaster together. Our mom used to babysit them, they drove her nuts. They drove my little girl nuts." Serena added.

I smiled at David who was laughing. I picked up the glass and went to the kitchen. I was washed the glass and put it back when David walked in.

"Hey" I said softly.

He smiled. He didn't say anything. He just leaned on the kitchen counter and stared at me. His eyes were filled with adoration. It gave me a strange sense of belongingness.

"I like when you smile. Your eyes twinkle. It is the damnedest thing honestly. I see that twinkle in your eyes and somehow everything seems a little less chaotic."

He came and stood in front of me. He held my gaze, placed his hand on my cheek, lean in and kissed me. His lips lingered. I felt warmth radiating through my entire body. It was a short sweet kiss but the gesture spoke so much more. It was a little things yet it meant everything.

I'm still not comfortable with public display of affection and I knew there were eyes on us but the moment we shared was so powerful.

I was so surprised that I couldn't move. He noticed something so minute, something I didn't even know my eyes do.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Serena. She was smirking which made me turn every shade of red. I was embarrassed. I'm still uncomfortable around people and even though I'm trying really hard, it still takes time.

Luckily, she didn't say or ask anything. She gave me one last smile before leaving me with my thoughts.

The best kind of relationship is the unexpected one. You don't pick someone and cross your fingers hoping it would work. You meet someone and even though your instincts tell you to walk away, you still don't. You meet the one person who defies every logical, rational explanation you can think of. That is the relationship worth fighting for.


I look at David and a calm settles me. I can't say what but he seems to make things bearable for me. Some people survive something traumatic and go quiet but it is important to find a person who can help you find your voice.

"Ashley!" I heard Emily call out my name. "Someone is calling you, sweetie."

I took my phone off the charger and saw the caller ID. It was Liam.

Liam: I've called you five times since morning. Where have you been? Are you alright?

Ashley: Sorry, I'm fine. My phone died and then it must've switched to vibrate. It is a whole thing. Anyway, what happened?

Liam: I had something important to talk about. Is it good time?

Ashley: Sure. What is it?

Liam: Um.. your lawyer wants to meet you. He said-

Ashley: My lawyer? Why? There's no pending lawsuits. I filled all the documents on time and I did everything she asked me to.

Liam: Not the company lawyer. Your personal lawyer.

Ashley: No.no.no. that's not possible. Why would he- is Aaron.. um.. Liam, what is happening?

Liam: Aaron is up for parole. He has been a ideal inmate and there's overcrowding so they're considering parole. Maybe community service. That's a after thought after the parole hearing.

Ashley: I don't understand. He can't be out. It is not how it was supposed to be

Liam: Look, it is huge and I can't begin to understand what you're going through but this isn't why your lawyer wanted to meet you. Aaron has submitted a request to meet you before his hearing.

I was silent. I think I was processing the news but I didn't know how to.

Liam: We can discuss it when you return. We'll figure it out, okay? I know this is upsetting but just, hold on, right? I'm here and your parents are here. We'll get through this. I'll mak-

I hung up. I didn't know what to say and I clearly wasn't paying any attention anymore.

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