《Stay With Me Always》Forty


I was full from the delicious breakfast we had. The pancakes were just heaven. We entered but I heard some faint voices so I stood at the hallway. I held David's hand asking him to be careful and see what's what first.

We took a few steps to get a clearer view. It was Serena. She was talking to a man. I know that man, I can tell who it was anywhere. His face is awfully familiar. It was David's Dad.

I looked at David who was surprised and looked a little pale. This is definitely difficult for him. We didn't move or make any sound. I felt bad about eavesdropping on Serena but I didn't know what else to do.

"I've been calling for days now. It's been months now. How long is it going to take for you to answer my simple request?" David's dad said.

"I told you I needed time. Also, this is my house, you shouldn't be here. I'm sure your wife won't approve of it."

"Okay, keep her out of this. I get you're angry at me and you got every right to be but just, keep my wife out this conversation. It isn't about her."

Serena sighed. "Yeah. I'm sorry. Look, I understand but I need time and I need a way to-"

"They're my kids, Serena. It has been years. I can't take it anymore. I know what happened between us is unfortunate but you gotta help me out here. My kids don't even know me. You've no idea how miserable that makes me."

"Cade, this isn't an ideal situation. What happened between is was unfortunate and unforgettable. I can't just forget everything, forgive you and let you in. You made your choices, now I need time to make mine."

"I've been patient a really long time and I know I made a mistake. I've taken that responsibility but you've to meet me half way. I need to know my kids, atleast have a chance to make things right. They're my children. Can't you understand this?" David's dad pleaded. It was sad. He look genuinely remorseful.

"She can't understand because she doesn't have to. We never had a father, we don't want it now. You can leave." David spoke in a cold yet calm voice. It was scary.

"David, son-"

"You don't get to call me that. We've no relation with each other. Look, I don't care what you talked to my mom about but you're not getting in any second chances here."

Cade looked so sad. Serena was hurting too. This was such an inopportune situation.

"I can never justified what happened but if you would just hear me out you would-"

"Did you not understand what I just said?" David cut him off again. "I don't care. I don't give a damn about any explaination you've to offer me. You left and didn't look back so you don't get to come here and tell me some crappy story as to why you did what you did. I want you out of this house or else I'll throw you out myself."


"David." Serena shouted but David just kept glaring at his father. Cade finally gave in. He sighed and left eventually. He had alot of things to say, I could tell but it all went unheard. I've never seen David this angry. He was like a completely different person in that moment.

"This is why you wanted us to come home so badly? Plastering Layla to get down her with the kids? How could you! That man destroyed our family, he destroyed you and yet here we are, getting swept up in his nonsense." David snapped at Serena as soon as his father left.

"You do not talk to me like that. I'm your mother. I understand what you're going through but that is no excuse to treat me like a-"

"You cannot be serious. You were going to ambush me with that man and you're the one who gets to play the victim. You didn't even ask us if we wanted to see that man again." David's tone was too loud. Serena was hurting. It is difficult to hear your kind talk to you like that.

I was standing two feet behind him trying to give their family some space but I knew I had to stop David before hurts his mother any more.

I walked upto him and placed my hand on his arm "David.." I whispered but he removed his hand. He rejected my touch.

"Not now, Ashley." His tone lacked warmth, emotion. It was cold.

I didn't know what else to do. I knew he was hurting as well but this wasn't the first time a man I love rejected my touch. I didn't want but it brought back all the bad memories.

I rushed back to my room. I felt out of breath down there. There was alot of tension and him rejecting my embrace brought back so many unpleasant memories.

I didn't realize when it happened but lately I've stopped being myself. I'm not happy anymore, I'm scared. My marriage feels like a prison cell and my husband seemed to have disappeared somehow. Before we atleast used to talk, he used to apologise for his mistakes but now he just pretends nothing happened.

I walked upto him and next to him on our big bed. I wanted to talk, I wanted to know where we were in our relationship. I wanted to know how longer will I've to live in this fear. I miss the romance, the laughs, the stories we used to share. I miss when you used to watch movies and fall asleep talking about it. Now all I wish for is get by without making my husband angry. I keep praying that today will be the day he'll apologise for the mistakes he made.

He looked at me and smirked. I know that smirk. I've started to despise that smirk.


He put his laptop down and pulled me closer. He tried to kiss me but I turned my face. I wasn't looking for this. He started kissing my collar bone. He was moaning.

"Uh.. honey.." I tried to talk but that didn't stop him.

I should be more into in. My husband wants to make love to me. I should be thrilled but instead was pulling away. This is all we've left now. All we do is have sex whenever he wants to, doesn't matter if I do or not. We don't talk about anything anymore. We don't talk about the scars or the bruises or the damages he has caused me.

He slipped my strap and started kissing my neck. He grabbed my left boob and massaged it. I could tell it was all turning him on but somehow I was unfazed. I didn't feel the passion anymore, it wasn't love making. It was just sex now.

I closed my eyes hoping this would be over soon and then we can finally talked. All of a sudden I felt him stop and he got off me. I opened my eyes and sat up. He pulled away from me and lit his cigarette, another disgusting habit.

"What happened?" I asked carefully

He glared at me. "you tell me. I'm kissing you and you're feeling nothing? Am I not attractive enough for ya or you're getting it from someone else?" Things he say disgust me. I can't imagine he would talk to his wife like that.

"It's not.. I was just wondering maybe.. we could you know go out. Have a date night of sorts. Talk a little bit. We haven't talked in a while."

"Oh? So I gotta spend thousands of bucks on wooing you to get laid? Then why the hell did I marry you." He snapped.

"I just wanted to talk" I whispered

"I come home after all day of hardwork and hardship. I'm tired beyond limit and I want to spend the night making love but you can't seem to grasp it, can you? You don't want me relaxed. You think you're some unique princess who's everything wish is supposed to come true. Can't you just for once behave?"

I didn't say anything. Nothing I would say or do matter. I got up and stood in front of him. I smiled a little before kissing him. I wasn't sure why I go through all of this but I didn't have the energy to fight.

He pushed me and dropped his burning cigarette on my foot. I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not but this isn't the first time he had threw his cigarette on me.

"I'm not doing it with you anymore. You ruined it. This it your lesson. You're such an ungrateful bitch that your husband is rejecting your touch. Your touch is making me cringe so I'm gonna go and get hammered. Maybe I'll find someone in the bar to relieve my stress." He laughed and left.

I didn't want him to go out and look for hookup but sadly I didn't care enough to stop him. I looked at the phone. I wanted to call my mother and hear her voice but I was afraid hearing her would break me. I don't want her to worry. I made a choice, a decision and I've to stick with my choice. Maybe there are better days.

I was staring at the phone debating whether or not to call my mother. I know David is nothing like my ex husband and I trust me but my memories are too unpleasant. I can't seem to getaway from there.

David came in and sat down next to me on the floor. I wiped the stray tears and looked at him. I could see the warmth again. I could tell he was feeling better but sadly, I wasn't.

I was trying to get over the memory of that horrible moment but the events of David rejecting my hand to me thinking about the incident kept playing in a loop. I was relating them together even though I know I shouldn't.

"What happened?" He asked politely.

I didn't know how to tell him. It wasn't fair to him. He is going through something and it isn't fair to compare him to my asshole ex husband.

I hesitated but decided to tell him anyway.

"When you jerked my hand away, I felt rejected. I know that you were overwhelmed and it was tough situation and it isn't fair to hold that against your head. I've a lot of issues and.. I'm just scared that one day you're going to realise you could do a lot better than me and leave. The sad part is if you do leave me, I can't blame you because I'm aware how screwed up I'm."

I looked at him for a reaction but he sat there quietly. His eyes gave me no clue as to what he was feeling. I was feeling anxious and impatient but I didn't want to stress him any more than I already have.

He got up and left. I saw him leaving and I wanted to stop him. I wanted him to talk to me. Tell me how he felt but I let him go.

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